wilson county, texas zoning map

The Official Zoning Map shall be identified by the signature of the Mayor attested by the City Secretary under the following words: "This is to certify that this is the Official Zoning Map of the City of City of Hays, Texas." (2) Changes. Results Display Disclaimer For the most current ownership information please change the search year to 2023 2023 Values are preliminary and subject to change. Flood Risk Data Map El Paso County Viewer, FEMA Region 6. . State Comptrollers Office Property Taxes. Getting around can be dangerous. The layer also includes wetlands landward of the coastal facility designation line, generally within one mile from the shoreline, along the extreme inland reach of certain tidal rivers and streams. X - TOTAL EXEMPT PROPERTY, (BPP Property Only) (Hold Ctrl/Cmd and click to select or deselect multiple), J1 - WATER SYSTEMS 88958 CASANOVA LAURA 92508 SWBC AD VALOREM TAX ADVISORS (click here for more information), Permits are available thruEmergency Management/9-1-1 142366 REAGAN J ORR LLC Operational Hours Mon-Fri | 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Visit & Explore. 124660 DAVID SADDOCK FT - STORAGE TANKS GA - GAZEBO Also known as Lidar data, this information is available on a compact disc. 144046 ALEXADRIA BUSTILLOS Please be advised that complaints will not be taken anonymously or over the phone. POOL HSE - POOL HOUSE 75660 O'CONNOR & ASSOCIATES 78376 WILSON & FRANCO The tax rate will effectively be raised by 4.69 percent and will raise taxes for maintenance and operations on a $100,000 home by approximately $16.87. Phone: (512) 943-1474 67376 GATES WILLIE MAE Third party advertisements support hosting, listing verification, updates, and site maintenance. CountyOffice.org does not provide consumer reports and is not a consumer reporting agency as defined by the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). FS - FLOWER SHOP 97087 TAX RECOURSE LLC If you would like to receive the latest information from the City of Corpus Christi, subscribe to receive emails on our 91815 STEEVENS & WILLIAMSON 142222 MARIA TEJADA 126250 ALBRECHT ELIZABETH 144045 ROSE CALDERON Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Chief Appraiser Jana Herrera, RPA, CCA . Sketches are useful to Residential Appraisers, Foundation Repair and Lawn Care businesses. RB - RELIGIOUS BLDG 92323 SHAW WAYNE ALTON C1I - LOT (NON-RESIDENTIAL IMPS) 143731 DARYL JOHNSON (512) 268-2522 (512) 713-0563 [email protected]. SF - Floresville ISD 82710 CHAVARRIA RAYMOND III & GRACIE Maps. FEMA Disaster Service Assistance Team Schedule (2015) FEMA Disaster Assistance Flyer (2015) State Disaster Proclamation (2015) Federal Disaster Declaration (2015) Ordinance No. Texas 79901 (915) 212-0000 or 3-1-1 . OK As new leases are added, expired, or terminated, they are removed from the active layer. KY * Downloadable Lists and mailing labels require Credits. 110090 SWBC AD VALOREM TAX ADVISORS 93287 RYAN LLC MM - MEAT MARKET Inner Loop Annex 149418 ALAMO AD VALOREM 78619 KASPER GERALD W 143770 PATRICIA KOPECKI 89160 K E ANDREWS & CO - ROWLETT 142081 DOROTHY BUTLER LAW FIRM changes to a homes square footage (indicating a remodel or home addition), and more. 830-393-7300 The charge depends on the amount calculated by the Department handling the request. Boundary between state and federal jurisdiction, located three marine leagues (approximately 10 miles) offshore in the Gulf of Mexico. 110271 MERIT ADVISORS LP Liberty County Voters Precinct Map; Available Job Openings. 69812 OUTSOURCING SOLUTIONS GROUP . Wilson County GIS Maps are cartographic tools to relay spatial and geographic information for land and property in Wilson County, Texas. 82764 BAYER FRANKLIN DEAN Accessory Structure Building Permit Application Checklist (PDF), Accurate Building Plan and Property Information Memo (PDF), Affidavit of Understanding for Replacement and Temporary Living Structures (PDF), Commercial, Industrial, Institutional and Religious Building Permit Fee Schedule (PDF), Home and Addition Building Permit Application Checklist (PDF), House Plan and Addition Information (PDF), Serving as Your Own Contractor and Workers Comp Affidavit (PDF), Residential Stairs, Ramps, and Handrails (PDF). 142071 AURELIO RENE GUTIERREZ 144434 JESSE GARCIA STL CONT - STEEL CONTAINER Williamson County, TX - Maps & GIS Data Williamson County Maps and Data This site is the clearinghouse for maps and data produced by different County departments. 144379 DEBRA WALLESCH WA CW - CAR WASH Contains tracts identified as owned by various state agencies (universities, Department of Criminal Justice, state parks, Texas School for the Blind, and other Non-PSF lands) that have a mineral interest, whether all or in part. How can I see the agenda for Council or Board meetings. 141825 ROBYN MUENNINK GIS MAP. 124682 RYAN LLC BV - BANK VAULT 110358 OHNESORGE FRED 136788 JASON KUTAC FL 72574 YOUNG DAVID A RR - RESTROOM Districts are subdivided by county. City Charter Official City Map & Survey (2016) City Zoning Map (2019) Future Land Use Plan (2014) Future Land Use Plan Map (2014) Capital Improvement Plan FY 2023 to FY 2025 (2023) Multi-Year Capital Program (2012) Proposed Street Improvement Map (2012) City Council Rules of Procedure (2017), 2019 Municipal Annexation Service Plan Annexation Ordinance 2019-005 2019 City Limits of the City of Floresville Annexation Resolution No. Geocortex Viewer for HTML5. WW - WATER WELL/TANK, A - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE TRLSPC - TRAILER SPACE 110360 HENRY G MANGER Our adopters pledge to clean a designated stretch of Texas coastline, a minimum of three times a year for two years. - Existing permits and private agreements. CO - COVERED PORCH KS Public beach access points mapped by the GLO, in cooperation with coastal cities and counties. Any permits issued before the original effective date of the ordinance from which this chapter is derived; or. J1 - WATER SYSTEMS Custom bulk data is available. Use Zoneomics, to search for real estate records and find the precise property data you need. 124640 RYAN LLC These are usually residential homes, but sketches for some commercial buildings may be available. The sign-up link will be available Friday the afternoon prior to the scheduled Zoning Commission hearing. 124325 ASSESSMENT TECHNOLOGIES LTD GIS Maps are produced by the U.S. government and private companies. 153.004. 73434 MINARD RALPH A II At this time check, cashier check, and money order are the only forms of payment accepted. 1, Wilson County Commissioners Court Rules of Procedure, Wilson County Criminal Justice Community Plan, Wilson County Renovation and Construction Projects, Floresville Electric Light & Power System, Stockdale Chamber of Commerce and City of Stockdale, Proposed Wilson County Tax Abatement Policy, Health and Public Safety and Fire Marshal Office, Provided by the Texas Association of Counties, Duties & Responsibilities of County Officials. 100387 PROPERTY TAX RESOLUTIONS/JUDY RENTFRO Development Services Maps & GIS Maps & GIS Click here to visit the City of Galveston's official GIS website. 129996 THE ALBANO GROUP LLC Liberty County Central Appraisal District. 142072 RACHEL GUTIERREZ 124395 INVOKE TAX PARTNERS 130143 PROPERTYS TAX LAW Call us at (817) 310-1077 for delinquent data pricing today, FIELD APPRAISER POSITION & DATA ENTRY POSITION OPEN, How to Present Your Case at Appraisal Review Board Hearing for Homeowners, How to Present Your Case at Appraisal Review Board Hearing for Small Businesses, Information for Landowners Interested in a Wildlife Tax Valuation. 144096 AMANDA S MILLS Updated 2023. SC - SC 135747 INTAX INC 110376 AMERICAS PROPERTY TAX SOLUTIONS WILSON CAD-WILSON TAX INFO 2023. The Wilson County Appraisal District nor the local government officials have the authority to change the laws. 124587 OCONNOR & ASSOCIATES In addition, the Division maintains the City's property record database which provides information on all properties within the City limits. 78299 PROPERTY TAX ADVOCATES 149415 SHANNON GALVANIZING 83067 DORIS LEE GM - GAME ROOM 78341 RAINBOLT & ALEXANDER LLP CP - CARPORT/PATIO 141935 SCOTT SISTI Download PDF Map. J4 - TELEPHONE COMPANY 144520 ZARATE ELIANA 136605 CYNTHIA LOPEZ 91069 LEGACY HOUSING LTD Geographic Information Systems 1390 W. Expressway 83 | San Benito , TX 78586 Office (956) 247-3501 | Fax (956) 361-8226 Cameron County G.I.S. 129989 GRANT THORNTON LLP 70083 LAW OFFICE OF DOMINIC CARVAJAL, PC 88546 GRANT THORNTON LLP CH - CHICKEN HOUSE General Land Office, W. C Walsh, and August Gast & Co. Map of Wilson County. LT - LEAN-TO BAR - BARROOM CT 124701 BDO USA LLP The Texas Coastal Sediments Geodatabase (TxSed) contains sediment-related geospatial and geotechnical data. About Us Contact Us This plan includes a Land Use Plan (PDF, 49KB) which takes into account existing land use, development trends, and policies, which guide zoning decisions in the form of a map of proposed land use patterns. MB - MFG/MACHINE SHOP 144111 ANABEL PARDO 135971 RICK ESSER-RSM US LLP This GIS page contains a collection of dynamic, interactive mapping tools that provide access to the vast collection of spatial data available at the agency, as well as download links for our authoritative datasets. IN 80253 PAPE RONNIE 78206 ALAMO ASSESSMENTS The Wilson County Development Services Codes and Zoning Department is in place to enforce the regulations set forth in the Wilson County Zoning Ordinance. $120,000 Last Sold Price. 95970 KERRY ESQUIVEL Sketches are useful in determining the square footage and footprint of a building or improvement. HV - VETERINARY HOSPITAL AcreValue helps you locate parcels, property lines, and ownership information for land online, eliminating the need for plat books. 80096 DOEGE RONALD 149638 ANDREW GAUNA Find your perfect beach! Get In Touch. MA E4 - NON-QUALIFIED AG LAND The Zoning Map for the City of Tyler in Texas divides the city's real estate into zones based on land use and building regulations. Zoning Map: zoning districts with property search Floodplain Map: floodplain and floodway designations Parks Map: parks and park facilities Political Boundaries: Council districts and election precincts, includes new districts to go into effect August 2022. AP - APARTMENT(S) Districts are subdivided by county. Information found on CountyOffice.org is strictly for informational purposes and does not construe legal, financial or medical advice. 110353 ASSESSMENT ADVISORS 146926 LYNETTE SUMNER 104977 BROWN SMITH WALLACE LLP City of Wilson GIS Services 75087 SOLIS MANAGEMENT COMPANY INC METAL BLDG - METAL BLDG 133989 JIM TAUBER ANDERSEN TAX LLC 130230 MARY CANTU MT Areas, designated by the Oil Spill Regional Response Team VI, where in-situ burns are prohibited. Every two years, lawmakers have an opportunity to improve that process. We are dedicated to serving the citizens of this community in every way possible to ensure that property taxation inWilson County is fair and equal. F2I - COMMERCIAL REAL (INDUSTRIAL IMP ONLY) E3 - FARM OR RANCH NON-RESIDENTIAL IMPS 92299 MARY M RAMIREZ Find the zoning of any property in Harris County, Texas with this Harris County Zoning Map. Please contact the Geospatial Team at Geospatial@glo.texas.gov or +1-512-463-4352 with questions, comments, concerns. Classification conducted by the University of Texas Bureau of Economic Geology. 137774 CYNTHIA BURGESS 92585 ESTES & GANDHI PC NV 78326 DAVID A YOUNG & ASSOC [Austin, Tex. 130045 DENNIS J DROUILLARD 142340 MARGARET HOOVER 136538 KAREN GARZA As such, any grass height complaints that pertain to properties that exceed 2 acres in size will not be taken or investigated by this office. ID GAT - GARAGE ATT 144105 ANABEL PARDO Real 78369 CHEP USA 88856 HUNT MR & MRS WILLIAM F Property GIS Maps are displayed on property detail pages in Wilson County, TX for all registered members (where available). 143893 KAREN ANGLE BEYER Our goal is to provide our users with accurate, usable information to assist in easily finding any data regarding property taxes inWilson County. Interactive Map. Tracts that have been nominated for the Oil & Gas lease sale. & Health and Public Safety and Fire Marshal Office, Wilson County Courthouse 142378 ORALIA VELA The AcreValue Hale County, TX plat map, sourced from the Hale County, TX tax assessor, indicates the property boundaries for each parcel of land, with information about the landowner, the parcel number, and the total acres. 144112 ANABEL PARDO Those desiring to submit a complaint may do so by coming into the office and filling out a complaint form in its entirety, or you can fill out the Online Complaint Form. C3 - VACANT LOTS SHED STEEL - SHED STEEL (MTL SIDING) P.O. Online Forms. Oil and gas platforms or wells that are above the waterline, located in GLO-managed waters (bays or the Gulf of Mexico). 110545 CHARLES AKIBBE 136632 ANN PURCHIS Real estate professionals can help their clients price their property accurately, make a reasonable offer on a home, or negotiate a deal. C1 - LOT (RESIDENTIAL/VACANT - 5 AC OR LESS) AE 144547 ROGER WHEELER 124706 ARTHUR P. VELTMAN & ASSOCIAT. 149310 KATHARINE NEWMAN J6 - PIPELINE COMPANY County Office is not affiliated with any government agency. A4 - RESIDENTIAL (TRAVEL TRAILER USED AS RES/OWNS LAND) 1801 9th Avenue North. F1 - COMMERCIAL REAL PROPERTY (IMP & LAND) In 2011, Williamson County began a program to resurface all asphalt county roads on a cycle with a goal to complete all roads over a 10-year period. 130509 FLORES FRED 59532 L C & CONSULTING REAL ESTATE SERVICES 124674 STEVENS & WILLIAMSON In-depth records research is necessary to make an actual determination of mineral status. Common Links BARN - BARN The Land & Lease Viewer displays upland and submerged Original Texas Land Survey boundaries, Permanent School Fund land, upland and coastal leases, oil and gas well locations, and current aerial imagery. 9,583 Sq. 78458 PROPERTY VALUATION SERVICES You are welcome to call the office with any questions you may have, or you can come in to see us where we have access to maps, plats, and other useful documents and information to help you explore your project options and ensure that you are abiding by county zoning requirements and regulations. GR - GROCERY STORE Read our Privacy Policy and Social Media Terms of Use. type: 124683 TAX ADVISORS GROUP None 110194 MICHEL GRAY LLP ME If you need to obtain an address (to get telephone service, utility hook ups etc.) Every link you see below was carefully hand-selected, vetted, and reviewed by a team of public record experts. Grass and weeds may not be permitted to grow above 24 inches high, on individually created lots with less than two acres of land encompassed within the said lot. 107670 QUATRO TAX AG - ATTACHED GARAGE 110606 RYAN LLC The Texas Hidden History map viewer provides a glimpse into the past of the great state of Texas. 144095 AMANDA S MILLS CP - Poth City B1 - MULTIFAMILY (APARTMENTS) process. 141605 ALBERT GALVAN Search for Texas plat maps. CO Editors frequently monitor and verify these resources on a routine basis. 70276 AMERICAN AD VALOREM TAX CONS E1 - FARM OR RANCH RESIDENTIAL Mapped as part of a joint project involving GLO, TPWD, and other entities. AK 124503 LERETA, LLC Tax Sale & Trust Property; Tax Re-Sales; Understanding the Property Tax Process; 2023 Capitalization Rate; Senate Bill 2 Truth-In-Taxation; Contact; Links; PAY TAXES HERE 107470 CENTURY TAX & AUDIT LLC A1 - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE 124679 RYAN LLC Monday - Friday8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Boundaries were created by combining the 10-meter offshore bathymetric contour and the three nautical mile line. 80047 BETTENCOURT TAX ADVISORS LLC 78432 RYAN & COMPANY City Hall. 142068 KEITH KOLODZIEJ 68397 HEGWOOD GROUP INC If you have a specific question about a map or data, please contact the contact name listed on the map or in the metadata document that accompanied the data files. OR 78291 ALBERT MENN & ASSOCIATES 104978 DELTA PROPRTY TAX ADVISORS LLC Maps used by various departments or the entire County are posted here when they have been cleared for public access. 147790 JUAN VICTOR VALADEZ JR 149423 ELIZABETH NIEMIETZ 86084 BEAMAN DONALD COY & MONA MARIE TX 16876 VDLOC 2sided Flyer US SBA Disaster Assistance. Nearby homes similar to 140 Phil Wilson have recently sold between $120K to $799K at an average of $185 per square foot. 2015-019 (2015) Ordinance No. AR 136687 LOUIS RETAULT The County's Geographic Information Systems (GIS) staff help departments by providing the infrastructure and tools to create the maps and data they need. AR - AUTO REPAIR CS - Stockdale City, SA - Falls City ISD Monday - Friday 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Chief Appraiser Lana McCarty RPA, RTA . GA 149927 DOUG WILDENSTEIN. The Zoning Map for the City of Williams Township in Pennsylvania divides the city's real estate into zones based on land use and building regulations. CS - CONCRETE SLAB 124622 PROPERTY TAX COMPLIANCE RES Nearby States: Oklahoma , New Mexico , Louisiana , Arkansas , Kansas . The Property data comprises Zoning information by aggregating: Municipal zoning mapping. Luckily, we have safety tips for all the ways you like to travel. 126254 QUINTANILLA GLENDA CY - COURTYARD Search Type: 144044 JEANNIE BARRE 124378 BP AMERICA PROPERTY TAX DEPT The Wilson County Planning Department serves as a central point of contact for development related matters such as: rezoning requests; land subdivision proposals; commercial, industrial and multi-family development proposals; site plan review, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Mapping. 80595 MOY LORAINE M Monday to Thursday8 am to 5 pm on Fridays, 233 E Gay Street Courthouse Annex Lebanon TN 37087. 110084 PEISNER JOHNSON & COMPANY LLP ASTG - ATTACHED STORAGE 124565 MODERN TAX GROUP permitted uses . 130185 CLYDE E PENNARTZ Web design, development, and hosting by Drewa Designs. 149308 GREGORY HYSAW Wilson County Courthouse 1420 3rd Street Floresville, TX 78114. They set the laws that guide the property valuation process. 136593 DUCHARME MCMILLEN & ASSOCIATES PH - PHARMACY 104660 PRINCIPLED PROPERTY TAX 69659 POPP, GRAY & HUTCHESON LLP How can I see the agenda for Council or Board meetings? Driving Directions Use the provided tools to generate reports for ICS forms, identify sensitive habitats and species, view maritime information, query spatial data, and other mapping activities. 144318 DEAN ESHELMAN 88761 VELA RACHEL 141975 HOME TAX SHIELD 78172 PROPERTY TAX COMPLIANCE RESOURCES C2 - VACANT COMMERCIAL LOTS These datasets ARE NOT suitable for navigational purposes and do not purport to depict or establish boundaries between private and public land. 94076 DUFF & PHELPS CB - COMMERCIAL BLDG All rights reserved. Texas Parks & Wildlife; Maps. 82238 PAPE CARLTON 57619 REBECCA SANTOY Every two years, lawmakers have an opportunity to improve that process. Applicants may submit a completed Preliminary Check form to the Department via email at PDaddressing@houstontx.gov or by mail to: Addressing, Planning and Development Department, P.O. TC - TENNIS COURT BC Oil and Gas Leases managed by the Texas General Land Office. FZ - FERTILIZER STORAGE/TANKS GIS Department 80255 TIGRETT THOMAS J 124535 KPMG LLP DC - DAY CARE CENTER SWIM POOL - SWIM POOL EB - EDUCATIONAL BLDG 2019-012. 80327 MOY JOYCE TH - THEATER Interactive Map. 80273 CASTORENO CATHERINE DCP - DETACHED CARPORT This version does not require a third-party plugin and is compatible with most mobile devices. For survey-level accuracy, supervision and certification of the produced data would have to be performed by a Registered Professional Land Surveyor for the State of Texas. With this interactive map, learn which stretches of Texas beach are available for adoption. 67339 CASTRO RICHARD & OLGA P L1 - COMMERCIAL PERSONAL PROPERTY 110086 LANDMARK WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT LLC Wilson County Infrastructure Requirements for Lodging & Recreational Vehicle Park Developments .

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