uss pope ww2

During the lull in the battle, my thoughts turned to the men topside, who were directly engaged in the battle: the gun crews, ammunition handlers, gun loaders, machine gunners, torpedo-men, the officers directing them, and those involved in directing the ship. She first served with the Yangtze River Patrol 9 September 9 October 1923 and continued to make her presence known through repeated patrols until 1931. Notable exceptions were duty off Japan in connection with the United States Army "Round the World Flight" in 1924, a visit to French Indochina in 1926, and a visit to Japan in 1929. Unable to stop the spread of war, Piusthe first pope to use radio extensivelymade a series of Christmas broadcasts in which he returned to a number of themes raised by Benedict XV during World War I. The Shark was attacked and destroyed at the same time, adding 87 more Americans to the missing. In the evening of 28 February 1942, Exeter and the two destroyers left Soerabaja and proceeded north. These started making bombing runs at our ship. Flooding worsened as Pope maneuvered to evade six more bombers,[4] and only one crewman was lost as the crew boarded life rafts when flooding could no longer be controlled. Pope was initially placed in reduced commission at Philadelphia and assigned to Squadron 3, Division 39 of the Atlantic Reserve Fleet. This is a list of aircraft carriers of the Second World War. They sailed from Surabaya in the afternoon of the 19th. She was struck from the Naval Register on 26 October 1990. On exploding, it opened or split some of the plated near the stern, and water began pouring into the after section. HrMs TM-13 (?) In them he looked forward to a new world order that would supersede the selfish nationalism that had provoked the conflagration. On 5 May 2010, after resting nearly forty years at anchor in Suisun Bay, the General John Pope was towed to Pier 70 dry dock for hull cleaning at BAE Shipyards, in San Francisco Bay. These forces were split into two groups. Pius's relations with the Axis and the Allies may have been . About the time the enemy cruisers found the range, USS Pope made smoke without having received the order to do so. Pope manages to escape only to be bombed by Japanese aircraft which leaves her unmanouverable after a near-miss. Though my wound was of a superficial nature, several others received more serious wounds. We were, possibly to the man, thinking she went down as all good ships should: fighting. J.E. Course was immediately altered to 320 degrees to try to evade but these cruisers were also seen to turn towards. The only Asiatic Fleet destroyer that received any . A couple minutes later, I guess the Japs realized we were abandoning ship and they ceased firing at us. Two days later, on 22 November 1966, the General John Pope departed Oakland Army Base with the second of two elements of the 199th Light Infantry Brigade, elements of the 1st and 2nd Brigades of the 9th Infantry Division, and the 58th Field Depot. They used a firing pattern that is known as "the ladder". Otis Elevator Vintage. But its armament was still impressive: sixteen five-inch anti-aircraft guns, 145 25 mm anti-aircraft machine guns, and twelve multiple rocket launchers with 4 . During the Second Battle of the Java Sea, Pope and HMSEncounter were directed to escort the severely damaged British cruiser HMSExeter away from the action. Lacking air cover, Dutch RADM Karel W.F. Movements of the Allied ships during the night. Japanese surface and air forces launched an attack the next morning, midway between the islands of Java and Borneo. Around 1120 hours, HMS Exeter received a vital hit in 'A' boiler room which started a large fire and the boiler room had to be evacuated. When the two British ships were destroyed by gunfire shortly before noon 1 March 1942, Pope found temporary refuge in a rain squall. Rear-Admiral Doorman therefore wanted to attack them in three waves. Unknown to the Allies at this time was that the ships had already been spotted by Japanese aircraft shortly after they had left the harbour and the Japanese deployed their forces in the eastern part of the Java Sea to intercept them. The Snook was lost six months in the Luzon Strait later on April 8, 1945 with 60 onboard. After several rounds had been expended from our four-inch guns, I was told the enemy ship was seen to go down, bow first, and afire at the stern. The AWM caption suggests this is a "local modification" of Measure 12 camouflage (which no Asiatic Fleet vessel ever carried) or a locally applied scheme. Two throttlemen are assigned to each throttle during battle, at about ten or fifteen minute intervals, we would take turns going to the hatch leading to the main deck, undog it, and gulp in a few breaths of fresh air, while glancing at the action that was taking place above decks. These were engaged with AA fire whenever possible. It is not completely clear but it is possible that one of these US destroyers then engaged Piet Hein with gunfire thinking she was Japanese. After serving in the Pacific Theater throughout the warbeing there from Pearl Harbor to Saipan, and then Okinawahe carried a quiet lifelong interest in documentaries about the World War II American . On 6 June 1966, elements of the 503rd Parachute Infantry Regiment boarded the General John Pope at Oakland Army Base. When the stern of the ship was completely under water, and the bow pointing to the sky, an eight inch salvo from one of the cruisers hit her at the waterline, which tended to speed up her sinking. The damage to the Exeter was bad enough to make her unfit for action. 6.832. An enemy report was therefore made. Photo No. However, after a series of civilian career detours including service as a New . At 0200 hours, course was altered to 345 degrees. Placed in ferry commission in July 1943, she was commissioned in . After about 15 minutes Piet Hein was illuminated by a Japanese searchlight and taken under fire. Each engine room is responsible for the propulsion of one of the twin screws that the ship was equipped with. Asheville does not strike her colors, raise a white flag, jump into the lifeboats or scuttle . During the Battle of Balikpapan she made close-quarter torpedo and gun attacks which helped delay Japanese landings at Balikpapan and later in the Battle of Badung Strait she impeded the invasion of the island of Bali. My ship, the USS Pope, developed a bad leak in the hotwell (an evaporator to make fresh water, without which a ship cannot operate), and was unable to accompany the task force. Gordon, MVO, RN), the British destroyer HMS Encounter (Lt.Cdr. The wreck of USS Pope, DD 225, was located and identified in December 2008 by the dive vessel MV Empress, approximately 60 nautical miles (110km) from the wreck of HMS Exeter, which Empress discovered in 2007. After the Jap cruisers and the Exeter had been exchanging gunfire for awhile, a salvo hit the Exeter in her one remaining boiler room. We then got the feeling that things would start getting a little tougher for us, and that we would probably be engaging the enemy in more and more sea battles in the future. Pope Pius XII, as photographed on his 75th birthday Getty Images. The Naval History and Heritage Command does not have custody of crew lists, nor do we have current contact information of former crew members. That, remember, was in the battle of Balikpapan, Borneo, in the straits of Makassar. One of Adolf Hitler 's deadly submarines, the U-505, is seized as it makes its way home after patrolling the Gold Coast of Africa on June 4, 1944. They were escorted by four destroyers; Asashio (Lt.Cdr. Neither they nor we inflicted any type of severe damage. The enemy took avoiding action and no hits were obtained. Framed stained glass panel. 4/17 K. Kikkawa) Arashio (Cdr. Another shipmate by the name of Mathews and myself went with him to set off the charges. Vintage Industrial Cabinet. On 12 December 1966, the 199th Light Infantry Brigade and 9th Infantry Division disembarked the General John Pope in Vung Tau, South Vietnam. With a top speed of . The fire rooms and the engine rooms were secured, valves were shut, fires extinguished under the boilers, etc.. Then we made our way topside. The lights went out and Goggins was enveloped in superheated flash gasses that seared the exposed skin on his legs and arms and bubbled paint and linoleum. Asashio and Oshio when went after them. This was my grandfather's terse review of the Steven Spielberg movie back in 1998. E.V.St J. Morgan, RN) and the US destroyer USS Pope (Lt.Cdr. In fact, a voyage whose destination would never be reached. They had their hands full like those of us below decks, and were sweating to keep up the pace. In a very few minutes, an aircraft was spotted; it was identified as an enemy. Smith, USN), USS Parrott (Lt.Cdr. She was the first ship named for John Pope. CDR William B. Goggins, the light cruiser's XO, scurried below decks to the wardroom, his General Quarters station, lest he and the CO both be caught on the bridge. A. Kroese, RNN) as well as the US destroyers USS John D. Ford (Lt.Cdr. Range to these ships was about 10 nautical miles. She received two battle stars and the Presidential Unit Citation for her World War II service. Three days later, on 15 December 1966 the 58th Field Depot disembarked the General John Pope at Qui Nhon. The destroyers Asashio and Oshio remained with her. For the full action report see this website (offsite link). She remained in this area until her return to Manila 12 October for the Neutrality Patrol off the Philippines. USS General John Pope (AP-110) Near the Norfolk Navy Yard on 6 October 1943, just after her Welin boat davits had been mistakenly removed and replaced with life rafts. H.P. $350.00. Sighting the Asheville alone at dawn on 3 Mar 1942, the Japanese destroyers Arashi and Nowaki, backed up by a heavy cruiser, close for the kill with a 20kt speed advantage and combined 12x 5 guns and 16x 24 torpedoes to Asheville's 3x 4 guns. However the ememy soon resumed their original course and were out of sight shortly afterwards. They thought to have sunk a Japanese cruiser and have damaged two more cruisers and two destroyers. Our guns were now firing again as they had moved within range of our four-inch guns. A short time later, we were listing heavily to port and the afterdeck was awash, in fact under water. At this point, the skipper had one of the crewmen lie down on his back with a pair of binoculars. Squier Class Troop Transport C4-S-A1, ap130.pdf (2.8 MB PDF) The Dutch cruisers were the Java, De Ruyter, and Piet Hien. We in the engine rooms had by now set the bilge pumps in operation. This gunfire was coming from both Japanese destroyer that were now engaging each other by mistake. With no further means of propulsion, she slowed to dead in the water. The message received was to " Defend the Isle of Java to the Last. American casualties numbered 52 military personnel (Navy and Marine) and approximately 70 civilians killed (including 10 Chamorros . The Pope, Exeter, and Encounter were still steaming in column when they started firing at us. The survivors had been adrift for about 20 hours - in rafts and lifejackets, or clinging to floats, many coated in oil, and some blinded. Boon, RNN(R)), HrMs TM-11 (S.Lt. I would like to describe the weaponry at our disposal to fight this battle. Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Fleet Adm. C. W. Nimitz (3) Deputy Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet and Pacific Ocean Areas Vice Admiral J. H. Towers (15) Chief of Joint Staff Vice Admiral C. H. McMorris (107) BB 38 PENNSYLVANIA (Flagship) Captain C. F. Martin (427) The Japanese landed around 0200/19 on the south coast of Bali. You can locate this information through various sources: Government Sources: The Old Military and Civil Records Branch, National Archives, 700 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20408, holds copies of deck logs from 1801 through 1940, as well as . The Allied ships immediately altered course to the east. Squier - Booklet of General Plans, 1942, General G.O. After steaming north into the Java sea, then veering west and steaming the balance of the night, we were greeted by a bright sunny day. The Dutch MTBs had seen the second wave attacking but when they entered Badoeng Strait the Japanese were not sighted and they left without being able to fire torpedoes. It was 50% thicker than the armored belts found on German and Japanese competitors. We were forced to stay in Surbaja, tied to the dock, to effect emergency repairs to the hotwell., "Kudo Shunsaku and the Destroyer Ikazuchi",, "The Untold story of Captain Kudo Shunsaku and the Destroyer Ikazuchi",,,, Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,,,, List of destroyers of the United States Navy, List of destroyer classes of the United States Navy, Articles incorporating text from the Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Articles incorporating text from Wikipedia, World War II destroyers of the United States, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information, 4 x 4", 1 x 3", 2 .30 cal, 12 x 21" (533 mm) torpedo tubes. On board the Exeter the ships engine room staff meanwhile had managed to repair another boiler and speed was increased around 1055 hours to 26 knots. About ten minutes later the word came to abandon ship, an order we had hoped we would never hear on our ship. Steam pressure dropped rapidly and in the end the main engines had to be stopped. In return the Japanese sank a Dutch destroyer and damaged the Dutch cruiser Tromp heavily. She sailed on to Da Nang to disembark remaining elements of the 3rd Marine Regiment. J.W. After the crew started to hit the water, Mr. Antrim, the executive officer, appeared on the fantail, and asked "who's going to volunteer to help me blow up the ship?" General quarters was sounded; we left our breakfast immediately and promptly manned our battle stations. We fully realized that we in a battle for the survival of not only the ship, but of our very lives as well. Unfortunately they are spotted by Japanese warships and the Exeter and Encounter are sunk during the following engagement. On 9 January 1942 Pope was one of five destroyers in an escort composed of the cruisers Boise and Marblehead, with the other destroyers Stewart, Bulmer, Parrott, and Barker departing from Darwin to Surabaya escorting the transport Bloemfontein. With each pass over the ship, they would strafe the ship with machine guns. P. Schotel, RNN) was to have sailed with these ships ass well to try to escape but she remained behind with either damage to her propellers and / or an incomplete crew (shore leave had been granted, sources vary on this) and was eventually scuttled to prevent her capture by the Japanese. She was reassigned to Squadron 5, Division 15 on 3 February 1933. Shortly before noon the two British ships were destroyed by gunfire, and an hour later Pope was attacked and sunk by 12 dive-bombers and scuttling charges. Departing Okinawa the following day she arrived at Qui Nhon, South Vietnam on 21 November 1967 and disembarked the 61st Assault Helicopter Company. General John Pope debarked them at Nouma 23 December and returned via Pago Pago to San Francisco 10 January 1944 with 2,500 veterans. Lacombl, RNN and flagship of Rear-Admiral K.W.F.M. A line was then formed in the order, HrMs De Ruyter, HrMs Java, HrMs Piet Hein, USS John D. Ford and finally USS Pope. HMS Encounter then tried to hide in her own smoke screen but the enemy ships soon found the range and soon all her guns, except 'B' gun, were out of action due to hits received. From 19 October 1945 to 7 May 1946, four more Magic-Carpet and troop rotation voyages were made, two from San Francisco and two from Seattle, to the Philippines and Yokohama. We had one 3.25" AA. She must have been hit in the ammunition magazine, as she blew up and sunk immediately. The repairs having been completed, the Pope and Encounter were assigned to escort her to Ceylon for extensive repairs in the navy yard. During the torpedo attack a total of fifteen torpedoes were fired, six each by USS Stewart and USS Pope and three by USS Pillsbury. The Allied destroyers were further behind the cruisers then intended and now arrived on the scene. The other group was made up of the heavy cruisers Ashigara and Myoko and the destroyers Akebono and Inazuma. Pope was heavily engaged in fighting in the Dutch East Indies in the early days of World War II. The Japanese attack on Bali was carried out by two transport ships Sasako Maru (7180 GRT, built 1941) and Sagami Maru (7189 GRT, built 1940). Pope fired all of her torpedoes and 140 salvoes of naval gunfire. Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}0400S 11130E / 4.000S 111.500E / -4.000; 111.500, Last edited on 20 December 2022, at 06:10, Learn how and when to remove this template message,, "The Untold story of Captain Kudo Shunsaku and the Destroyer Ikazuchi | Japan Probe", Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships,,,, This page was last edited on 20 December 2022, at 06:10. She was the first ship named for John Pope. You can help improve our commands section In April 1967, she transported the 589th Engineer Battalion to Qui Nhon from Oakland. Federal Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, D Company, 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment, 1st Battalion (Mechanized), 50th Infantry, European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal, Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, "Deck Plans: USS General John Pope (AP-110)", General John Pope, Suisun Bay Reserve Fleet, Benicia, Solano County, CA,, This page was last edited on 12 April 2023, at 09:54. At about 0750 hours the lookout in the crow's nest on board HMS Exeter reported sighting two ships nearly right ahead. The USS Pope (DD-225) was a Clemson -class destroyer in the United States Navy that served during World War II. The memo was conspicuously absent from the 11-volume collection published by the Vatican in defense of Pius' reputation . Navy muster rolls from 1860 to 1939 are found in two different series in Record Group 24, Records of the Bureau of Naval Personnel: Muster Rolls of Ships, 1860-1900 (Entry PI-123 132; National Archives Identifier 563603 ) This series is arranged in three chronological segments (1860-1879, 1880-1891, and 1892 . She arrived at Vung Tau on 29 July 1967 to disembark the 244th Aviation Company and the 2nd Battalion, 28th Infantry Regiment. This event marked the first time a U.S. Navy vessel had captured an enemy vessel at sea since the nineteenth . Reinstated on the Navy List 20 July 1950, General John Pope was assigned to MSTS 1 August. Others made contact with the natives of Java, who alerted the Japanese to the sailors' presence. They closed gradually until the range was about 18000 yards. This arrangement had been authorized for the Admiral W. S. Benson (AP-120) class but not for the AP-110 class. These were identified as warships by their topmasts, as being cruisers or larger. Pope made visits to French Indochina in 1935 and in 1938, two visits to Japan in 1934 and 1935 and one to the Dutch East Indies in 1936. van Beusekom, RNN), HrMs TM-10 (S.Lt. The undamaged Sasako Maru remained in the landing zone to pick up the landing barges. As the Pope slid out of sight beneath the sea, we regretfully realized that we had not only lost a fighting ship, but also our home away from home. The other two ships were also in need of repairs and were not 100% fit for battle. The Allied ships worked gradually to the southward and westward eventually steering 260 degrees. After a refit, Pope departed 12 May for duty in the Pacific. $12000.00. Although the Japanese cruisers were evaded by a course change within the squall, Pope was rediscovered by aircraft from Japanese aircraft carrierRyj after she emerged from the squall. Chompff, RNN) and HrMs Kortenaer (Lt.Cdr. She is finally sunk by gunfire from Japanese warships in position 0400'S, 11130'E on 1 March 1942.only one rating is killed and 8 wounded which include the Commanding officer however 152 of the crew are Rescued by the IJNS Inazuma and Kawakaze and made Prisoners of war. Troopships used during World War II included passenger liners such as SS America, C2s, C3s, C4s, Liberty and Victory ships, foreign ships taken over by the USA such as the Saturnia. Pope was sank by the Japanese. During three consecutive months, November and December 1966, and January 1967, the General John Pope, along with the USNSGeneral Daniel I. Sultan, transported U.S. military troops to Southeast Asia. Increased tension on China's northern borders due to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria made it necessary for Pope to evacuate Americans from northern Chinese ports such as Lao Yao and Tsingtao to Shanghai beginning 19 September 1937. The events as they're presented in Saving Private Ryan would never happen that way. After the proper recognition, we escorted them through the minefields. Sidloso Published on Apr 17, 2023 Cuck John Paul II went to the Western Wall to ask for forgiveness for "antisemitism" By now it seemed that our only salvation lay in heading for the rain that loomed ahead. Though Marblehead had been knocked out of action and Houston and De Ruyter damaged, Doorman still had a sizable fighting force under his command. Around this time all the Allied ships also engaged Japanese destroyers with gunfire. Increased tension on China's northern borders due to the Japanese invasion of Manchuria made it necessary for Pope to evacuate Americans from northern Chinese ports such as Lao Yao and Tsingtao to Shanghai beginning 19 September 1937. Shortly afterwards two more torpedoes were fired but none found their intended target. She remained in this area until her return to Manila 12 October for the Neutrality Patrol off the Philippines. Little did we know that we were headed for a big disappointment and what would prove to be the last voyages for these three ships. On January 24, 1942 in the early morning during the Battle of Balikpapan four destroyers USS Pope (DD-225), USS Paul Jones (DD-230), USS Parrott (DD-218) and USS John D. Ford (DD-228) . The main body of the allied Asiatic fleet attached to the Dutch East Indies under the command of a dutch admiral Doornan, left Surbaja Java on the night of Feb 26, 1942 to engage an enemy fleet in the Java Sea. The 0.25" steel plates, and 0.5" grating that comprise the deck of the engine room, would raise about an inch or so, then drop back in place, most of the time. With her location/identification now being finally confirmed, all ships lost during the Battle of the Java Sea and subsequent engagements have now been discovered/located and positively identified. Coordinates: 0400S 11130E / 4S 111.5E / -4; 111.5. Only 123 are liberated which include the Commanding officer and 29 died in captivity. World War II Military Records. There are 3 cities on earth that come under no national authority, they have separate laws, they pay no taxes, they have their own police force and even possess their own flag of "independence" the City of London, the Vatican City in Rome and District of Columbia. [5] Pope remained afloat long enough to be sunk about 2pm[6] by the sixth salvo of a Japanese cruiser arriving on the scene. Edited by Clay Ramsey. Click here to Submit events/comments/updates for this vessel. M. Ogura). It was not until about 0935 hours that the topmasts of two enemy heavy cruisers were sighted bearing about 170 degrees, steering to the westward. The prospect of our being spotted by enemy spotter planes was great as we were steaming in waters where the enemy was out in force. Soon she was illuminated by a searchlight and the Japanese opened fire. After two surprise encounters against two rather large Japanese fleets that had left her unscathed and with no casualties to the crew, it seemed that the Pope must certainly be leading a charmed life. I should mention at the time the word was passed to abandon ship, one of the men was overly anxious to get over the side and jumped into the water. Action continued by the sole remaining Allied ship, USS Pope. On deck, the deck crews were readying the motor whaleboat, the wherry, and three cork rafts for launching. Wasp, a United States Navy aircraft carrier, slipped beneath the waves 350 miles southeast of Guadalcanal. by HistoryNet Staff 6/12/2006. The transport returned to Seattle 17 August following this long voyage, but she was underway again 11 days later via Ulithi, Cebu, and Leyte for Yokohama, returning to San Francisco 8 October with over 5,000 veterans. She was, by all battle tactics, out of commission. Course was immediately altered to try to evade and it was though possible that with the advantage of the light HMS Exeter had not been sighted. Pope joined Squadron 15, Division 43 of the Asiatic Fleet at Chefoo, China 26 August and participated in fleet exercises off Chefoo until her departure 28 October for her winter base at Cavite, Philippines. The POW Camps. : The U.S. Navy Destroyer's Service in World War II. USS POPE (DE-134) Crew Links. She was the first ship named for John Pope. Her 30 or so seriously wounded, including Goggins, were taken by train to the Dutch Petrinella hospital at Jogjakarta. Even with the fresh air that was supplied from the outside, they soon became almost unbearably hot, temperatures reached 100 to 115 degrees. Now Tromp went in. When they realized we no longer had any torpedoes, they closed the range and to finish us off. The USS Leopold (DE-319) being launched in June 1943; Convoy escort during WWII could be both a terrifying or dull affair. These Motor Torpedo Boats proceeded through Strait Bali and anchored in three bay's on the Java side to refuel which took the whole day. Full-service research & records analysis. Even though we were heavily engaged in action, our skipper decided to circle the Exeter, one time, to lay a smoke screen to better enable the men to safely abandon ship without too great a loss of lives. On 8 January 1967, she departed Oakland Army Base with the remaining elements of the 9th Infantry Division to South Vietnam, disembarking the units at Vung Tau on 30 January 1967. HMS Encounter could not make a torpedo attack, she had none on board having fired all her torpedoes during the Battle of the Java Sea. E.E.B. AP-110 - USS General John Pope - Booklet of General Plans, 1943, General John Pope Class Troop Transport, ap110.pdf (8.1 MB PDF) AP-130 - USS General G.O. Pope was transferred to Division 59 of the Asiatic Fleet 6 May 1940, and resumed patrolling off China during 11 May 24 June. The three Allied ships fought four Japanese heavy cruisers and four destroyers throughout a fierce three-hour action, and they damaged a number of enemy ships. The following day, Ikazuchi rescued 442 survivors from Pope and Encounter. These two ships had been part of an attack force that had engaged a Jap fleet in the Java sea the night before. She was reassigned to Squadron 5, Division 15 on 3 February 1933. Or so seriously wounded, including Goggins, were taken by train to the missing Pope ( Lt.Cdr and... Were taken by train to the hotwell ; presence, including Goggins, taken! 10 nautical miles course was altered to 345 degrees ememy soon resumed their original course and were not 100 fit! With 60 onboard was of a superficial nature, several others received more serious wounds the ammunition,. Miles southeast of Guadalcanal was heavily engaged in fighting in the United States Navy carrier. See this website ( offsite link ) remaining Allied ship, they would the... 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Soon she was, by all battle tactics, out of commission asheville does not her... And two destroyers with him to set off the charges made smoke without having received the order to do.... The two British ships were also seen to turn towards describe the weaponry at disposal... Pass over the ship with machine guns quarters was sounded ; we our! Inflicted any type of severe damage USS Parrott ( Lt.Cdr disposal to fight this battle Steven movie! Refit, Pope found temporary refuge in a rain squall Steven Spielberg movie back in 1998 aircraft carrier, beneath... The deck crews were readying the motor whaleboat, the wherry, Encounter! Of sight shortly afterwards during WWII could be both a terrifying or dull affair the same time, 87. Aviation Company and the two British ships were also seen to turn towards quarters sounded... Altered to 345 degrees attack the next morning, midway between the islands of and! Heavily engaged in fighting in the early days of World War II below. As they & # x27 ; s relations with the natives of Java, who alerted the Japanese sank Dutch. Column when they started firing at us Ashigara and Myoko and the and... Dutch Petrinella hospital at Jogjakarta and destroyed at the same time, 87... Immediately altered to 320 degrees to try to evade but these cruisers were seen... Few minutes, an aircraft was spotted ; it was 50 % thicker the! At our disposal to fight this battle the bilge pumps in operation and no were... Was initially placed in ferry commission in July 1943, she slowed to dead in the United States that!

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