uss long beach

I'd had three years of Junior ROTC in high school so after about a week or so I was instructing my company in the manual of arms when I was abruptly ordered to report to the battalion commander's office. Check out these sailors from one such ceremony back in 1953.. HMAS Melbourne is absolutely dwarfed by the Big E., View douglas healey and tyler rogoway's Articles. Expert Biography: A Senior Editor for 1945, Peter Suciu is a Michigan-based writer who has contributed to more than four dozen magazines, newspapers, and websites with over 3,000 published pieces over a twenty-year career in journalism. After we launched the missile, a fin fell off and the missile pulled a three-G turn and came back at the ship! During her second deployment to the Gulf of Tonkin, Talos missiles fired from the cruiser destroyed two Vietnamese MiG-17s at a range of 70 miles. USS Long Beach Navy Westpac Cruise Book depicts life during the 1969-1970 Westpac mission. Long Beach was commissioned first, in September 1961, and Enterprise in November of the same year. Eugene P. Wilkinson's command with the hull number CGN-9 and served in the U.S. Navy for 34 years until it was decommissioned on May 1, 1995. 1961. Once again, we were anchored out mainly due to being nuclear powered. USS Long Beach, CGN-9. 8 April 1992 Comprehensive overhaul, Puget Sound Naval Shipyard. CREATIVE. The HMAS Melbourne was pier side in the port. Long Beach left San Diego in September of 1976 on what was my first Western Pacific cruise (WESTPAC). She was commissioned on September 9, 1961 under the command of then-Captain Eugene Parks Wilkinson, who had previously served as the first commanding officer for the USS Nautilus. She returned to Norfolk 20 December for coastal and Caribbean operations through 28 April 1964 when she sailed for the Mediterranean again to join aircraft carrier USSEnterprise(CVN-65) and guided missile destroyer USS Bainbridge, in the formation of the first all nuclearpowered task group on 13 May. As we were entering the harbor where Yokosuka is located, the Cheng (Chief Engineer) gave the ship a history lesson on how we avoided severely damaging the Yokosuka Naval Base so the US Navy could use the facilities after the Second World War, especially the dry dock facilities where the Yamato was berthed during the war. Nuclear power had been deemed too expensive to use on surface ships smaller than aircraft carriers in view of defense budget cutbacks after the end of the Cold War. Naval Base Subic Bay, during the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo. The world's first nuclear-powered surface fighter was the USS Long Beach (CGN-9). As one of the experienced electricians assigned, I was on the space turn over crew which consisted of ensuring the spaces met the Navy's specifications (you can read more about this tense process here). The guidedmissile cruiser conducted extensive. One of the swells hit the ship just right and it heeled over to starboard for what seemed like a long time. If I correctly remember, I was number two or three. When I reported aboardLong Beach at NAS Coronado, I looked up at the ship in awe. They were both unique designs, each a kind of 'one-off' which generally doesn't do well for ship designs. Long Beach was the first "all-new" cruiser designed and constructed after World War II (all others were completions or conversions of cruisers begun or completed during the war). Image Credit: Creative Commons. We didn't go to New Zealand and our port visit in Australia was the city of Perth in the western part of the country. The result was that LST's were unable to beach at this point due . When it wound down, one of the locals asked if there were anyone who was sober and could drive a stick shift. Photo taken from USS Evans (DE 1023). From that position,Long Beach maintained constant radar surveillance to ensure that the North Vietnamese intruder aircraft couldnt evade identification and attempt to confront U.S. strike aircraft. The majority of the complicated work would be accomplished by the shipyard workers but the ship's crew would have maintenance to accomplish as well. Still having fond memories of the Long Beach, it was an easy choice for me to return to sea duty on her and this time as a Chief. While they refueled, Truxtun would take up the safety position returning the favor they had provided during Enterprise's flight ops. 18 September 1989 13th West Pacific deployment/world cruise. USSLong Beach(CGN9)arrived back at the west coast on 4 July where, after a welldeserved period of rest, she resumed the exercises and operations which would keep her well prepared for her return to Vietnam the following year. Between 28 December and 6 January 1962 she conducted operational tests of her missiles off Puerto Rico, then sailed for Bremerhaven, Germany, arriving 15 January for courtesy calls in north European ports. Required fields are marked *. I was told that one time they powered it up in port and garage doors were opening and closing throughout the greater San Diego area and that it interfered with air traffic control radar at the San Diego airport. We had picked him up at Diego Garcia in the Indian Ocean around Labor Day and were to transfer him and his staff to the group relieving us (with the USS Iowa) but he didn't want us to leave as no other ship had the flag spaces we had. I explained I wanted to try Aussie cuisine and then they took me to an out of the way diner and the food was great but not much different from home. 174. 13 January 1984 10th West Pacific deployment. In 1968, the ship was redeployed to the Gulf of Tonkin, shooting down a MiG 21 jet fighter near Vinh, with a RIM-8 Talos missile on 23 May 1968,[13][14] at a range of 65 miles (105km). In May 1964,Long Beachjoined the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USSEnterprise and the guided-missile frigateUSSBainbridge(DLGN-25) to form theall-nuclear-poweredTask Force 1, the first such battle force group of its kind in the history of naval operations. The first nuclearpower surface warship in history,USSLong Beach(CGN9)was assigned to the Atlantic Fleet and home ported at Norfolk, Va. At that time, four crew members alleged that the ship's reactor was unsafe and that crew working around it had been exposed to unsafe levels of radiation.[22]. $12.95. The ship was an absolute modern marvel of her time. We each had to put the aforementioned four people (mainly men) in the Navy each month. The first- of-class shipthe first new U.S. aircraft carrier design in 40 yearswill spend several days conducting builders sea trials, a comprehensive test of many of the ships key systems and technologies. Arkansas had a bit less than one-half the number of Long Beach's crew. [8], The summer of 1966 was spent in training and orienting midshipmen in the tactics and operations involved in the modern nuclear Navy. My two sons made a couple of 'Tiger Cruises' on the ship and enjoyed it, although when we took a big roll they were a bit animated about it. The Senior Chief Sonarman dismissed the sighting but when the submarine breached, the Sonarman ran down to the Combat Information Center! 1964. They allegedly could hear the bearing screeching. The original finding aid described this photograph as: Base: Long Beach Naval Shipyard State: California (CA) Country: United States Of America (USA) Scene Camera Operator: PH1 H. J. Gerwien Release Status . A single ship class, Long Beach was the first nuclear-powered surface warship and the last of US Navy traditional cruiser hulls (all subsequent cruisers were mostly scaled-up destroyer hulls). As a result, a different division was assigned this responsibility, one they weren't too thrilled about having. I asked what billets were available and was told they were on California, Texas, Arkansas and Long Beach. It was one powerful radar system and we had a huge contingent of Navy Electronics Technicians (ETs) embarked aboard to maintain it. [20], A crew member aboard the USS Long Beach may have been exposed to abnormal levels of radiation in 1963,[21] and the ship was leaking radioactive coolant in 1991. With a length of 721 feet (219 metres) and a displacement of 14,000 tons, the Long Beach was the first large surface warship to be built with a main armament consisting of guided missiles. USS Long Beach (AK-9) was a cargo steamship that was built in England in 1892 as Yarrowdale, passed through a succession of British, Greek and German owners, and was seized by the United States in 1917. ), a Congressman from California, and commissioned on 9 September 1961. I finished boot camp as a company honor man and with scholastic honors. The ship was originally designed with "all-missile" armament, but was fitted with two 5"/38 caliber gun mounts amidships on the orders of President John F. The guidedmissile cruiser conducted extensive shakedown testing of her complex weapons and propulsion systems from 2 October to 16 December 1961; her performance proved the nuclear cruiser a capable warship. Since he'd been a qualified diving officer on his sub, I believed him. This caused a small problem for one female I had sent for processing. The Standard SM-2ER missiles and the associated modern electronics replaced the obsolete Terrier system. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The bearing lost all of the oil from its sump and got so hot it damaged the shaft. Plastic sprue, Decalsheet (waterslide) Product timeline . The SAM capabilities were also upgraded to allow using the Standard missile. Enterprise had eight reactors while Long Beach had two. 15 September 1976 Seventh West Pacific deployment. My partner at the recruiting station was an Engineman First Class originally from the Philippines. A 423 foot section of the hull (propulsion block) remain at PSNS as of May 2018. While there, we noticed the Navy Exchange had t-shirts for sale calling USS Reeves (CG-24) 'the only real cruiser in town.' I graduated from high school in San Diego in June 1972 and attended Mesa Community College for a while, but wasn't ready. Anyway, once we were briefed on the protests (we were told not to challenge them), we were allowed to go ashore (in our uniforms for one day at least!). My most prominent memory of Talos is from a missile exercise before our 1978 deployment. I was also aware that Long Beach had well over 60 Chiefs, Senior Chiefs and Master Chiefs in the mess and with my father gone, I needed someone I could learn about being a Chief from. This almost got me in big trouble as I was told to move some 115-volt receptacles in the flag conference room. The United States Navy (USN) ship is a one-time member of the Long Beach-class and on paper the successor to the Providence-class cruisers, eventually replaced by the Albany-class cruiser group. $12.84. Once the nuclear cruiser USS Bainbridge (CGN-25) was commissioned in 1962, the three ships were almost inseparable. So without further adieu, in Master Chief Healey's own words, let's begin: My dad was a career Navy man. At the time the Navy had only two promotion cycles for advancement to Chief (due to a budget crunch), first and last increments. Peter is also aContributing Writerfor Forbes. As an experimental platform,Long Beachwas the only ship of her class. The monolithic superstructure atop her otherwise graceful 721' cruiser hull makes it impossible to confuse Long Beach with any other ship. As a side note, the drinking age was 18 at that time. Technology, performance and design delivered to your inbox. He went back to sea duty on USS Dixie (AD-14) for three years and then his final tour was at Fleet Assistance Group, San Diego. USS Long Beach, which was the third ship to be named after the California city, was laid down in December 1957 and launched in July 1959. [citation needed], After overhaul and installation of new equipment at the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, Long Beach again trained in the Caribbean, and then sailed 6 August 1963 to join the Sixth Fleet in the Mediterranean for peacekeeping operations. [15] She also directed other MIG kills by American fighters. USS Long Beach (CLGN-160/CGN-160/CGN-9) was a nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser in the United States Navy and the world's first nuclear-powered surface combatant. We are looking at the nuclear powered USS Long Beach and comparing it to USS New Jersey.Please cons. Supposedly when being built, Long Beach was ready before Enterprise and received the 'billboard' arrays intended for the Big E. Besides 400Hz power, the system took a lot of 60Hz power and cooling water as well. This is the story of Master Chief Douglas Healeys Navy journey and the historic and enigmatic ship he kept coming back to. Technology. 28 May 1991 14th West Pacific deployment in support of Operation Provide Comfort. He regularly writes about military hardware, firearms history, cybersecurity, and international affairs. It could stop on the 02 level (flag spaces), 03 level (CO's in-port cabin) and the 04 level as well (flag bridge & flag plot, a mini CIC). Aug 30, 2016 #4. in the chapter on "Nuclear Destroyers And Frigates" in Friedman's book "US Destroyers History", he states that for FY77 congress allocated $371m in funding to begin conversion of Long Beach to a CSGN (ie. The USS Long Beach (CGN 9) and the USS Intrepid (CVS 11) at Subic Bay in June 1967. After a period of leave and upkeep in the fall,USSLong Beach(CGN9)sailed 7 November from Long Beach for the Far East. She looked like no other ship the world had ever seen before and she definitely had her quirks. Arkansas was a brand new and very good ship. Equipment wise, it had two twin arm mark 26 missile launchers fed by a rotary magazine but carried fewer Standard Missiles (the new name for the updated Terrier missiles) and it had the unmanned five-inch gun mounts like the Spruance class destroyers had. Ele foi o nico navio de sua classe. My first impression as a crew member was of responsibilities of leadership. She was reviewed by President John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson during this time. The summer of 1966 was spent in training and orienting midshipment in the tactics and operations involved in the modern nuclear Navy. A big AN/SPS-48 radar dish was also mounted on the forward mast. 11 August 1969 Third West Pacific deployment. (Mar. Habitability wise, Arkansas was superior to Long Beach. (U.S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Christopher Delano). This operation, Sea Orbit, reminiscent of the cruise of the Great White Fleet in 19071909, demonstrated the strategic mobility of U.S. naval nuclearpowered surface forces independent of normal fleet logistic support. In July of 2012, the hull of the Long Beach was sold for recycling as prescribed for nuclear-powered vessels by Code 350 at Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Bremerton, Washington. On the fantail, Long Beach had the Talos missile system. She sailed 28 February 1966 for her new home port and namesake, Long Beach, California, and arrived 15 March 1966. The Chief Classifier, who had attended recruiting school with me, called and told me my applicant was not going to enlist for the position he'd offered her. I thought that it would be funny if I were pulled over and showed the local cop my California driver's license but we all made it safely back without meeting with the constables. The ships high box-like superstructure housed the SCANFAR radar system, which comprised of AN/SPS-32 and AN/SPS-33 phased array radars. A. USS Long Beach (CGN 9) (ex-CGN 160, CLGN 160) USS Long Beach (CGN-9) was the first nuclear powered surface warship in the world and the first large combatant in the US Navy with its main battery consisting of guided missiles. She was the sole member of the Long Beach-class, and the last cruiser built for the United States Navy to a cruiser design; all subsequent cruiser classes were built on scaled-up destroyer hulls (and originally classified as destroyer leaders) or, in the case of the Albany-class, converted from already existing cruisers. USS Bainbridge DLGN-25/CGN-25 U S Navy Jacket Patch. Long Beach was first laid out to be a smaller frigate, but then she was slated for the mounting of a Regulus nuclear cruise missile or later, four launch tubes for the Polaris missile which would occupy the space taken up by the 5"/38 caliber gun mounts and the ASROC system. After the order swap was approved, the sub-qualified sailors at S5G facility gave me a hard time constantly. I was selected for advancement to Chief Petty Officer (E7) during this tour. I knew Long Beach's capabilities and I also knew the Chief's accommodations were a bit better on Lang Beach compared with the other ships, even though Arkansas was much newer. [8] At commissioning, the ship was reported to have cost $320million ($2.9billion today),[9] which was over budget from earlier estimates of $250million. [ 2] Ele ficou em servio por quarenta anos, sendo desativado em . On the other hand, the ship didn't pitch much (move up and down bow to stern). Back then, the crew remained living on the ship or were moved onto a living barge but remained in the industrial area. nuclear Aegis strike cruiser). A port bow view of the battleship USS NEW JERSEY (BB-62), with bunting. There are several penalties of nuclear-powered surface combatants. The ship received multiple reffits including the replacement of the 5in guns per Tomahawks and Harpoon launchers. Three ships of the United States Navy have been named USS Long Beach, after the city of Long Beach, California: .mw-parser-output .dmbox{display:flex;align-items:center;clear:both;margin:0.9em 1em;border-top:1px solid #ccc;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;padding:0.25em 0.35em;font-style:italic}.mw-parser-output .dmbox>*{flex-shrink:0;margin:0 0.25em}.mw-parser-output .dmbox-body{flex-grow:1;flex-shrink:1;padding:0.1em 0}.mw-parser-output .dmbox-invalid-type{text-align:center}. Your email address will not be published. The second USS Long Beach (PF-34) was a Tacoma-class frigate in commission from 1943 to 1945. $11.66. 1959. After that experience, I was very reluctant to send a female applicant for processing until I was working a booth at the Long Beach Grand Prix and met a Reserve Second Class who was a female and she relayed to me that her recruiter had been the guy who was the Chief Recruiter! [3] She was the third Navy ship named after the city of Long Beach, California. One of the reasons Long Beach was a single-ship class was because she was an experimental platform for these radars, which were precursors to the AN/SPY-1 phased array systems later installed on Aegis equipped Ticonderoga-class cruisers and Arleigh Burke-class destroyers. Short amateur documentary on the historic naval. She symbolizes a time when nuclear power was in its ascendance. I wanted to apply for the Navy's Enlisted Science Education Program (NESEP) which required a minimum of one year's sea duty in order to be eligible. 9 December 1967 Present at Long Beach to welcome. I flew across the Pacific on a charter (Flying Tigers) to Travis Air Base near Sacramento, California. During this tour, Long Beach was responsible for directing the downing of one Soviet-made An-2 'Colt' aircraft that was attempting to engage South Vietnamese naval units. Editorial Guidelines and Publishing Standards. The Enterprise continued in service to the end of 2012, even serving in the most recent Iraq War, a. Additionally, Long Beach seemed to have a constant two to three-degree port list. You could hear stuff crashing in the galley and out on the mess decks. Beginning 5 January 1985 the BGM-109 Tomahawk cruise missile system was installed with two 4-cell Armored Box Launchers on the fantail, with the Harpoon launchers resited. This was a challenging time in the Navy. We headed down towards New Zealand. LONG BEACH was first assigned to the Atlantic Fleet. They were not fond of the Navy's policy on nuclear arms on its vessels, which officially was 'we can neither confirm nor deny the presence of nuclear weapons on our ships.' The two five-inch guns were added at the . Afterward, the crew took to ensuring equipment was secured for sea much more seriously. 197x. She was the U.S. Navy's first nuclear-powered surface combatant and was absolutely packed with. The U.S. Navy guided missile cruiser USS Long Beach (CGN-9) underway off Oahu, Hawaii (USA), 9 May 1973. NEWPORT NEWS, Va. (April 8, 2017) Pre-Commissioning Unit Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) Sailors man the rails as the ship departs Huntington Ingalls Industries Newport News Shipbuilding for builders sea trials off the coast. Find Uss Long Beach stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. When it was running it required two 200kW motor-generator sets running in parallel to provide the 400Hz power the radar demanded. Learn about the amazing history of this formidable naval vessel and join in with former shipmates to read of their sea stories and what life was really like aboard the Gray Lady in our groups and forum; from the bridge down to the nuclear reactors in engineering - and it's all 100% FREE - NO . After completing basic engineering qualifications, I was assigned to the electrical safety shop, ensuring the portable electrical tools were checked for safety prior to issuance. The First Class Petty Officer was not the least bit happy and this impressed upon me to make absolutely sure that I did not disappoint my Leading Petty Officer! Prior to Electrician's Mate Class A school, I attended Basic Electricity/Electronics school at NTC San Diego. He was a Master Chief Storekeeper (E-9) at the time of his passing in April of 1980. AOC and Marjorie Taylor Greene: Two Sides of the Same Coin. One of the most enigmatic ships of the entire Cold War period is the one-off USS Long Beach (CGN-9). This open space was first planned to accommodate the mounting of a Regulus nuclear-armed cruise missile, but was then changed to four launch tubes for the Polaris missile. The USS Long Beach was commissioned in 1961 and was the world's first nuclear-powered surface ship and the last true cruiser built by the United States after World War II. USS Long Beach (CLGN-160/CGN-160/CGN-9) was a nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser in the United States Navy and the world's first nuclear-powered surface combatant. In 1987 we were returning home to San Diego and because of the prevailing seas and our required course resulted in us taking seas on the port beam. It has . [10], During construction in January 1960, it was widely reported that Long Beach was sabotaged when anti-mine (degaussing) electrical cables were found to have been intentionally cut in three places. I asked to speak with my applicant and we talked about the position she'd been offered. He had a habit of going out on acceptance trials for all new nuclear-powered warships. Enterprise was the first nuclear-powered aircraft carrier andLong Beach was the first nuclear-powered surface warship. The missile cruiser had a complement of 1,160 officers and sailors. USSLong Beach, which was the third ship to be named after the California city, was laid down in December 1957 and launched in July 1959. Long Beach was also planned to have the Regulus cruise missile but that program was dropped also. I was able to learn a lot about being a Command Master Chief from him. [citation needed], The high box-like superstructure contained the SCANFAR system, consisting of the AN/SPS-32 and AN/SPS-33 phased array radars. I even got to see Admiral Rickover! The Battlegroup Commander left one of the frigates assigned behind to standby to provide assistance if needed but a Russian fleet tug eventually came out and towed the stricken Victor III away. The Aussies still had their carrier, HMAS Melbourne, but even during the photo op, she wasn't allowed too close to either the Enterprise or us because of her collision with the USS Frank E. Evans during the Vietnam War. Back in Norfolk 23 June 1965, Long Beach resumed training and upkeep prior to her transfer to the Pacific Fleet. former . On our way to Hawaii, at the start of the cruise, we burned up a bearing on the starboard shaft. 13 May 1986 11th West Pacific deployment. Long Beach was ordered on October 15, 1956, laid on December 2, 1957 . Articles may contain affiliate links which enable us to share in the revenue of any purchases made. [15] In June of the same year, she downed another MIG,[14] this one at 61 miles (98km). I was told that while on station off of Vietnam, Long Beach shot down a North Vietnamese MiG with one. Almost everyone was very friendly. 28 March 1972 Fourth West Pacific deployment. The Long Beach was. DANFS - Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships, Permitting Policy and Resource Management, The 9/11 Terrorist Attacks: 20 Years Later, "Ex Scientia Tridens": The U.S. Later in my career, when I was a senior chief (E8) on the COMNAVSURFPAC/COMNAVAIRPAC Nuclear Propulsion Mobile Training Team, I was instrumental in getting funds put into yard maintenance to move the crew ashore out of the industrial area. We made more port visits that. [8], Returning to Norfolk, Virginia 7 February 1962, Long Beach, trained off the east coast and in the Caribbean. Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion The shoot-down was executed by an F-4 Phantom II under the control of a Long Beach air intercept controller. I met some locals from the RAAF (the Royal Australian Air Force) and asked them to take me to their favorite local restaurant and we ended up at a KFC! They had no idea where we were and as we gradually turned on different radars, they finally came flying right down to where we were. An interesting note is that whenLong Beach pulled out, she left about 375 sailors behind who didn't get back to the ship before it left to avoid the storm. USS Jenkins later sank an enemy barge to the east of Hollandia, killing nine Japanese. Following Vietnam, he was on the pre-commissioning crew of USS Gray (DE-1054), then director of Storekeeper Class C School at Naval Training Center (NTC) San Diego. Long Beach had the cradles for the Harpoon anti-ship missiles on the fantail now. A group of took the opportunity to visit Tokyo Disneyland. For the longest time, the ship's rumor mill had it that if Long Beach rolled to greater than 45 degrees to either port or starboard, the ship would capsize. This tour of duty in West Pac ended with her arrival again at Long Beach on 16 November. I was able to share a cup of coffee with them and remember thinking "this isn't going to be too tough.". Kennedy. I asked what he had offered her and was told it was a special air traffic controller school which was a rare offering. There were two recruiters assigned, including me. 19 October 1987 Participated in Kuwaiti tanker reflagging and provided anti-aircraft cover during Operation Nimble Archer. 25 July 1987 12th West Pacific deployment. The task force completed the 30,216 nautical mile voyage in 65 days. Long Beach was decommissioned on 1 May 1995 instead of receiving her third nuclear refueling and proposed upgrade. USS Long Beach 1961 Revell Model Ship Kit Unbuilt H-424:169 Made in USA Pre-Owned $74.99 Buy It Now +$7.95 shipping Benefits charity Sponsored Vintage Revell USS Long Beach Atomic Cruiser Model Kit #05053 1/500 Brand New (1) $50.00 Buy It Now +$12.55 shipping Sponsored VINTAGE Revell 1968 USS LONG BEACH INSTRUCTIONS ONLY Pre-Owned $13.00 Buy It Now Too thrilled about having home port and namesake, Long Beach had two was one powerful radar system we... Nine Japanese Air Base near Sacramento, California sailed 28 February 1966 for her new home port and,. Chief Petty officer ( E7 ) during this tour of duty in West Pac ended with her arrival again Long! Swap was approved, the ship or were moved onto a living barge remained. [ 15 ] she also directed other MIG kills by American fighters sub-qualified sailors at S5G facility gave me hard... 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Entire Cold War period is the one-off USS Long Beach left San Diego in September 1961 and! Planned to have the Regulus cruise missile but that program was dropped also on. Scholastic honors 14th West Pacific deployment in support of Operation Provide Comfort diving officer on his sub, I him! ( CVS 11 ) at Subic Bay, during the volcanic eruption of Mount Pinatubo per and! Sub-Qualified sailors at S5G facility gave me a hard time constantly ( up... Beach on 16 November SCANFAR radar system and we had a habit of going out the! Down to the Pacific Fleet carrier andLong Beach was decommissioned on 1 May instead... Mig kills by American fighters journey and the USS Long Beach was on... A brand new and very good ship took the opportunity to visit Tokyo Disneyland flew across Pacific! Assigned to the Pacific on a charter ( Flying Tigers ) to Air. Replacement of the battleship USS new JERSEY ( BB-62 ), with bunting a complement 1,160! 18 at that time John F. Kennedy and Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson during this tour duty...

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