rangpur medical college website

Address Dhap, Jail Road, Rangpur. Doctor Chamber Apollo Diagnostic Center, Rangpur. Dr. Prashant Kumar Pandit. Visiting Time 4 pm to 7 pmFriday Closed, Degree MBBS, MS (Neurosurgery) Doctor Chamber Labaid Diagnostic, Rangpur. Contact For Serial +8801733008087. I Doctor Chamber Update Diagnostic, Rangpur. Step 6: Following the completion of the visa processing time, each student will be issued a passport to fly. The medical college have separate dental unit & offers Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) course. Better Websites Made Simple Address 77/1. Morsheda Yeasmin Director Md. If you dislike college food, you can easily find it near Rangpur Community Medical College. Doctor Chamber Apollo Diagnostic Center Rangpur. Visiting Time Please Contact For Information. Jail Road Dhap Rangpur. Address 77/1. Address Medical Mor Jail Road Dhap Rangpur. Contact For Serial +8801733008088. Call/WhatsApp +919001099110 Degree MBBS (Dhaka) FCPS (Medicine) Rajshahi Medical College And Hospital Doctor List And Contact Number. Apply Now. Address Jail Road, Dhap, Rangpur. Degree MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Medicine) Degree MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Physical Medicine) Visiting Time 3 pm to 10 pm- Everyday. Rangpur Medical College (RpMC) Name of Affiliated University: Rajshahi University Established: 2011 Location: Rangpur Division: Rangpur Mobile: +880 521-61113 Website: http://rangpurmedical.webs.com/ List of Private Dental College in Bangladesh: 1. Naturally, if you prepare and divide the costs with your buddies, it will be less expensive. Masuda Mahmud (Naznin) Director Mst. Assignments, projects and seminars are frequently assigned to enhance students Visiting Time Please Contact For Information. Tianjin University is a fine university with standard syllabus, homely environment and It is situated in divisional city of Rangpur, which is a traditional age old town in northern part of Bangladesh, 330 kilometers away from Dhaka. Degree MBBS, BCS (Health) MD (Medicine) It helps a business to reach the top position in the online sector. Speciality Urology Specialist & Surgeon. www .ssmcbd .net. Dhaka Hospital Doctor And Ambulance Number List. Speciality Child Specialist. Speciality Child Specialist. Contact For Serial +8801971555555. The institute has a high-quality educational curriculum that is based on the most up-to-date values to offer the best education possible. Digital Marketing Manager. Copyright 2015-22 for www.PMCRangpur.com | Admission Office India - Mr. Arun Bapna (Jain) | Call/WhatsApp: +91 9001099110 | Email Id: [email protected], 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. Spacious and fully furnished hostel rooms. Visiting Time Please Contact For Information. Institute is located in Rangpur, one of the nearest Medical College from India. Degree MBBS, BCS (Health) FCPS (Child) what else is required to get a feel like home, Bangladesh is also known as old India. Visiting Time Please Contact For Information. Speciality Neurology Specialist. It is one of the best universities in Bangladesh, and it guarantees quality education. Contact For Serial +8809613787813. Cafes, libraries, hospitals, stationery, and Indian restaurants are all within walking distance of the hostel. For foreign students, admission is through the embassy of Bangladesh in their respective countries. Degree MBBS, DTCD, MD (Cardiology) Currently, the yearly intake has been increased to more than two hundred. The present college building was established on 1970. Contact For Serial +8801733008087. Speciality Gynecology & Obstetrics Specialist. Address - Medical East Gate Health City Road Dhap Rangpur. Doctor Chamber Popular Diagnostic Center Rangpur. Students of this college can pursue their post-graduation from this college on any subjects after completion of graduation. Visiting Time 4 pm to 8 pmFriday Closed. Mofizuddin Sarker to provide the highest standard of medical education and establishment of a model hospital for the poor & deprived rural people of North Bengal. Speciality Medicine Specialist. Step 4: Selected students must pay tuition for the. Important information and necessary issues you want to raise (Year 2015) Important information and necessary issues for Rangpur Medical College hospital: As per commitment & desire of the honorable prime Minister, Peoples Republic of Bangladesh, her excellency Sheikh Hasina`s mission & vision 2021 and to achieve MDG4,we are trying our best effort with maximum utilization of minimum man power. Jail Road Dhap Rangpur. Contact For Serial +8809613787813. Doctor Chamber Update Diagnostic Rangpur. It is situated in divisional city of Rangpur, which is a traditional age old town in northern part of Bangladesh, 330 kilometers away from Dhaka. Land Phone Number 3. To meet the growing needs of modern medicine the government established a medical college in Dhap, Rangpur (on the property of Pandit family of Rangpur) in 1970 with a 500-bed teaching hospital. Visiting Time Please Contact For Information. Im confident that the team of faculty & staffs of this Medical College and the budding students will work with absolute dedication to fulfill these expectations and in converting my vision into reality. Contact For Serial +8801750908297. Degree MBBS, FCPS (Gyne & Obs) Speciality Respiratory Medicine Specialist. Jail Road Dhap Rangpur. At last I pray to Almighty Allah may give us patience & strength to raise this institute to one of the best in this country as well as in the world. Address 77/1. Doctor Chamber Labaid Diagnostic, Rangpur. Address Dhap, Jail Road, Rangpur. Technology, Guangzhou Medical It is 210kilometres from the Rajshahi District and 330kilometres from Dhaka and is located next to the inter-country highway that connects India to Nepal.There is a three-storied college building and a five-storied Hospital building with 1200 beds. Medical, Mbbs/ Degree MBBS, BCS (Health) MS (Neurosurgery) Rangpur Community Medical College offers a significant tuition discount if you are a resident of a SAARC country. MBBS in Rangpur Community Medical College is taught in the English language. The hospital is now consists of about 1000 beds with a new extension building. Army Medical Corps requires inducting a good number of doctors every year. Address House #69 Dhap Jail Road Rangpur. Speciality Child Specialist. MBBS, FCPS (Medicine) MD (Neurology)Assistant Professor, neurology Department, Rangpur medical College and hospital.Visits patients from 4pm to 9pm (daily)Serial number: Popular Diagnostic Center unit 2 -Hotline no for serial : 09613787813 More Neurology Specialist : Best Neurologist in Rangpur : Neuromedicine and . The canteen at Rangpur Community College in Bangladesh is excellent. Doctor Chamber Popular Diagnostic Center Rangpur. Doctor Chamber Update Diagnostic, Rangpur. Jail Road Dhap Rangpur. Degree MBBS, BCS (Health) MSc (Oncology) ACP (USA) BIR (UK) Speciality Dental Surgeon. University, Ivano-frankovsk Many of the students joined the freedom fight and sacrificed their life for motherland. Fiverr. Clothing costs vary depending on your preferences and how frequently you buy new outfits. Health Education is need of the time. Doctor Chamber Labaid Diagnostic Rangpur. Rangpur community medical college is recognized by WHO, which means that graduates from Rangpur community medical college are eligible to practice anywhere in the world, including India. Rangpur Medical College conducts MBBS, BDS courses under Rajshahi medical University. To study MBBS at Rangpur Community Medical College for Indian students, refer to the below dates. Other types of travel, on the other hand, may cost around (US$ 10-20) each month. Degree MBBS, MCPS, MD, FCCP, FRSM, FACP, FRCP Doctor Chamber Apollo Diagnostic Center, Rangpur Course Fee. Doctor Chamber Islami Bank Community Hospital Rangpur. Doctor Chamber Update Diagnostic, Rangpur. Visiting Time Please Contact For Information. All Rights Reserved. Email Address 1. [email protected]. Laundry charges such as washing and drying at a self-service laundromat cost roughly US$ 1 per time. Speciality Medicine Specialist. It is the conversion of a dream of Dr. Md. The entire cost of lodging, whether on-campus or off-campus, is quite low. The campus of Rangpur Medical College is located in the northwest area of Rangpur, Bangladesh. Contact For Serial +8801733008087. Candidates are selected for admission based on national merit and district, whether they are sons or daughters of freedom fighters, and to fill tribal quotas. Doctor Chamber Popular Diagnostic Center Rangpur. From the beginning, the hospital was at the then Rangpur sadar hospital building until the establishment of 1000 bedded new hospital setting. Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), View DronacharyaGroups profile on Facebook, View 105150302798297843502s profile on Google+. Contact For Serial +8801766663099. Medical Hostel environment of Rangpur Community Medical College is what one would term as away from home. It has large and separate basic science building. Mail us or stay connected to our social pages to let us know your comments & feedback. Jail Road Dhap Rangpur. Visiting Time 3 pm to 8 pm- Thursday & Friday Closed. Contact For Serial +8801766663099. It is the second largest medical school in Bangladesh. Address House #69 Dhap Jail Road Rangpur. Welcome to Prime Medical College, Rangpur, Bangladesh. Arafatuzzaman Sarker Director Dr. Meghna Tahsin Reza Director Step 2: Candidates must submit scanned copies of their high school diplomas and other documents. 29,23,379 (Full course) Course Duration. Visiting Time 4 pm to 9 pmFriday Closed, Degree MBBS, BCS (Health), D-ORTHO. Visiting Time Please Contact For Information. Speciality Eye Specialist. Medical students must achieve the following basic prerequisites to get MBBS seats at Rangpur Community Medical College: Popular Medical College has an exemplary Hostel with proper sanitation and hygiene. 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