legend of dragoon walkthrough disc 4

You can still attack him when this happens; basically the only effect is that you lose the use of your party member for a while. Items: Vanishing Stone (Martel), 100G, Wargod Calling, Satori Vest All the descriptions contain exactly what I have for that boss in the main walkthrough. You might as well hop right down into the nest so you can get the water. Last time I fought this battle, I actually found this phase to be incredibly easy (although that does not mean it will be for you). All Stardust Locations: Chapter 4/Disc 4; The Legend of Dragoon (PS1) - Ending/Epilogue; The Legend of Dragoon: Rose's Memories 4K . Here go up the stairs and into the tower directly above the entrance. Then return to the main entrance and go up the elevator at the top of the screen. As you head out, Rose asks Dart if he needs advice on how to fight as a Dragoon. Chapter 3 focuses less on personal histories and more on the main plotline. Bottle acquired in Lohan to hold life water. Physical and Magic Attacks vary dramatically across all minor enemies, but the defenses are relatively consistent. Items: Down Burst, Poison Guard, Stun Guard, Panic Guard, Protector, Frozen Jet, Active Ring, Flash Hall, Destone Amulet, Bravery Amulet, Magic Ego Bell, Healing Rain (x2), Halberd, Spectral Flash. Continue up the path to the save point. After the battle, continue forward, grabbing the chest with a Down Burst, until you come to a new area. Afterwards, head southwest to the Forest and then to Kazas, the capital of Imperial Sandora. Phase 2: Use as many attacks that hit all enemies as possible. Rose: ----- (No choices given.) He's fast, meaning he attacks quite often, and he has a high attack. Dragoon Spirit from Shirley. Head out and this time go get the chest with a Charm Potion in it and continue into the next area. After the conversation, prepare for battle. To the right is a chest containing a Sparkle Arrow. After the conversation take the teleporter to the next platform. There are a total of 8 minor enemies that appear throughout, but some locations within the Moon are more likely to hold certain creatures than others. The top shows the character. Boss: Super Virage (Void) Make sure everyone has plenty of HP, as Frahma has some vicious attacks that can just destroy your party. Battle Prep: This battle prep is much like the last one. The party rescues Lynn and sets out to find the stolen Dragoon Spirit. This becomes problematic if you have a Level 3 (or higher) Dragoon that can do nothing but attack. We are the Dragoons!! After the battle, either go down and follow the path for a Flash Hall, or go back to fake Bale. Conserve your MP and SP; Additions are still your best bet. As soon as you are free to move, the Spinning Head will attack. Thank you for any input! Speak to the mayor when you're ready, and the party spends the night there (not without drama). Before you enter the Hero Competition, make sure you're decently stocked with various Recovery Items. Head to the right. And that means Additions. Continue up and then take a left. In return, Martel gives you a Vanishing Stone. Typically this method works right up until your characters take enough hits that they're about to die. Speak to the mayor and convince him to open the way to the Prison Island. When the Virage gets to around 2 lives left, start putting your guard up, regardless of how you were playing this before. Completion is no longer such a big deal, as it was with Kongol, so be more adventurous if you like. Like I said, this may not be accurate 100% of the time, but it seems to be a fairly reliable way to tell. 11,000 years have passed since the lower species (106 and below) were freed from the tyrannical rule of the 107th species, the. Now that the enemies are no longer Water-based, be sure to switch Dart's weapon back from the Heat Blade. Because of this, I recommend you use your most-used characters for this battle, although I did recommend Kongol and Albert for their very high HP. If the next turn belongs to the enemy and there's a strong chance he could use an attack on Albert, especially a powerful magic attack, I'll heal him immediately so that he can survive it. When Imperial Sandora attacks Bale, Basil's capital, King Albert offers himself up as hostage to ensure that no people will be harmed. The treasure chest contains a Down Burst. Visit the merchants in Vellweb if you need to and make sure you save. I recommend leveling at least one level, or spending some time leveling your Additions. If you have at least 48 Stardust, Martel will be able to heal her daughter. Continue up and leave the Nest. Go to Replace in the Menu to do so. Experience is your best friend. Go back out and into the room just above this one to get a Twister Glaive for Albert. However, what he has in physicality, he lacks in magical ability. He has more hit points, but he also has lower defenses so that you can defeat him faster. Make sure you purchase the Dark Dragoon's Armor, but don't buy the Gold Dragoon's Armor because you'll be able to find one later. This option only appears when all three characters in your party have Dragoon Spirits and all their SP is filled to the maximum, whether that be 100 or 500. This is unnecessary and can be completed anytime between now and the almost-end of the game, but if you would like to snag another Dragoon Spirit, go past Fletz to the Tiberoa/Serdio border. If you have any Talismans equipped to your characters, this will not be as much of a problem. If you don't have those, do your very best to boost magic defenses across the board. See here for details. Beware his confuse-all-party-members attack. Your goal is to reach the Bottom Chamber three times. Ten thousand years prior, the Dragon War pitted Dragoons -- humans with the power to control dragons -- against Enslavers, magicians who sought to enslave the humans. Just go across to the other lift. If you're getting low on health, get the number of enemies in any given battle down to one, and guard repeatedly until you're at full health. When you get across, grab the necessary chest containing a Red Stone. However, there are other nuances to this. The triangle button is used to open the main menu and sort lists of items. The one on the right will heal the party after this, and you are given Magic Oil to operate the elevators. Climb down the ladder and check the fireplace for a (1) Stardust. The chest here contains another Gushing Magma. So if you are going up against a Water-type enemy, taking along a Fire-type character or using Fire-type items will be very handy. Remember that using Attack Items is equivalent to using a magic attack. I went through the game twice in attempts to calculate HP of bosses. This part is a little trickier. Afterwards, exit the Marshland. Backstory: Haschel is a sixty-three year old man who, twenty-five years ago, lost his daughter when she ran away. The ceremony has already begun. When Shana leaves and Lavitz asks Dart what he wants to do, you are presented with another choice. This Virage, as all Virage, has high magical abilities. Focus on physical attacks from here on out, as Lenus's Magic Defense is fairly high. Inside is Nello, who offers the party a place to stay. Go back into town, where Dart runs into Meru. Being ahead by a level or two is the best way to not die in this game. Upon entry, Dart exits the wagon. Don't worry about the treasure chests right now. Leave the clinic. Zieg has all the same attacks as Dart as a Dragoon, except he adds a little more flair to each one. "List" just shows you a list of all items you have. She gives you special items in return for the Stardust, which you can see here. When the test is over, head to the left. Now go out of the Fort to the left, where you will find a chest containing a Lance. No biggie. As the battle comes to a close, the Grand Jewel begins to reverse this process, and adds the lost levels back, bringing your attacks back up to normal levels. Get off and go down on the next white spot. If you've been training well up to this point, it will be almost no problem, but otherwise, it will be fairly difficult. Go back and speak to Martel. She wields the White Silver Dragoon Spirit. The next teleporter eventually takes you to a Magical Hat and a Moon Serenade. After the battle, enter the doorway and open the chest, containing a Dancing Dagger for Rose. One of the main side quests of The Legend of Dragoon involves collecting 50 Stardust from different areas throughout the entire game, mostly in towns and friendly areas without enemies. As it has no charging time, this should be your first target. Strategy is such a strange thing in this game. Unlike the battle with the Grand Jewel, there is no grace period during which Dragoon attacks are actually viable. For every ten Stardust you give her, she'll give you a magical item: The first four items are special and rare Accessories that are handy in battle. Go down the first rope for 20 gold. Dispiriting is a common problem in this battle as well, and can be cured with a Mind Purifier or by a Dragoon transformation. Check the left-hand jar on the north wall for another Stardust. This is a time to explore backstories and develop each character a little more. Beyond these items, you also have Repeat Items. Now head left, up, up, right, and up to get to the last part of the desert. Otherwise, you are gifted with the Psychedelic Bomb, which is not as powerful and can only be used once, like other Attack Items. On top of that, the attacks are chosen randomly, meaning you could get hit with his most powerful attack three times in a row. Training Tip: Now is a good time to train since you finally have all seven party members, a save point, and Rock Fireflies. Battle Prep: If you took the time to gather a whole bunch of money, having a couple Legend Casques would do you a lot of good for this battle. Dart: "I will save Shana no matter what!" About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . Meru will disappear. Lenus's Dragoon magic attacks are much kinder than the ones she used last time. Afterwards, continue to the right. This walkthrough is dedicated to my older brother who introduced me to this game. Be sure to record these on a piece of paper. Afterwards, move forward, and ascend to the Moon. Dart and Shana greet each other as old friends, and upon leaving the cell are attacked by guards. If anyone gets Confused by Guftas, use a Mind Purifier or a Dragoon Special to cure it. If you get an attempts warning, you know that "891" must be the correct combination. Note: The Soul Eater may be Dart's best weapon, but it also saps his health. Continue north. If this happens, use a Depetrifier to cure it, or use the Dragoon special if it's available. Melbu Frahma: I have acquired all. For the others, try to boost defenses or HP with various Accessories. Go first to the Law Factory, where the yellow creature sells both items and weapons. That being said, remember that Feyrbrand uses attacks that can cause various Calamities, so consider using a Rainbow Earring or other Accessories that make your characters immune to Fear, Stunning, and Poison. Spend time guarding until you're at full health, and then attack the Pupa. I hope this walkthrough has been helpful to you. Master Tasman is the first person in Seles to . If you choose LODModS, be sure to download the specific mods you want in the list under the suites. This place is really complicated, and I do mean really complicated. However, if you have Lavitz at a Dragoon Level 2, his Blossom Storm will come in handy in this battle, especially since Fruegel has some particularly painful attacks. In most areas except for towns, you will encounter random battles. Each of these items raises speed by 20 points, meaning that Kongol can be just as fast as Meru if he wears both the Bandit's Ring and Bandit's Shoes (30 + 20 + 20 = 70); or Meru can have a speed of 110, almost four times that of Kongol. To the left is a chest with a Total Vanishing. This uses a very powerful magic attack that attacks each party member, causing massive damage. During this time, take advantage of not being attacked and deal as much damage as possible. Battle Prep: Pretend that you are about to fight Dart himself. When everything is ready, continue up to fight the discount-basilisk. Go to the left and get a chest ("What a merry guy you are!"). Once this is done, go back to the first area and go up with the teleporter. Anything below this can be considered low, and anything above can be considered high. This game consists mostly of battles. This is when the battle really begins. The treasures are as follows: You can talk to these people and sometimes get some interesting information; but otherwise, they're just basically there to make the towns appear populated. Once the competition starts, you won't be able to leave and grab any more. But don't attack Doel while that shield is up. Go to the back part of town and then to the docks in the back again. You'll win a Healing Rain and a Halberd. The Signet Sphere is now open, so take the transporter to it. Saving is always recommended! This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal, private use. Unfortunately, you do not get any experience for these battles beyond the leveling of Additions. Calamities are such things as poison, fear, dispiriting, etc. I suggest using the Divine Dragon Cannon magic. After the battle, the namesake of the Shrine, Shirley, appears and challenges the party to see if they are worthy of possessing the real treasure of the Shrine: a Dragoon Spirit.

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