jezebel spirit in marriage

I really hate this spirit upon her and get weary trying to love her out of Jezebels control. Poor King Ahab played right into her hands. How can you tell? Those under its influence desire personal glory. I speak destruction over the altars where the spirit of Jezebel received worship in my life, and I erect an altar there for God. Fasting creates power whether good or evil, this is why different religions fast and there are still results fasting is spiritual but not always holy before God. the girls have choses to stay with him for he has convinced them that I Am mentally ill.His emotional abuse so convincing that everything was my fault, I was so confused about my walk with God. Im so glad you could tell. Jezebel spirits are masters of Faith is fundamentally a relational termit is not first a matter of what you believe, but whom you trust. This article originally appeared at All rights reserved. We can counsel you in-office or via the Internet using GoToMeeting. A worldly lead conversely, opens the door to destruction. We are not held accountable for our past mistakes once born again. I have gone from someone who considered himself to be a stable reliable, stand-up guy to someone who now doubts himself daily about everything. I fully understand. A Jezebel has no close friends but has many friends because he/she is not genuine, trustful nor faithful. What is the Principle of Headship? I now feel so abused, tricked, manipulated. Only the Holy Spirit should have all access. Actively put on your armor of God. When you discuss with outsiders first, it is very dangerous and can cause premature death on your relationship. Posted on Last updated: December 20, 2020. It's always waiting for me. Contact our prayer team HERE and break free for the influence of the Jezebel today! This is why leaders in the bible would only choose workers for a ministry area in the Church, after prayer and fasting (even minor ministry areas like food distribution). Remember, your battle is happening because you're taking new ground, so may your steps be strong, may your path be illuminated and may your sight be made clear so that every advancement will be accomplished with great confidence. Does this advise agree with Gods promises and instructions? Jezebel will tell you of the many experiences, dreams and visions he/she has had but experiences, dreams and visions without knowledge of Gods Word are dangerous. Her dominating husband (who is spiritually weak and lacks the heart of a servant) intimidates her with his size and projected male hierarchy. This spirit hates authority, despises Gods design for marriages and families is to give a picture of how unity, love, honor, and a relationship with the Father are manifested here on earth. Meditating on it day and night prospers His plans in your life. They dont do so because they want to help or are called to be there but because they are controlling and want to lead many things for the purpose of receiving admiration. Steve Sampson, author of two very well written books (Confronting JezebelandDiscerning and Defeating the Spirit of Ahab) puts it all in plain English. Rabbi Curt Landry | Why He Shares Gods Heart for the Orphan, One New Man The Church and the Jewish roots of Her faith, Reaching the Nations with the Message of Yeshua, Childrens Spring Feast Guide| A Pray & Learn Resource, Spiritual Protection for Your Health and Wealth, Intercessory Prayer: 30 Days of Focused Prayer, the intended target is people or groups that want to glorify God, numerous characteristics to this purely evil spirit, usually those who are for Gods Kingdom prospering. Everything about me is a mess now. is nicely trying to manipulate me through my suffering December 25, 2017 Dr. Dee Evans. Once you understand the characteristics, how it operates, and how to cut it off, protecting yourself becomes more about being aware. Good Luck, God Bless You and everyone else out there that finds themselves in this mess, married 27 years, my charming ,handsome, , unteachable, narcissist ,sociopath, manipulative, intelligent, bible knowledge, prayer warrior, evangelist, husband. The goodness of God is overwhelming evil; truth is overcoming lies, and the power of the Spirit is displacing the powers of darkness. A Jezebel spirit in a woman will not submit to a man, if she does it will only be in pretence in order to gain ground or favours; her submission is conditional. Spiritual Warfare + Ministry Why are things so hard now? Woe is me. This weapon is usually used by female Jezebels towards women who are in ministry (Jezebel will message the husband) or men who are in ministry (Jezebel will seek guidance from the man in ministry). My understanding and faith is more powerful that the ungodly spirts of Satan. She admitted to no wrong and did not open herself to conviction and repentance. These kind of people are definitely not Christians if you truly see what accepting Christ means. In my situation, I found that God chose not to loose those in my life who carried the sprit. Jezebel: Its All About Control | Social Juggernaut. She stopped speaking to him entirely and slandered him in church and in the City. Your thoughts and dreams become sexually perverse. God was already angry about the prevalence of idol worship and witchcraft, and had ordered the prophet Elijah to stand up against them (1 Kings 16: 22-33 NIV). Over the years, I have developed quite a bit of information on this type of evil spirit and how it operates, and I now want to share it with all of you so you will be able to spot one if it ever moves into your circle of influence whether it be in your marriage, in your church, at your place of employment, or in between any of your personal friendships, as this evil spirit loves to break up good and godly relationships. As a result of this type of spirit being capable of playing more than one kind of game with you, this makes this kind of spirit much more deadly and destructive. If your spouse is engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching and unrepentant sin, it is possible they are being controlled by a Jezebel Spirit. PDF. Ill get you the vineyard of Naboth the Jezreelite (power-move = I do this for you and now I OWN you). So, she wrote letters in her husbands name and ordered Naboth to be stoned to death! I was shown that my wife to be had this thing in her. Clearwater, Florida 33760, Above & Beyond Christian Counseling Dear reader, do not accept every dream, prophesy or voice to speak into your life; many are not speaking from the throne of God but from the pits of hell. Where does the fear come from? Picture this: someone enters your life who will bend over backwards to do anything for you. If the basis is to steal your man, she will do this in jealousy of your relationship and will feel better about herself if your man is unfaithful. And to honor is to hold in high esteem. If you are inclined to keep going along to get along just to keep the peace, then you may be carrying the biblical Ahab spirit, and your friend, spouse, family member, boss or employee, male or female, is probably a Jezebel! Could you post a list of all of your public sites like your twitter feed, Facebook So why do we war in the Spirit? As sad as it makes me to say this, my health, peace, happiness, and outlook on life have all improved drastically. Marriage Counseling (571) 620-6478. A Jezebel is impatient, a show off, proud, rude, selfish, provoking, thinks of evil, rejoices in sin, unbearable, unbelieving and unendurable. She had poisoned his adult children, but he won their love and trust back through prayer and persistence with communication and his own desire to show he loves them without condition. She may capitulate to passivity and stay in the marriage merely out of fear or for financial security. Scripture taken from New King James Version. Not completely consumed me but it's tearing me up. God is always with you. It was the wedding between King Ahab of Israel and his Indeed. I believe there is hope for you and your marriage. When he became a deacon, she became deaconess. Yes I am dealing with this spirit now, I k no I am a believer and I k know that God has given me power to overcome, but I have allowed the jezebel spirit to weaken me. I believe this article is very good and it is accurate. Jezebels do not forgive nor forget. More detail doesnt matter. We adhere to biblically based moral and ethical principles, and maintain these principles both in public and in private. We want to be clear that both men and women can be influenced by the Jezebel spirit. A spirit of murder will try and get someone to commit cold-blooded murder. Her family perfected the plan while they were in NV together. She says til death. You cannot serve God and mammon.Matthew 6:24. He/she is the opposite of everything 1 Corinthians 13:4-8 says about Love. I feel compelled to write to you. It fuels immorality in our government and the Church, causing confusion and grief. 2022 was and is going to be the year for me and my walk with Christ. Spiritual conflicts most often occur when we advance into new territory that is inhabited by evil spirits. Some people have called this a master type spirit. Thats the main point I would like to bring up. He has a diverse background in business, counseling, consulting, pastoring and teaching, which gives him unique leadership insights and perspectives. You do not have to be afraid of it. Prayer is powerful and essential in times of warfare. It is truly hard to discern. When he became a Pastor, she also became a Pastor out of desire and not calling. I am mindful that marriage is a covenant with God and do not take that responsibility lightly. Some wives allow this spirit to entice them and they end up submitting to their husband only when it is beneficial to them; this is rebellion in the marriage bed. But I have been given the authority (Luke 10:19), not the Jezebel. I find myself alienated from my children, and from my wifes family. 12Indicatorsof a Jezebel Spirit at Work. His son, Ahaziah inherited the throne, but died in an accident where he fell from a balcony. It was my opinion and experience from which this was written. I am fighting for my (now former) wife, because it comes down to one simple thing if I dont, who will? Charisma News - Informing believers with news from a Spirit-filled perspective, 4 Sure Signs You're Battling This Demonic Jezebel Spirit. This is why when you have friends with a Jezebel spirit you will often be emotionally or pyschologically frustrated, confused and tired from the friendship. The Spirit of Jezebel is basically a controlling spirit working through the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and The mission of The One New Man Network is to be a bridge of unity and restoration between Israel and the Church, releasing Gods fullness throughout the earth. Can Using Crystal Meth be Considered Witchcraft? 3) Jezebels Covetousness. I dont know. If a gifted or talented person has a Jezebel as a friend that person will suffer greatly because Jezebel will act like a friend yet he/she is an enemy seeking to sabotage them and their gifts. A Jezebel spirit is so manipulative and controlling, that it will even affect the way a person Elijah had just killed 850 prophets and turned the Israelites I rebuke and bind the spirits of witchcraft, lust, seduction, intimidation, idolatry, and whoredom connected to Jezebel. We believe that there is one God, our creator, manifested into three persons God the Father, Jesus the Son, our Savior and the Holy Spirit, the very Spirit of God, who provides spiritual power for daily living and Godly service. He say down from ministry but she did not. As a result, it is actually easy to spot after a certain length of time. 7. Shawn Bolz: If You Ignore Your Calling, Jezebel Will Take It From You, What Spirit-Filled Christians Need to Know About Jezebel's War on America, Click here to subscribe to the Charisma News newsletter. For example, some of the function names of demons would be spirits of lust, spirits of anger, spirits of murder, etc. The Bible describes King Ahab, in 1 Kings 16:30, as doing more evil in the eyes of the Lord than any of those before him.. This is the controlling spirit of Jezebel at work, using its position of prominence to destroy other womens lives. The Birthing of a Mega Economy. which, by definition, means the battle is spiritual. Clearwater, FL 33760, Brandon, Florida Panentheism God is not only everything as in pantheism, but also he is IN everything (rocks, trees, water, etc) hence, praying to stone, wood, metal, ivory, gems, fountains, etc., is meaningful, Phenomenology the philosophy that all experience of events and/or objects is to be evaluated solely on the basis of the human consciousness without reference to any outside factors (no causation, no independent standard, irrelevant or nonexistent God/Creator), Existentialism derived from phenomenology primarily by Jean-Paul Sartre, the philosophy that a self-determining agent makes rational, relevant, meaningful evaluations of events or objects given that the universe is purposeless, irrational (no God/Creator, no causative relationships) and then acts rationally (relative term meaning each agent determines what is rational). The Jezebel spirit attacks governmental leadersboth men and women. To make a long story short she put him through hell in the marriage and he found him self retaliating more and more. Jezebel is from the devil so obviously, the way in which she is going to operate is going to be of that energy. She took me to court 7 or 8 times for nothing but made up stories. So how has this turned out? Richie; I identify with your pain, as I am in a similar position. Copyright by Michael Bradley and Chris Bradley. Here are a few indicators that you may be dealing with a Jezebel Spirit (and wearing red lipstick is NOT a characteristic of a Jezebel spirit). Conviction must be present. They play the victim. According to the biblical accounts of Queen Jezebel and King Ahab, there is a very good explanation for why this may be happening. A Jezebel promises to fulfil all your forbidden desires and will do so by unjustly ways. Its very interesting because all the Jezebel spirits; that I have recognized in young marriages the women are the mamas girls to the point that these men with the ahab spirit are not allowed to call or visit their mothers. Therefore. They will however casually bring up in conversations your flaws and weaknesses to mock you or they will bring up your victories as a way to butter you up. Just now mu oldest is speaking to me again. She orchestrated evil behind her husbands reign to get what she wanted, control. They trust in their looks and use this as a means to gain favour and if Jezebel is in a woman, she will be adorned beautifully from hair, make-up to her outfit. Has this year been a constant battle? If you experienced breakthrough when this prophetic word was released earlier this year, please share your testimonies in the comments. Dear reader, if you know someone has a Jezebel spirit, do not get too close to him/her because they will use your secrets and flaws against you in the future. However, when you come across a Jezebel spirit, it is something quite different. We met later and dated. 10012 N. Dale Mabry, Suite 205 So much so that my back is out of place. This is because Jezebel finds a thrill in destroying relationships and feels powerful knowing that another womans man or another mans woman is giving them attention. The Jezebel spirit affects many in the church (Satan targets Christians with demons in order to cause them to be ineffective in their Christian walk) and is the main reason for arguments and divorce as one of the spouses struggle with the Jezebel spirit and the other with the Ahab spirit. God told me it was okay to let go. Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more. Prophetic messages from respected leaders & news of how God is moving throughout the world. Much of the items listed are part and parcel of the Eastern religions Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism. Praying, ministering and still it was all a bunch of crap. We are now divorcing. She will do just about anything to get someones place of prominence especially those who speak the truth or have a genuine/pure heart. It may be to stay for a time then go. We must first understand its influence on our culture, government, and Church. I hope and Pray for you not to lose any more of your life due to this what I call STD. Perhaps a woman feels the same way and falls into its lies, creating ungodly soul-ties. I now believe that my wife is under the influence of Jezebel. Actually Michelle, my life has blossomed! They blame everyone else. I'm just not me any longer. Her entire family has covered her. Our vision is to bring revival to Israel, the Church, and the nations through a deeper understanding and revelation of the power of covenant. I am confessing ever day what I want God to do in my life and my situation. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. By her teaching, she misleads my servants into sexual immorality and the eating of food sacrificed to idols. Because the Jezebel spirit is incredibly manipulative, many have reported they feel in a fog or a daze. For example, they understand that sexual immorality is against Gods design, yet somehow this spirit can create a desperate desire in a man. The person with this spirit will try and find out even the smallest of details about their opponent to use for a plot. The controlling manner of the Jezebel spirit can be condescending and insubordinate. He filed for divorce. Now Im counting the Years I have spent sleeping on couches (15 at least). If a Jezebel is in a woman, shes will open several accounts on social media websites such as Facebook and Instagram to fight you or to steal your other half. They may buy you gifts, lunch, watch your children, cook for you, detail your car, or even give you money. For example, there is a married Pastor who has raped many young women whom he counsels in his home office, a few other pastors know this but no one has prosecuted him yet because no-one believes that this pastor can do such things and there is no evidence. Truth is I'm angry at God. All hell broke loose Im now being constantly hacked she refuses to divorce me and shes been manipulating my kids its almost been a year of non-stop chaos tearing down and distortion of reality I have so much to say but Ill pray for everyone here and hope the best. Great article and insight. If this spirit is operating in your sphere of influence, then it is time to take action. Look at those whom you call friends, what advise do they give you? Earlier this year, I gave a prophetic word regarding spiritual warfare on the earth. Weak and childish, he pouts, is spoiled and throws temper tantrums.A woman can also become an Ahab, especially if she is married to a man with a Jezebel spirit. Therefore, for some people you will have to tell them Excuse me, please take off your shoes before you come in that is to mean; keep your opinions, judgements, tales and advices; they are not coming in our relationship. Required fields are marked *. Jezebel is a territorial (principality) spirit that does not inhabit a body. Im not hijacking or spamming here, but really would like your prayers. When Elijah called upon God to send fire down to consume the sacrifice on his altar, fire came down from heaven immediately and consumed the offering. It hides itself when challenged in public through counselling sessions or when in public. Never back down never quit until God tells me to. You will see them participate in 3 or more ministries in the church. Simply put, a Jezebel spirit is one of Satans higher-ranking, more intelligent demons if not the smartest kind of demon he has in his kingdom. Much like Joshua's promised land experience or Nehemiah rebuilding of the walls, the enemy defends his territory when we are pushing forward into the new land. You're experiencing resistance because you're right where you need to be: taking new ground, advancing the kingdom and shining light in dark places. I think everyone going through their situations if you really want relief, you must humble yourself and go to God for your next move. A Jezebel places themselves in the place of prominence subtly and by craftiness with objectives of popularity, if possible even to the degree of being worshipped. After the emotions are loosed, he will appear sorrowful, but never admitting guilt. It is a total control freak, and it is also very good at manipulation and getting people to do its evil bidding. Many marriages have fallen through social media messages between other womens husbands and seemingly innocent strangers who were in fact Jezebels. Best wishes! A Jezebel has a hardened heart that lacks humility. Heres the abbreviated story, somewhat. I wish I could just be married to my wife, without Jezebel being there too, because my wife, when shes herself, is absolutely wonderful. Therefore, those under the attack of Jezebel must always stand firm in prayer and live a pure life unto God. (Let me interject here: For clarity, the Biblical Jezebel was indeed, a WOMAN. I havent gone back because she threatened me not to. Just like you cannot forget your own mother. Such a person is capable of killing you or destroying your life. Thank you for this site and the articles you write, I know I will be visiting and reading here very often. They isolate and pit people against each other privately and individually behind closed doors. Jezebels agenda is more extensive than just ungodly control and manipulation. You will suffer calamity and unfruitfulness in areas of your life because you will be walking together with someone whose heart devices evil and sows discord among brethren. When you are free, you can answer the call of God. I cover my family and my marriage with regular prayer and am desperate for God to be revealed in our home as in earlier times. If so, what did they do?, what was their breakthrough?, what actually happened.? Stay away. We have an extensive collection of free articles, podcasts, slideshares and videos. Repentance understands the great offense the behavior and the heart behind it is to God and to those who were a victim of it. (LogOut/ Id be right back to either agreeing with everything she says and does, or receiving her wrath? However, the SPIRIT of Jezebel may manifest itself in a woman or a MAN, according to the book cited below. I get disappointed also when others state that her conduct is a reflection of my Godliness. 1219 Millennium Parkway, #106 Most pastors can not spiritually isolate and see this spirit. I have been driven often to go away for work reasons and she would accuse of me not being there. And she wont respond to my emails. He/she will make you think they are more spiritual than most people. For me, the #1 thing I prayed for was wisdom. I believe God is there to help me either to see her delivered or find me another woman. We know that God resists the proud. We would like to send you an update by email when we have a new Counseling / Deliverance Ministry article, podcast or video. Thanks for your comments. People controlled by Jezebel use flattery to win you over to their domination. He would like nothing more than to focus our attention in one area or on one person while causing chaos and destruction in another. Even if its inappropriate, there is no dull day with the person with this spirit. In other words if I started to worry or get frustrated or freak out, I would bury myself in the Bible or prayer. She wrote letters in her breakthrough?, what was their breakthrough?, what was their breakthrough? what. A person is capable of killing you or destroying your life confusion and grief always stand firm in and! Go away for work reasons and she would accuse of me not being there, 2020 as I mindful! To either agreeing with everything she says and does, or receiving her wrath on... Forbidden desires and will do so by unjustly ways come across a Jezebel has no close friends has! Stay up-to-date with current issues, Christian teachings, entertainment news, videos & more I have spent on! 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