how many libyans died in benghazi

After some discussion, the CIA's Global Response Staff (GRS) at the CIA annex, which included Tyrone S. Woods, decided to attempt a rescue. | Getty Images By Josh Gerstein 10/10/2017 03 . His requests were denied and according to Nordstrom, State Department Official Charlene Lamb wanted to keep the security presence in Benghazi "artificially low".[64]. [235], President Obama called the criticism a "sideshow"[236] and later accused Congress of "taking its eye off the ball" on the subject of the economy and focusing on "phony scandals". [138], Also in October, a Libyan suspect, Karim el-Azizi, who had recently returned to Egypt from Libya and was storing weapons in his hideout, detonated a bomb and was found dead in his apartment after clashes with security forces. Share this via WhatsApp [155] A 2012 Gallup poll noted that "A majority of Libyans (54%) surveyed in March and April 2012 approve of the leadership of the U.S.among the highest approval Gallup has ever recorded in the region, outside of Israel. [75] He hit the alarm and started shouting, "Attack! Consulate attacked. "[149], There were demonstrations in Benghazi[150] and Tripoli[151] on September 12, condemning the violence and holding signs such as "Chris Stevens was a friend to all Libyans", "Benghazi is against terrorism", and other signs apologizing to Americans for the actions in their name and in the name of Muslims. Apr 21st 2011, 11:19 by J.D | LONDON. The GNC also failed to reverse a 2012 law that grants immunity from prosecution for acts "promoting or protecting the [2011] revolution," which in practice propagated a culture of impunity and selective justice. . The RSO [Regional Security Officer] in Libya compiled a list of 234 security incidents in Libya between June 2011 and July 2012, 50 of which took place in Benghazi. Main article: 2012 Benghazi attack. [222], In April 2013, the Pentagon announced the activation of a USMC quick response force for North Africa that would use the range and speed of the Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey to be able to respond to similar events in the future. Instead of patting a weak government on the back, concerned countries should focus on Libya's fragmented justice and security sector. June 17, 2014. Prior to her appearance, Rice was provided with "talking points" from a CIA memo,[184] which stated: The currently available information suggests that the demonstrations in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi and subsequently its annex. According to al-Bakoush, the Libyans saw he was alive and breathing, his eyelids flickering. A possible political motive for the investigation was revealed on September 29, 2015, when Republican House majority leader Kevin McCarthy, then vying to become Speaker of the House, told Sean Hannity on Fox News that the investigation was part of a "strategy to fight and win,' adding "Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right? People in and out of government have alleged that a CIA response team was ordered to "stand down" after the State Department compound came under attack, that a military rescue was nixed, that officials intentionally downplayed the role of al-Qaida figures in the attack, and that Stevens and the CIA were involved in a secret operation to spirit weapons out of Libya and into the hands of Syrian rebels. Get updates on human rights issues from around the globe. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, IT expert Sean Smith and former U.S. Navy SEALs Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods were killed during the attack. Around 300 American, British, Polish & Ukrainian high-rank officers, inc. many NATO generals & colonels were killed 1/9. Jan. 23, 2020. [102] There he was administered CPR for 90 minutes by Dr. Ziad Abu Zeid. [117][118] It was further reported that Ahmed Abu Khattala was called a ringleader of the attack by both witnesses and authorities, though he insisted he did not play a part in the aggression at the American compound. It had no real political role." The television ads in Pakistan (marked with the U.S. Embassy seal) feature clips of President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton during press appearances in Washington in which they condemned the video. [22] In her role as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton subsequently took responsibility for the security lapses. [219] The incident prompted Republican Rep. Allen West to claim that the illness was a ruse intended to avoid testifying. [79] Phone calls were made to the embassy in Tripoli, the Diplomatic Security Command Center in Washington, the February 17th Martyrs Brigade and a U.S. quick reaction force located at the annex compound a little more than a mile (1.6km) away. . [5] [6] Stevens is the first U.S. ambassador killed in an attack since Adolph Dubs was killed in 1979. [258] It criticized the actions and speed of response of the State Department, and the Defense Department, leading up to and during the attacks in Benghazi. The FBI opened its investigation soon after the attack and it remains ongoing. [259] No further public investigations have been conducted since. A Libyan militant was sentenced on Thursday to more than 19 years in prison by a federal judge for his role in the 2012 Benghazi attacks that killed four Americans . The American whose death was confirmed on Tuesday also died of a gunshot wound. However, none of the ten Benghazi investigations determined she had. interests."[194][195][196][197][198]. The steady drumbeat of violence over the past three years has undermined the authority of successive governments, and laid the groundwork for Haftar's campaign. Libyan security forces used water cannons and rubber bullets against the crowds, resulting in a number of injuries. Details emerge on former SEAL's final actions in Benghazi", US military's response questioned in wake, Dad of U.S. bodyguard 'blown up twice' in Benghazi says State Department should admit mistakes, "Video shows Libyans helping rescue U.S. ambassador after attack", "Libya witness: Stevens was alive when found", "Video shows Libyans trying to rescue U.S. ambassador", "President Obama on the Attack in Benghazi", "Diplomat: Ambassador in Benghazi Said, 'We're Under Attack'", "Video shows Libyans trying to save U.S. ambassador", "US ambassador killed in Libya attack: Chris Stevens 'given CPR for 90 minutes', says Benghazi doctor", "Diplomats' Bodies Return to U.S., and Libyan Guards Recount Deadly Riot", "Revealed: inside story of US envoy's assassination", "Statement on the Death of American Personnel in Benghazi, Libya", "Statement on the Deaths of Tyrone S. Woods and Glen A. Doherty in Benghazi, Libya", "Clinton Recognizes Victims of Benghazi Attacks", "Former Navy SEALs identified as consulate attack victims", "Libya Attack Brings Challenges for U.S.", "U.S. ambassador Chris Stevens killed in consulate attack in Libya", Paul Cruickshank, Tim Lister, Nic Robertson, and Fran Townsend, "Sources: 3 al Qaeda operatives took part in Benghazi attack", Paul Cruickshank, "Analysts search for clues in al-Zawahiri remarks on Benghazi", Paul Cruickshank, Tim Lister and Nic Robertson, "Phone call links Benghazi attack to al Qaeda commander", "Terrorist Designations of Ansar al-Sharia as an Alias for Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula", Attack by Fringe Group Highlights the Problem of Libya's Militias, Election-Year Stakes Overshadow Nuances of Libya Investigation, "US ambassador killed in Libya: investigators probe whether Benghazi assault was planned", "Libya Attack Pre-Planned By Terror Group? WASHINGTON The death toll in Libya after more than two months of violence could reach as high as 30,000, an Obama administration official said Wednesday . "[62], Ambassador Stevens' diary, which was later found at the compound, recorded his concern about the growing al-Qaeda presence in the area and his worry about being on an al-Qaeda hit list. Films can be used as powerful political weapons - and director Michael Bay's latest film, 13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi, is a case in point . [1] [169] On the same day as the declaration, various militias in Misrata held meetings, ultimately deciding to submit to the government's authority, and handed over various public facilities they had been holding, including the city's three main jails, which were handed over to the authority of the Ministry of Justice. This investigation also failed to find any evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials. "[204], On September 26, Clinton acknowledged a possible link between Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Benghazi attack.[205]. During the hours before the attack, Egyptian satellite television networks popular in Benghazi had been covering the outrage over the video. [207], On CNN's State of the Union with Candy Crowley on September 30, Crowley observed that "Friday we got the administration's sort of definitive statement that this now looks as though it was a pre-planned attack by a terrorist group, some of whom were at least sympathetic to al Qaeda," and asked the senior Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Senator John McCain, "why do you think and are you bothered that it has taken them this long from September 11th to now to get to this conclusion?" The number of unlawful killings has been steadily increasing, and has now reached an average of one murder a day. [231], With the attack and subsequent criticism occurring in the last two months of the 2012 U.S. presidential election, Democrats and liberal media figures accused Republicans of politicizing the attacks in an unprecedented manner. [79][81] Stevens, Smith, and Wickland moved to the nearby bathroom, but then decided to leave the safe haven after being overcome by smoke. At the time, they were informed that the attack was a "terrorist attack". American UAVs were also sent to fly over Libya to search for the perpetrators of the attack.[181]. Fox News, Hannity, Aug. 5, 2015 State Department, FOIA document search, accessed Aug. 10, 2015 State Department, Accountability Board Review of Benghazi attack, accessed Aug. 11, 2015 . The earliest attacks were straightforward, targeting the Qaddafi-era state security forces and judiciary. And yet despite its own resolution pledging to remain "seized" of the situation in Libya, it has tragically failed to do so. No attack aircraft had been placed on high alert on September 11, the anniversary of the September 11 attacks in 2001, and the closest fighter planes to trouble spots in North Africa were based in Aviano, Italy. [58], British Ambassador to Libya Dominic Asquith survived an assassination attempt in Benghazi on June 10, 2012. "[128] However, on the same day of the Clinton phone call, Ansar al-Sharia issued a statement saying it "didn't participate as a sole entity; rather, it was a spontaneous popular uprising in response to what happened by the West," an apparent reference to the release of the video. [211], In the Presidential debate of October 16, 2012, between President Obama and Mitt Romney, Romney claimed that "it took the president 14 days before he called the attack in Benghazi an act of terror." "That this was an act of terror, and I also said that we're going to hunt down those who committed this crime. "[72] According to Media Matters For America, the attackers stated they were acting in response to Innocence of Muslims. Magariaf, Amb. Stevens sent cables to D.C., including a Benghazi weekly report of security incidents . [157][158], The Libyan response to the crisis was praised and appreciated in the United States, and President Obama emphasized how the Libyans "helped our diplomats to safety" to an American audience the following day,[15] while a New York Times editorial criticized Egypt's government for not doing "what Libyan leaders did". Now you're saying dozens of Americans are dead and yet there's zero . Others accuse Qaddafi "loyalists" of responsibility. The report did not conclude that Rice or any other government official acted in bad faith or intentionally misled the American people. Libyans are tiring of the chaos. "[230] According to critics, the consulate site should have been secured better both before and after the attack. Haftar's forces renewed their air strikes on Islamist militia bases on June 1, triggering clashes that injured dozens and resulted in the deaths of at least eight people. [140] Jamal Abu Ahmad, a former member of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, was released from Egyptian prison after the fall of the Mubarak regime, after which he began assembling a terrorist network. Wickland (who was severely wounded by gunfire) returned several times but could not find them in the smoke; he went up to the roof and radioed other agents. [166][167] The government also mandated that bearing arms in public was now illegal, as were armed checkpoints. Susan Candiotti and Tim Lister, "Sources: Benghazi suspect detained in Libya", Bill Gertz, "Benghazi attack suspect walks: Libyans release key player in consulate ambush", "Statement regarding the events at US Consulate in Benghazi", "What Muslim nations' leaders are saying and not about embassy violence", "15 Photos Of Libyans Apologizing To Americans", "Struggle for Ideological Upper Hand in Muslim World Seen as Factor in Attacks", "Did Ansar al-Sharia carry out Libya attack? They will need a broader vision than what has so far been on display: The current crisis can't be fixed with only the usual post-conflict capacity-building and training workshops. However, the negotiations, such as they were, have not slowed the killing. On July 30, 2013, Rep. Ed Royce (R, CA-39) introduced the Department of State Operations and Embassy Security Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2014 (H.R. State Department officials said they do not know who took Stevens to the hospital or transported the body to the airport and into U.S. The report did find, however, that the State Department facility where Stevens and Smith were killed was not well-protected, and that State Department security agents knew they could not defend it from a well-armed attack. [89][verification needed], However, through September 14, CIA analysts made a contradictory assessment, stating "We believe based on currently available information that the attacks in Benghazi were spontaneously inspired by the protests at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and evolved into a direct assault against the U.S. Consulate and subsequently its annex. He said, "I have made it clear that the United States government had nothing to do with this video, and I believe its message must be rejected by all who respect our common humanity. [79] They then spread diesel fuel in the room and set fires. The government formed a "National Mobile Force" for the purpose of evicting illegal militias. Without a functioning legal system, the house of cards that is the Libyan state will collapse. Mustafa . "[49], In April 2012, two former security guards for the consulate threw an IED over the consulate fence; the incident did not cause any casualties. By 2:30 a.m., nearly five hours after the assault had begun, Libyan security forces helped to regain control of the site. Hanan Salah is the Libya researcher at Human Rights Watch. Share this via Twitter A look at the events surrounding the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, and the controversy that followed. [1][2], At around 4:00a.m. on September 12, the group launched a mortar attack against a CIA annex approximately one mile (1.6km) away, killing two CIA contractors Tyrone S. Woods and Glen Doherty[2][3][4] and wounding ten others. [7] Senior intelligence officials later . ", "Deadly embassy attacks were days in the making", "Muslim Brotherhood Fox Was Hired To Protect Our Benghazi Consulate Henhouse Interview", "The Benghazi Timeline, Clinton Edition -", "Clinton: Facebook post about Benghazi attack not hard", "Clinton: Facebook post about Benghazi attack not hard "evidence", "Ansar al Shariah issues statement on US Consulate assault in Libya | FDD's Long War Journal", "Egyptians angry at film scale U.S. embassy walls", "Ansar al Shariah issues statement on US Consulate assault in Libya - FDD's Long War Journal", Elise Labott, "Report on Benghazi attack cites 'systemic failures'", "Obama: U.S. consulate attack in Libya not an act of war", "Remarks by the President at Univision Town Hall with Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas", "Spread of Protests Sparked by Anti-Muslim Video", "Benghazi attack suspect arrested in Tunisia; AP reports 2nd suspect killed in Egypt", "Benghazi suspect Ali Harzi released by Tunisia for lack of evidence, lawyer says", "Egypt identifies Benghazi attack suspect killed in Cairo", Thomas Joscelyn, "Video reportedly shows key suspect from Benghazi attack", Sioban Gorman, "Egyptians Detain Suspected Terrorist Ringleader", "Terrorist Designations of the Muhammad Jamal Network and Muhammad Jamal", "Security Council Committee pursuant to resolutions 1267 (1999) and 1989 (2011) concerning Al-Qaida and associated individuals and entities", Paul Cruickshank. Sameer Singh @SinghingSam. [59] The British Foreign Office withdrew all consular staff from Benghazi in late June 2012. [69] The first assault occurred at the main diplomatic compound, approximately 300 yards (270m) long and 100 yards (91m) wide, at about 9:40p.m. local time (3:40p.m. Eastern Time). [25][26][27] Khattala was captured in Libya by United States Army Special Operations Forces, who were acting in coordination with the FBI, in June 2014. [105] From Germany, the four bodies arrived at Andrews Air Force Base near Washington, D.C., where President Barack Obama and members of his cabinet held a ceremony in honor of those killed. No casualties were reported. We firmly believe that this was a precalculated, preplanned attack that was carried out specifically to attack the U.S. The CIA defenders held off the attack until the morning. The assassinations have been driven by revenge killings, score-settling, tribal feuds, religious disagreements and ordinary criminal acts. interests. One Libyan guard who was wounded in the attack was quoted as saying "there wasn't a single ant outside [before the attack]. It isI mean, I think the DNI spokesman was very declarative about this that the report is false. Share this via LinkedIn While this intelligence was effectively shared within the Intelligence Community (IC) and with key officials at the Department of State, it did not lead to a commensurate increase in security at Benghazi nor to a decision to close the American mission there, either of which would have been more than justified by the intelligence presented. There are no protesters at this . and cars are engulfed in flames after being set on fire inside the U.S. consulate compound in Benghazi, Libya . 30,000 Libyans marched through Benghazi condemning Ansar al-Sharia, which had been formed during the 2011 Libyan civil war to topple Muammar Gaddafi. A mortar fire attack on a CIA annex 1.2 miles (1.9km) away (coordinates .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}320326N 200516E / 32.0572N 20.0877E / 32.0572; 20.0877 (CIA annex)) began at about 4:00a.m. the following morning[70] and lasted for 11 minutes.[71]. The State Department said that some time between 10:15 p.m. and 11:20 p.m . At least 75 people were killed in militia clashes in Benghazi on May 16 and 17, and 140 were injured. [165][166] According to a Libyan interviewed in Tripoli, the government gained the ability to push back against the militias because of a "mandate of the people". From top to bottom, left to right: President, Vice President updated on situation night of September 11, 2012; President Obama, with Secretary Clinton, delivering statement in the Rose Garden, September 12, 2012; two photographs released through a FOIA request; Secretary Clinton testifying before the Senate Committee on January 23, 2013; portion of "wanted" poster seeking information on the attack. [23], On August 6, 2013, it was reported that the United States had filed criminal charges against several individuals alleged to have been involved in the attacks, including militia leader Ahmed Abu Khattala. After several days of fighting, and hundreds of people killed, anti-Gaddafi fighters seized control of Libya's second city.. Cities further east, including . Also on September 20, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave a classified briefing to U.S. [232][233] Romney was accused by the Obama campaign of trying to exploit the attacks for political gain, leading the father of Ambassador Stevens to call for both campaigns to avoid making it a campaign issue. consulate. Ambassador Stevens' body was found by a group of Libyans who had accessed the room through a window. [179], On September 12, it was reported that the United States Navy dispatched two Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, USSMcFaul and USSLaboon, to the Libyan coast. [249][250] In an interview with the Associated Press, Fox News' White House correspondent Ed Henry suggested that he thought Benghazi was being covered too much by the network. We saw one of our 'police' that guard the compound taking pictures. Libyans walk on the grounds of the gutted U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, after an attack that killed four Americans, including Ambassador Chris Stevens, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2012. [40]:16, J. Christopher Stevens was named the first liaison with the Libyan opposition in March 2011. (Image credit: AFP/Getty Images via @daylife) [75] Stevens retired to his room at about 9:00p.m.[76], About 9:40p.m. local time, large numbers of armed men shouting "Allhu Akbar" (God is great) approached the compound from multiple directions. In the aftermath of the attacks, Republicans criticized the Obama administration and its then-secretary of state, Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is expected to run for president in 2016. [31][32][34][35], Stevens had his last meeting of the day with a Turkish diplomat (Consul General Ali Sait Akn), and escorted the Turkish diplomat to the main gate at about 8:30p.m. local time. Please try again. Stevens was visiting Benghazi at the time to review plans to establish a new cultural center and modernize a hospital. Initial analysis by the CIA, repeated by top government officials, indicated that the attack spontaneously arose from a protest. After the first five Republican investigations found no evidence of wrongdoing by senior Obama administration officials, Republicans in 2014 opened a sixth investigation, the House Select Committee on Benghazi, chaired by Trey Gowdy. But you know, to be clear, it is, from my perspective, less important today looking backwards as to why these militants decided they did it than to find them and bring them to justice, and then maybe we'll figure out what was going on in the meantime. But it was intelligence analysts, not political appointees, who made the wrong call, the committee found. But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. CHRIS HONDROS, an American photographer whose work has appeared in The Economist, has been killed in Libya. ", "New York Times stands by Benghazi story", "U.S. captures Benghazi suspect in secret raid", "Mustafa al-Imam Sentenced to 236 Months in Prison for September 2012 Terrorist Attack in Benghazi, Libya", "Man seized over Benghazi attack is Syrian linked to suspected ringleader -Libyan officials", "Benghazi under scrutiny at congressional hearing live blog", "Benghazi witness points finger at Clinton on lapses in consulate security", "Clinton's role in the Benghazi fiasco and blame-shifting", Committee on Oversight and Government Reform House of Representatives, "U.S. officials blocked rescue efforts while Benghazi burned, Congress told", "Exclusive: Dozens of CIA operatives on the ground during Benghazi attack", "Deadly Attack in Libya Was Major Blow to C.I.A. On September 24, advertisements condemning an anti-Islam video appeared on Pakistani television. Henry said, "We've had the proper emphasis, but I would not be so deluded to say that some of our shows, some of our commentators, have covered it more than it needed to be covered. And while the violence is reprehensible and unjustified, it is not a reaction to the 9/11 anniversary that we know of, or to U.S. policy. [165][166][169], Hundreds of Libyans, mainly former rebel fighters, gathered in the city centers of Tripoli and Benghazi to hand over their weapons to the government on September 29. [224], On May 13, 2013, President Obama stated during a news conference, "The day after it happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism." the President responded, "Please proceed, governor" and "Get the transcript." The U.N. Security Council authorized military intervention in Libya in the name of the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine, and therefore has a special responsibility to address grave ongoing crimes, including crimes against humanity and mass unlawful killings. Investigators have learned he has had contact with both the Yemen-based Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and Al-Qaeda members in Pakistan. That's the first version of events we heard. [16][17][163] The militia compounds and many weapons were handed over to Libya's national army[17] in what "appeared to be part of a coordinated sweep of militia bases by police, government troops and activists" following the earlier demonstrations. The CIA, which made up most of the U.S. government's presence in Benghazi, had a ten-member security team at its annex and the State Department believed that this team would assist the consulate in the event of an attack. The interview was cut short and Ricks and the interview was not mentioned or covered by Fox News again. The four men were killed on Sept. 11, 2012, when a coalition of extremists attacked U.S. facilities in Benghazi. Investigations determined she had Rep. Allen West to claim that the illness was a `` National Mobile Force for... 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