how did swami rama die

Reprinted from Sacred Journey, an HIHT publication. Finally, she obtained his permission. No definite diagnosis could be arrived at. In such a situation, she says, the whole system becomes sick and no one can see the light: "There's no truth, When confronted with allegations of sexual abuse by Swami Rama, Pandit Rajmani resident spiritual director at the Himalayan Institute, replies "Believing such stories means disbelieving in myself. You're bound to get mixed up. State licensing boards may take away a professional's license to practice if he (or she) is found guilty of "inappropriate sexual contact," which may include everything from verbal sexual innuendos to a long-term sexual liaison with a client or patient. Rajmani explains the basic goals of the Institute's tradition of yoga: "The most important part of the practice is nonattachment." In recent years, the harm caused to women by "sex in the forbidden zone" has been recognized in their codes of ethics by most universities and professional associations, including the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association. The scattered parts of the ant moved together and united in a seconds time. Karen, the woman whose claims were ridiculed at the meeting where Swami Rama and the other directors responded to Brian's charges, was one of the first ex-members to confront top Institute administrators. [34] [35] [36] Slavery During my weekend visit, Carolyn and I took long walks on the Institute's wooded grounds while talking about her compulsive eating patterns and her disastrous relationships with men suggested as possible husbands by Swami Rama. The yogi explained two methods of bringing the dead back to lifesolar science and pranavidya (the science of prana). In 1969, Pandit Arya met Swami Rama, who gave him "one of the highest meditation initiations," in which he experienced himself "as a being of light." Glenview, Ill.: Himalayan Institute, 1976. But Carolyn says she stifled her doubts about the guru, transforming them into doubts about her own selfishness: "Because I'd rationalized that he was teaching me a lesson, I believed he must be teaching other women the same lesson, and I shouldn't begrudge his attention to other students.". When I asked Pandit Arya about the allegations of sexual abuse, he admits that he was very disturbed when he first heard them. According to traditional accounts, Ramakrishna was on the verge of suicide when he was overwhelmed by an ocean of blissful light that he attributed to Kali. He would take her to the Orient-Japan and India. Shri Swami Rama clearly understood that Health, Education and Livelihood skills form a triangular primacy and that holistic development . Sri Ram who came to know about the death of Lakshman decided that it was time to end His. As the couple started making arrangements to move to England, they received another blow. Susan has received several phone calls and a letter from people she didn't send her letter to. Swami Rama was born in a Himalayan valley of Uttar Pradesh, India in 1925 and was initiated and anointed in early childhood by a great sage of the Himalayas. Gurus were supposed to have conquered their desires, but in the spiritual literature they were often portrayed as contradictory, tricking their disciples into enlightenment. It stresses the divinity of human nature and oneness of mankind. They resided in their own house in Honesdale, unencumbered by the strict rules of the residential program. Trained to meditate and educated in the scriptures from early childhood, he was able to translate and interpret any of the 20,000 verses from the Vedas by the age of 13, according to a biographical pamphlet put out by the Meditation Center. Realizing that Ramakrishna had passed away over 12 hours ago, he asked some of the people present to get a photograph taken. Arlington Heights, Ill.: Himalayan International Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy, 1978. Given a mantra but little guidance, Carolyn dutifully performed her assigned practices, hoping that Swami Rama's "scientific" approach to yoga would eventually yield results. Many disciples come from alcoholic and dysfunctional families where they have learned how to deny emotional abuse directed against them or their siblings, in order to believe that their parents really love them and are acting in their best interests. [CDATA[ It is sad to lose what we care about in life. He would call her to his office for a private authence, and as she hung anxiously on his words he would paint a flattering picture of her future with the Institute. In an early co-authored book, Yoga and Psychotherapy (1976), he presented Hatha Yoga with reference to western psychology. The foundation stone for the hospital was laid in 1992. At the time of parting, the mantra which is stored in the unconscious mind becomes ones guide. Such a relationship, instead of giving the woman the healing or validation she seeks, reinforces her feeling that the only thing of value she has to offer a man with worldly power is her body. Since our interview, Dr. Ballentine has been sent at least two letters by women who say they were sexually abused by Swami Rama: one from Carolyn and one from Susan. Dale Colton, director of public relations at the Himalayan Institute, never returned my repeated phone calls requesting an interview with Swami Rama. "I felt two-dimensional, like a piece of paper, a cunt-he didn't care about me. Put that letter in the 'goofy file.'" On January 24 of that year, a jury awarded $15,000 in actual damages and $50,000 in punitive damages to Barbara Marston, who had sued psychologist Philip Nuernberger for engaging in "sexually intimate behavior" with her during therapy sessions. [2][R 1] All the same, But my Gurudeva has left his body. There's no need for finding out, if I know it is completely wrong.". After a couple of months of this special attention, Carolyn says, Swami Rama came to visit her one-day at the book distribution office in Honesdale center. The annual congress, held each June, offers a smorgasbord of lectures and "new age" workshops. Williams, however, did not sue Nuernberger himself; she sued the clinic where he worked, alleging that the clinic "knew or should have known" that Nuernberger was engaging in harmful sexual activity while treating her. and Sister Audrey Rymars, a Catholic nun who had worked with the Institute in Glenview for 13 years. Two years ago. He told her he was writing a book of poetry for her, and he offered to find her a husband. Once there, Carolyn devoted herself to her yoga practices and threw herself into her assigned jobs. . I asked him why these specialists cannot agree on a diagnosis. As Sri Ramakri. Ravana stands in a tower and watches the battle for a while. He was soon reportedly adopted there by "one of the greatest masters of the Himalayas," Bengali Baba. Please read the series At the Feet of a Himalayan Master. He bragged about his sumptuous homes in India and Japan and about his shopping sprees for designer clothes, she says. The capacity to leave the body consciously at the time of death is not restricted only to accomplished yogis. I mean, he's giving you the teachings and you're going to use the teachings to evaluate him? The Institute's program is no longer accredited by the University of Scranton. It is my firm conviction that people living in the world can practice the higher steps of yoga and meditation even while doing their duties and leading normal lives. In the mid-1970s, she and her husband George,* both students of Swami Rama, traveled to India and stayed at the guru's ashram in Rishikesh. Visions of Kali or other deities brought ecstasy and peace; he once described Kali as a limitless, infinite, effulgent ocean of spirit.. Analysis. Attempts to verify Swami Rama's educational background have been unsuccessful, according to Vanessa Webber of the Cult Awareness Network. Truth alone is the real teacher and master" - and asking for an explanation of the women's stories and challenging a possible Institute "cover-up" on professional ethical grounds. ." He says it is a relationship that goes beyond religions, the purest relationship possible, "the relationship of water flowing from a hill and filling a hollow at the bottom-the hollow has nothing to give in return, but only to accept that grace in gratitude. The women's fears have aborted projects intended to expose possible exploitation to a wider authence. Many of those beliefs are based on Hindu and Buddhist teachings about the nature of the guru. Once when Sri Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was suffering from throat cancer, Swami Vivekananda could not bear His sufferings and planned to apply his yogic powers to cure him. It is sad for him, and for those who cared and were so deeply hurt by him, that his behavior has been allowed to continue with such devastating results to people just looking for help." After a bit, she was inclined to dismiss his behavior as a joke or a "test.". Shortly after they started studying with Pandit Usharbudh Arya at the Meditation Center in Minneapolis, he introduced them to his guru, Swami Rama. "Unpurified ego is an evil which obstructs one's own progress. Notable teachers he encountered included Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, Sri Aurobindo, and Sri Ramana Maharshi. Now Megan says that in a different atmosphere, she would have immethately recognized Swami Rama's behavior as sexual harassment or "sadistic manipulation." Since the early 1970s, women have been claiming sexual abuse at the hands of this prominent spiritual teacher. The yogi asked me to bring a living ant. During a series of biofeedback experiments in 1970 and 1971, Drs. Most rapists threaten women with physical violence. I said, But, then, Swamiji, you have healed so many in life. The victim's confusion and loss of trust are compounded when her community refuses to acknowledge her suffering. Yet Swami Rama, knowing that Hughes was gay, had repeatedly urged him to marry various women Institute members and had insisted that his homosexuality was unnatural and unhealthy. Following on the wave of favorable publicity, Swami Rama founded the Himalayan Institute in Illinois in 1971. "Believing such stories means disbelieving in myself. There are in a tank or pool, he said. The institute later moved to Honesdale, Pennsylvania, and has a 422-acre campus in the Pocono Mountains of northeastern Pennsylvania. But in 1980, they say, they returned to Honesdale after a brief vacation to learn that their friend Rose* had allegedly been sexually assaulted by Swami Rama during their absence and had fled the Institute for New York City. Rose spent the next six months moving from place to place, terrified that the Institute network would track her down. . But his disciples did not realize that and kept massaging his back till the wee hours. His students believe he is able to read minds and manipulate physical reality with his advanced yogic powers; thus they believe he can heal sickness with the power of the "superconscious" mind. The Swami, she says, bragged to a crowd of disciples that the woman would do whatever he told her, then put his dog's collar and leash around her neck and walked her back and forth, while the others laughed. Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. But Trescelli says she had to discourage her. He cannot disbelieve his guru. She opted to forego pursuing a Ph.D. in clinical psychology because the Institute's program allowed her to earn a degree in a related field while studying Eastern philosophy and meditation with Pandit Rajmani, who had initiated her in Chicago. Halfway through their meal, Carolyn remembers, Martha hesitantly said, "I know this will sound like a weird question, but has Swamiji ever asked you to have sex with him?" Gold,, Born: February 18, 1833 D., about abuses that allegedly took place in Minneapolis, Chicago, New York City, and India, for a chapter in Darling's doctoral dissertation, "Turning East in the Twin Cities: Converts and Movements in the 1970s" (University of Minnesota, 1987). Its mission, according to the Articles of Incorporation, was "to make known to the members and people in general the real, synthetic, and harmonious view of world religions and philosophy in terms of modern scientific achievements and undertake researches for all around ethical, social, economical, and spiritual development of humanity to attain world peace, international integration, understanding, and spiritual awakening of the human race." Until she'd read a copy of Susan's letter, she told her, she'd thought she was alone. Mantra is a syllable or word or set of words. Ramakrishna, now alone, prayed for a vision of Kali-Ma (Kali the Mother), whom he worshipped as the supreme manifestation of God. When Swami Rama returned from India two months later, Carolyn resumed working as his appointments secretary during the day, and, she says, as his sexual servant on some nights. Alternate titles: Gadadhar Chatterji, Gadadhar Chattopadhyaya. Not permitted by the Tradition.. Numerous former students say they left the Institute because they were sexually exploited by Swami Rama or knew someone who was. Dr. Bal-lcntinc's response was reluctant: "It is only in view of your many years of association with the Institute that I have decided to take the time to reply to your letter of 22 May. The Swami. Only recently has she acknowledged her anger at Swami Rama. They would travel together to England. . Everyone knows about Lord Rama's wife i.e. Then he left the USA to meet his Master. He was reputed to do the same thing Swami Rama did throughout his life, taking on peoples illnesses upon himself and dissipating them. The daughter of an alcoholic, she longed for guidance from a spiritual authority figure. Most of the women who say they were abused by Swami Rama express feelings of fear, frustration, and betrayal. Box 400, Honesdale, PA 18431: (717) 253-5551. In the year 1970 under the supervision of scientists from the clinic of Menninger in Topeka (Kansas) he demonstrated that he is able to control his autonomic nervous system. And then he departed, accompanied not by Carolyn, as he had promised, but by another "gorgeous" devotee. Two months after Swami Rama left for India, Carolyn went to Chicago to visit her family for Christmas. Then, copy and paste the text into your bibliography or works cited list. When he told her to visit him at night again, Carolyn says she did not have enough self-confidence to say no, but she hoped that this time he would treat her differently, with more sensitivity and respect. During that time, neither of them would see any other, and she should never tell anyone. Tall and imposing, he had the sleek look of a successful man in his late 50s, at the peak of his power. She recalls that he would repeat a series of affirmations and commands in a hypnotic monotone: She had done very well organizing the book distribution operation, Carolyn says he would tell her. Through her sympathy for what appeared to be his plight, and disarmed by his jokes, she says she allowed him to cajole her until she let her defenses down. After each of these sadhanas, Ramakrishna claimed to have had the same experience of brahman, the supreme power, or ultimate reality, of the universe. "A lot of people have confused the siddhis-the powers to control body, emotions, and mind-with spirituality. I had numerous experiences of the same during my long periods of chronic conditions. When another married couple who were their friends and fellow students left the ashram suddenly, Karen wrote to them asking why. There he founded the Meditation Center. The program seemed to provide the ideal family she'd never had, where everyone shared her values and spiritual goals. . Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). Rama, Swami, Rudolph, and Swami Ajaya. Well-known Indian teacher of yoga, meditation, and holistic health. New York: Random House, 1976. ", I ask Dr. Ballentine how he would respond if a woman were to come to him and tell him she's been having sex with Swami Rama, and that her "inner voice" has been telling her that it isn't a positive experience. EVEN IF. The mantra serves as a guide through this period of transition. They are crazy. [3] This was one of the first convictions of a yoga guru for unlawful sexual activity with a devotee. She renewed her acquaintance with her former meditation teachers and started taking classes in Glenview, Illinois, at the Institute's original headquarters. Several months later, the two couples met up again. Rama is also known as Ram, Raman, Ramar, [] and Ramachandra ( / rmtndr /; [22] IAST: Rmacandra, Sanskrit: ). Like incest victims, women who say they have been sexually abused by their gurus are sworn to silence by their abusers. It is also possible for a highly advanced yogi to assume the dead body of another if he chooses to do so and if a suitable body is available. She began talking about Swami Rama's exploitative behavior with anyone who would listen, especially women who she thought were being victimized. Get a Britannica Premium subscription and gain access to exclusive content. He claimed that he was raised somewhere in the monasteries and holy caves of the Himalayas by his personal guru or master Sri Madhavananda Bharati. Before he reached the state of deep meditation, there were violent jerks in his body. Om wasn't keeping well for quite sometime now after he . Megan recalls that in one of her first encounters with Swami Rama, she watched as he humiliated a quiet, withdrawn woman resident. Marston, however, testified that Nuernberger had "hugged and kissed her and fondled her breasts," according to an article in the Minneapolis Tribune (Jan. 24, 1981). In 1856, however, Ramkumar died. Here is her report. by Joannne Sullivan, Shiva Country Himalayan Pilgrimage by Silvia, Listen to Your Inner Wisdom by Sabina Cesaroni, The One and Only Church of Universal Ice Cream by Steven J. He was Kala deva himself disguised in a sadhu's form. She was thrilled; it was commonly believed at the Institute that the fastest way to reach enlightenment was to spend as much time as possible in the presence of the guru. A Practical Guide to Holistic Health. Those who do so," she says, "are responsible for the continuing abuse. She was my initiate. Moreover, his disciple and successor Narendranath Datta (died 1902) became the world-traveling Swami Vivekananda and helped establish the Ramakrishna Order, whose teachings, texts, and rituals identified Ramakrishna as a new avatar (incarnation) of God. Then he started giving her practices without any spiritual meaning, she says, and telling her she wasn't doing them right. His father died in 1843, and his elder brother Ramkumar became head of the family. In March 1978, she says, Swami Rama came to Glenview and initiated her. It is a mistake to judge the external guru's worthiness by his behavior; instead, the student should look inside and determine whether that person is helping dispel the darkness of her ignorance. But the University of Scranton didn't offer a degree program in Carolyn's area of study, so she saw a way to rationalize leaving the Institute while still saving face; she could still be considered a good disciple if she cold get the guru's blessing to go away to college. The other was at Kanpur. I have personally witnessed yogis casting off the body consciously on many occasions. No, this would not be shattering, certainly not. Swami Rama Himalayan University She recalls that he said they would become very close, their bodies would come together, and then they would part. Those who build boundaries around themselves because of their ego problems create suffering for themselves." At age 23 Ramakrishna married Sarada Devi, a five-year-old girl, but, because of his advocacy of celibacy, the marriage was never consummated, even though they remained together until his death. How could she be the only one who realized what was going on? [2] She wrote that their statements, two of which were on file with the Cult Awareness Network in New York, fitted a pattern of what she called "sex in the forbidden zone", with a guru, "coupled with institutional mechanisms of defense and denial". As the disease advanced the great Yogi instead of curing himself through his yogic powers, gave up his body in Samadhi. Now Carolyn is more articulate: "When I finally start listening to myself, and I tell him I know he's sleeping with other women-and this is the man I came to, to help me learn how to listen to my inner voice, and then he tells me not to listen to it just as I'm starting to get some confidence in it-that's when I realized, this isn't yoga, this isn't truth, this is abuse.". As the scientific interest in yoga declined through the 1980s, Swami Rama lead the Himalayan Institute until his death in 1996. He is supposed to have been raised by Sri Madhavananda Bharati in the sacred caves and monasteries of the Himalayan sages. The lawsuit I heard rumors about in New York City never materialized. "If the guru's instruction leads to a deeper peace, freedom from conflict, a deepening of meditation, harmony in relationships - all of these. I spoke to him excitedly; Maharaj-ji, where are you calling from? He was calling from Hong Kong. Carolyn had sought a consultation with Pandit Rajmani, who told her that Megan was either lying because she was "on an ego trip," or fantasizing a sexual encounter that had never taken place. Yes! The institute has branches in the United States, Europe, and India. But she says his attitude toward her underwent a dramatic change; he began to make her a target for his anger, issuing contradictory orders and then screaming at her for her incompetence in front of the other secretaries and disciples and gossiping about her behind her back. A rash of articles featuring Swami Rama appeared in national magazines, including Time, People, and Playboy. At a young age, Swami Rama is supposed to have been appointed Shankaracharya of Karvirpitham, an exalted spiritual post. Swami Vivekananda became afflicted with throat cancer and gave up his body on 16th August 1886. And this according to Physiology, people can not do. The Muslims draw out the liquid and call it pani. Pandit Rajmani Tigunait is the resident spiritual director of the Honesdale ashram, as well as a member of the Institute's teaching staff. Jesus demonstrated his knowledge of these methods when he brought Lazarus back to life. At that, she says, he raged at her until she was sobbing, unable to speak a word in her own defense: No! Although the jury entered a judgment against Nuernberger, it also found that the clinic was not liable for his actions, so Williams failed to recover damages. One spring evening a couple of weeks later, she says, Swami Rama called her aside to ask why she'd been avoiding him, and she tried to tell him she'd discovered his lies. And he abruptly dismissed her. Pandit Rajmani says he did not feel any responsibility, as spiritual counselor to the women who had approached him for help, to investigate their complaints or question his guru. Dr. Ballentine sent copies of his letter to the same Institute members who had received Hughes's letter. [1] He moved to America in 1969, initially teaching yoga at the YMCA, and founding the Himalayan Institute of Yoga Science and Philosophy in Illinois in 1971; its headquarters moved to its current location in Honesdale, Pennsylvania in 1977. gives you the ability to cite reference entries and articles according to common styles from the Modern Language Association (MLA), The Chicago Manual of Style, and the American Psychological Association (APA). Women need to be informed that this could happen to them-be it with Swami Rama or any man in a position of power-so they will be able to see it coming and avoid it. Before leaving, Megan says, she tried to confront Swami Rama publicly-but he went into seclusion, claiming illness. They are instructed to have "no emotional relationship inside or outside the Institute," and residential program directors are charged with monitoring disciple's behavior and attitudes to make sure they conform to Institute expectations. Terry* and Brian* say they were recruited into the Himalayan Institute's inner circle for their wealth and social connections. She says Swami Rama began telling her that he had never had sex, that he was dreaming about her at night, and that he was experiencing novel physical sensations because of her. Brian says he felt betrayed, but the knowledge that Swami Rama had financially exploited him made it easier for the couple to cut their ties to the Institute. Died: August 16, 1886 Well-to-do New Yorkers flock to Honesdale on weekends for seminars in stress reduction, meditation, and health and nutrition. A short time later, Swami Rama let her go as his secretary-because, she says he told her, she didn't really want the job. Perhaps during his visit to Asia Minor he learned these techniques from the yogis. , like a piece of paper, a Catholic nun who had received Hughes letter... 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