guinea pig pregnancy week by week pictures

Is It Safe to Breed Cavies? By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Instead, coax her onto a towel or into a box. Adding a soft, fleece blanket to her sleeping area. If the sow becomes uninterested in food contact your veterinarian immediately. Excess vitamin C is passed in the urine so cant be over-dosed, but other vitamins can build up and create problems. The ultrasound, is a non-invasive procedure and can confirm the pregnancy. In the event of a high-risk guinea pig pregnancy, they can also ensure a safe environment to deliver the pups successfully. Litter size ranges, with the average being 2-4 pups in rare cases as many as 12-14. Lastly, it takes about 2-4 weeks to wean guinea pups. Keep in mind that your guinea pig can give birth to up to 14 pups and thats probably more than you can handle! Guinea pig diarrhea is a fairly common condition that most guinea pig owners and exotic pet veterinarians encounter., Everybody who knows a cat or dog owner knows that they have to deal with shots for their, When your guinea pig is sneezing a lot you might wonder whether or not your little friend is, You were planning on getting a pet guinea pig, but you are not sure whether you should get, Every guinea pig owner will experience the moment in life where he or she needs to say the, Eye infections in guinea pigs are more common than you might think and can be a result of. The pups are born with open eyes and covered in fur. Litter size ranges, with the average being 2-4 pups - in rare cases as many as 12-14. Guinea pigs tend to express every little change in their body. Required fields are marked *. Guinea pigs exhibit an enlarged abdomen during the late stages of pregnancy. There are numerous medical reasons why giving birth can go wrong. Just a disclaimer: Beware that you should not wildly breed guinea pigs if you dont have a proper breeding program or the appropriate financial situation as well as time to care for them. If the water bottle is usually placed high-up, provide a second water bottle lower down so that the sow does not have to stretch if she does not want to. . Guinea pig babies are born looking like mini versions of their mama. Handbook of Rodent and Rabbit Medicine. Guinea pig mother lactates for 2-3 weeks. Only hold her if necessary. The large and growing fetuses can cause a fast breakdown of fats even if the sow hasnt eaten for a brief period of time. Guinea pigs can especially sexually mature early for animals. Even still, it's important to keep a very clean cage or hutch. When its utterly necessary make sure she has the support of her hips. Can Guinea Pigs Live Alone? So it is not good practice by caring breeders. Are you still deciding whether to breed your female cavy? Male boars, on the other hand, become sexually active at three months of age. Keeping a clean hutch will prevent a build-up of ammonia from urine. Prevention is key, therefore, as stress and obesity play a major role in its development. What most people dont know is that the number of babies affects the length of the pregnancy. In the first few weeks after giving birth to her litter, the female guinea pig will be at risk for post natal complications. We got her without knowing that she was a pregnant guinea pig. She may carry several pups, between one and six, and they're carried in the womb for 58 73 days. If the other sow eats it, their own pregnancy may be induced. Below is a detailed description of what to expect during each week of a guinea pig's pregnancy. It is essential to make certain this does not happen, thus free access to food and water is vital. The estrous cycle length is 16 days. Remember guinea pigs are social animals and should be kept in groups, so if you own both a boar and a sow make sure to provide company of the same sex for both of them. Support wikiHow by Signs of toxemia typically appear from 2 weeks before birth to 1 week after delivery and include: Unfortunately, in some cases, toxemia is fatal. [1] . Once the pups are weaned, the mother should not require vitamin supplements anymore, unless you gave them to her as part of her regular diet anyway. The duration of pregnancy is inversely proportional to the litter size. Implement patterned feeding, drinking, and outdoor regiments. If any of them seem to bother her or tease her, they will need to be put in a separate cage. This is because sperm can survive in his tubes for this length of time. Discovered how versatile a. There is no need to remove other sows, they may even help with the pups. With the use of ultrasound, your vet can also assess potential concerns with the pregnancy. Guinea Pig Eye Infection What You Should Do? You need to find out whether she is with babies earlier to provide the appropriate level of care for each stage of the pregnancy. A List of Safe, Healthy Chewables for your Cavies, Guinea Pig Nail Care: Advice For Trimming & Cutting Guinea Pig Nails, Fleece Bedding for Guinea Pigs: Pros and Cons & How to Use It, 15 Things to Know Before Adopting Guinea Pigs. We took her to vet for check up.. To find out how to house your guinea pig during pregnancy and how to prepare for it to give birth, keep reading! This allows you to gauge what is normal, so that if she becomes unwell and stops eating, or becomes very thirsty, you will pick up clues early on. At birth, baby guinea pigs can weigh between 2.1 and 4.2 oz (60 and 120 grams) and have an average size of 3-4 inches (8-10 cm). Wash out the water bottle with a gentle dish soap every few days. The male, when courting a female, will physically display himself with actions like rumbling, standing upright before the sow, and approaching her with a lowered head. Approved. Finally, feed your guinea pig high quality hay and pellets throughout its pregnancy. The early stage consists of the first few days after mating. We use cookies to make wikiHow great. At the end of the middle stage, the movement of the babies will become visible under the skin. After the commotion of a mating ritual, keep a close eye on the sow. Critical Care or a similar product as it is likely you will need it for at least one pup. Those fertile periods can occur during any time of the year, but most frequently during spring. ", needed available in a clear, concise manner, super simple, and now I feel confident in my unexpected blessing. Vitamin C supplements should be given orally at a regiment of 10 mg a day. Her hindquarters, especially, needs extra support to protect the litter. This article received 14 testimonials and 88% of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status. Answer by Guinea P lover! The rapid dissolving of fat results in metabolic disorders and the accumulation of ketones in the bloodstream. During this time, keep watch for the following: Dystocia, or difficult birth, is common in sows who are older than 7-8 months and bred for the first time. Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this isnt medical advice and if you assume there might be a health-related issue, you should contact your vet. Once cavies mate, there is a noticeable quiet period afterwards. Guinea pig pregnancy week-by-week may sound like a complicated affair to both the novice and experienced cavy parent. During pregnancy, you will notice your guinea pig will be more reluctant to interact with you, so avoid too much petting or lifting. She does so, as well, with the placenta. When there is a dominant male, theres a likelihood that the other males wont try to interact with the mother. Doing so can cause pups to grow too big, which the sow may struggle to birth. Though the front half of her body wont change shape much, the back half of the sow will look adorably huge. Leave her in her own cage and move the others, so that she can remain in a surrounding thats familiar to her. Did you know you can get expert answers for this article? If she has given birth before, she likely will double her weight by the time she gives birth, so you can approximate how far along she is by weighing her. The temperature outside or in a garage/shed usually becomes too cold at night for a pregnant guinea pig. Guinea pigs reach sexual maturity very early, around 2-4 months of age. I know there are so many groups out there that don't and its okay. Guinea pigs usually give birth during the day rather than overnight. The milk provides some very important nutrients for the babies. At the end of the process, the placenta emerges and the mother eats it as well. If your pregnant guinea pig does not meet the age requirements, talk to your vet about a pregnancy plan. ", pet they can be, and how to play with them. Negligence and ignorance can prove to be fatal for the mother and the babies. His professionalism is shown on the many articles he contributed to the website. (The Surprising Answer! Daily touch-up cleaning of her habitat to keep it as clean as possible without removing her. Is it OK to leave the non-pregnant girl with the pups? Place any cavies that appear to annoy her in a different cage. "We just found out that one of our guinea pigs is male and the other is pregnant! Avoid over-feeding Nonetheless, at this stage, allow the female cavy to eat and drink as much as she would like. Male guinea pigs can impregnate a female at as young as 3 weeks old and a female guinea pig can become pregnant at as young as 4 weeks old, so don't be doubtful if your guinea pig is pregnant due to age. Selective feeding is where the guinea pig chooses the tastier bits of food over less tasty but often more nutritious foods. Do not intervene or touch the pups unless you need to. During the early stage change the usual hay with Alfalfa hay. It is common for them to double in weight during this time. There is, however, a thin line between sounding heartwarming and scary when people say the words guinea pig pregnancy. By using our site, you agree to our. Its logical to think that the more babies the mother carries, the longer the pregnancy will last because more time for nourishment is required. It doesnt take more than a few hours for them to start eating solid food, just like any other adult guinea pig. This mechanism works in other species of animals as well and very fortunately humans arent accustomed to it. Note that she may chew the cardboard, so have extra boxes or use a wicker or thick-plastic box. If the female approves of the male, she will signal her acceptance to mate with loud squeaks. What a surprise this was. Cavies, as notorious early developers, are sexually mature at a very young age. Guinea pups, once born, will be completely furry. At this stage, the sow will appear quite swollen in the midsection. It takes about 20-30 minutes for the whole litter to be delivered. This is of benefit to them as prey animals, and it allows them to be able to escape predators. After the 7th week, the movement of the pups will be even more noticeable. Fleece bedding comes in many styles, looks great, and is comfortable on guinea pigs feet. If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to get to a vet. The gestation period is between 59-72 days, with an average pregnancy of 65 days. Doing otherwise can cause pregnancy complications or miscarriage. Our content is written by knowledgeable small pet owners with years of experience and is based on scientific research and expert recommendations. Guinea pig newborns are fully covered with hair, have open eyes and ears and have teeth present. Guinea pigs have an average of two to four babies per litter but can have as many as eight. If it declines every day or continues to change after 5 days, consult the vet. Until we noticed that her belly got bigger than it should be. Thats because they dont want other males to approach her. Laber-Laird, Swindle, & Flecknell. Only a skilled and experienced veterinarian should attempt to manipulate the position of pups before they are born. We encourage people to be informed and ask questions before they start breeding. Female guinea pigs (sows) typically mature sexually at 2 months of age (55 to 70 days). These pups may die within a few days of birth, or may live for several years. Season: A mare's gestation period can be impacted by the season. The least expensive, easiest, and safest breeding prevention is to house sows and boars separately. We might have made some serious mistakes out of ignorance. Nonetheless, here are a few subtle signs to look out for that point to a successful pregnancy: Should you suspect the sow to be expecting pups at any point, be mindful to handle her with the utmost care. As she goes into labor she will release out a cry. Male guinea pigs are very territorial so when they mate they spray the female with their urine. Newborn guinea pigs weigh between 60g and 115g. Do not crowd the mother have only one person in the room, but another on standby to make calls if necessary. This is because sows who are too young are at a greater risk of vitamin deficiencies during pregnancy. In this case, the medication oxytocin may be given to stimulate uterine contractions to deliver the pups. Guinea Pig Reproduction and Gestation Guinea pigs have a lifespan of 4 to 8 years and reach sexual maturity at an early age. The onset is generally sudden and progress rather quicker than you are reporting. Research source Interesting fact - The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! How much depends on the size of the litter, but her weight should never begin fall. Over-feeding her will result in extra fat and moving difficulties in the later stages. Generally, its best to treat a sow as though she is pregnant until it is proven otherwise. Guinea Pig Pregnancy and Baby Chat, Advice, and Support Join group About this group This group is not anti breeder and we do support ethical breeding. However, a caesarean surgery may be required. "Just found out our rescued pig was pregnant even after two exams and one ultrasound. This type of nourishment promotes fetal health and prevents hair loss for the mother to be. How long your guinea pig has been for is a question only a qualified veterinarian can correctly answer to. Your email address will not be published. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. But taking in mind the previously mentioned signs you can suspect pregnancy if any one of them is present. As soon as you suspect a successful mating, supplement the females usual. This article made the information I, "This helped a lot. Is there anything special that needs to be done when cavies are pregnant? Do it every day at the same time routinely. (Complete Setup), Do Guinea Pigs Eat Carrots? Ammonia irritates the lungs of pigs and will predispose the pregnant mother to lung infections. 2. Once in labour, the sow will cry out, and it takes about 5 minutes for each pup to emerge. The guinea pig may die during or after pregnancy due to complications during pregnancy or birth, or from toxemia after birth. Pregnancy is hard work for a female guinea pig. Providing a stress-free location for the mom-to-be assures an easier birth. She may carry several pups, between one and six, and they're carried in the womb for 58 - 73 days. This is to prepare for the birth to come! A local breeder may also be willing to help. You should also provide a box, like a small shoe box on its side. If you are concerned about the mother or have serious health worries about one of the pups contact a vet immediately, however. Around this time, youll notice the female cavy will be physically larger. ", Scary after reading all this. This causes mineral deficiency. Guinea Pig Death Process Dead or in Shock? Wait 24 hours after the birth to give additional feeding for one of the pups as it takes this long for some pups to begin feeding at all. House pregnant sows indoors if pets are normally free-range outside. Are you wondering if your guinea pig is pregnant? Pregnant guinea pigs tend to eat a lot more since they no longer eat just for one individual. Updated 18.12.19. The baby guinea pigs can be physically felt 2 to 4 weeks into pregnancy. Even the baby males can impregnate their mum at around three weeks old, so they will also need to be removed from the cage. The pups do not require a heat lamp or heating pad. Though it may sound hard to believe, the fact is, its true! A guinea pig's pregnancy lasts about 9 or 10 weeks. A female may accidentally injure the babies by squashing them and babies are prone to escaping cages, so check up on them regularly. The duration of pregnancy is 60 to 70 days, because of this guinea pigs give birth to well developed young. Luckily, the stages of a successful pregnancy are predictable and consistent, making caring for your momma-to-be cavy relatively straightforward. Postnatally guinea pigs can become sexually mature as early as four weeks. If you are changing the feed, make a gradual change providing a bit of both to start with as otherwise she may not eat the feed at all. Contact Us. An average guinea pig weighs about 26 ounces before she becomes pregnant. However, the following guinea pig pregnancy timeline will simplify the entire gestation period and demystify the experience, so you can provide a stress-free environment for your little mama and her tiny pups. This helped me, "Glad we got educated early. However, even without the mothers milk baby guinea pigs can survive feeding only on solid food. If there is not an out-of-hours vet in your area, discuss this with your vet to come up with a plan. Sometimes she may wait to attend the young ones until all babies are delivered. Boris is a veterinarian of a small house pets. He is an exotic vet. Males should be removed well before the birth to avoid back-to-back pregnancies. The guinea pig pregnancy is difficult for the animal and has an unpopular 20 percent mortality rate for the mothers. Flaunt your baby bump in style in 'belfies' or bump selfies. However, most guinea pigs have a pregnancy that lasts from 59 to 72 days. When a guinea pig is pregnant the pelvic canal stretches as a result of hormonal secretion. The pups will be able to eat solid food from day one, and the mother will introduce them to new food herself. guinea pigs concerned are given unlimited access to plenty of fresh, green meadow hay to keep them occupied - this will often stop the problem. Examine the shape of the cavy's genital opening. Interesting Fact: The shorter the pregnancy is, the larger the litter size is. Do not keep pregnant guinea pigs in multi-level cages/hutches as their balance will be impaired by pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy they may not be able to get up to the higher tiers. Never provide a multi-vitamin. If you gently touch the animals belly and run your hand along the surface and look for small lumps and bumps. Although the guinea pig gestation period varies, the guinea pig gestation period typically lasts between 59-72 days. Welcome to Animallama, a place where experienced small pet owners share all the tips they learned over the years of caring for their fur friends. The exercises should continue normally because the guinea pig needs to regulate her weight and keep her strength up. If you are not certain that the pups are weaned at 21 days, the males should be removed anyway to prevent pregnancy. Baby boys need to leave mum at 3 weeks of age or 250grams, whichever comes first. They live 5-7 years on average, although they can live much longer if they have good genes and, Read More Guinea Pig Years to Human Years: How Old is Your Cavy in Human Years?Continue, Did you know your cute cavy has teeth that never stop growing? Its a great way to predict and control diseases as well. This is how a female and male guinea pig interact during the mating ritual. Usually, the occurrence is 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after giving birth. A serious condition that can occur during the last stage of guinea pig pregnancy is pregnancy toxemia. ). With all this said, don't be surprised if your guinea pig falls pregnant while she still seems young to you. Not only will we dive deeper into how you can actually find out if your piggy might be pregnant and how you can take steps and precautions towards their delivery date. guinea pigs are pregnant for 67-73 days and you will know she will have babies in 3-4 weeks when you can feel her babies moving. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. Clean the water bottle weekly to prevent the build-up of algae and bacteria. (Know Before Feeding! Rough handling may cause miscarriage. If wikiHow has helped you, please consider a small contribution to support us in helping more readers like you. As of three weeks of age, boars can impregnate females, creating a continuous gestation cycle if males arent housed separately. If you hold her carefully by the shoulders when she's on . Then check out these 15 things to know, Read More 15 Things to Know Before Adopting Guinea PigsContinue, Your email address will not be published. To use the calculator, click on the calendar icon next to the breeding or due date and choose the correct year, month, and day. The length of the estrous cycle is 16 days. Even though you can assist the birthing by yourself, its always better to leave it to licensed professionals. Stillbirth isnt totally uncommon and you should remain calm. If any of the pups is definitely alive, but is not alert or able to see or walk then contact your vet immediately. They interact with voices and gestures to show you everything they feel. Keep in mind that not always the mother can naturally deliver the whole litter without any problems. You can even see his guinea pigs feature here and there in some articles. How to confirm your guinea pig's pregnancy? Male guinea pigs should be separated from the females as early as 3 weeks old, and female guinea pigs should be bred before they are 7 months old. They may be willing to attend themselves, or you may have to contact an experienced. Thats because those tiny, adorable feet are just so tiny! Newborn guinea pigs have fur and are born with their eyes open. Vitamin C is highly unstable and breaks down within 8 weeks of the manufacturing date. The estrous cycle is somewhat typical in means of behavioral changes of the female guinea pig. This type is rich both in protein in calcium, two things she needs a lot at the moment. At birth the pups should weigh roughly 2 to 3 oz. Thats why a female guinea pig should be bred before the permanent hardening on the pelvic canal. My guinea pig is pregnant, and I'm worried she might be sick. The sow should gradually put on weight. Vitamin C is the number one supplement for guinea pigs because their bodies cannot synthesize it. The less stress the sow experiences, the easier the pregnancy and the childbirth will be. A typical guinea pig pup weighs between 60 and 115 grams and measures close to 3 to 5 inches long. Were committed to providing the world with free how-to resources, and even $1 helps us in our mission. Reduce exposure to loud noises or bright lights. Near the end restrain yourself from picking the animal up. Typically, breeding reduces the lifespan of female cavies. Pregnancy for Guinea Pigs is very high risk, both for the mum and the babies. The sow licks the babies and eats the amniotic sack when once they are out. With our guinea pig pregnancy calculator, you can easily estimate the day a guinea pig will give birth to little pups. Most vets recommend that whenever your female guinea pig is gaining weight to bring her for a pregnancy check-up. Other potential complications are prolapse, retained placenta, uterine tears, etc. However, both males and females can mature and be fertile even earlier. Do not bath the sow during pregnancy. Female guinea pigs sexually mature as early as 2 months of age. The cavy is eating and/or drinking more than usual. The sow starts to prefer fruits and vegetables with high vitamin C content. Lindsay Pereira is a pet-lovin Montral-based writer whos a mommy to Muffy, a grumpy guinea pig with a serious attitude problem, the recently departed Miss Lilly, who is happily nibbling hay in guinea pig heaven. Finally, should you choose to get your cavies spayed or neutered, seek out a vet who has experience with guinea pig surgeries. Right now, it is imperative to ensure the pregnant guinea is in a stress-free environment. There are several factors that can affect how many days a mare is actually pregnant. Loss of appetite can also be a symptom of pregnancy toxemia. There is a 3-5 minute interval between each baby. The vet will assess the guinea pigs condition. As a general rule, guinea pigs do not respond well to anaesthetic so if it is possible, separating the sexes is a safer option. After the seventh week, the animal enters the late stage of guinea pig pregnancy. Wondering how old your precious guinea pigs are in human years? ask a friend or neighbour to check on her. This is a common occurrence; roughly 1 in 5 guinea pigs will die as a direct result of pregnancy or birth. A pregnant sow will begin to drink and eat more as the pregnancy advances. Adult Guinea Pig Embryos from the guinea pigor guinea-pig(Cavia porcellus) have been used in various tetragenic studies, including the effects of elevated body temperature on embryonic development. In the case of any anomalies or worry, you should contact the vet. The sow must be fed an adequate selection of healthy, fresh fruits and vegetables daily, along with high-quality pellets and unlimited hay and water. If the female disproves of her suitor, then she will snap at or bite him to chase him away. As a species, they also increase their food intake in the winter. Handbook of Rodent and Rabbit Medicine. Inversely, the longer the pregnancy is, the fewer pups the litter contains. Having somewhere to hide will reduce stress. If you have not removed males yet, do so at this point. In the presence of a male, the female changes her back (spine) which she arches downwards. The gestation period in guinea pigs varies between 59 and 72 days. Thats why there are some obvious signs for any owner to notice whether his/her guinea pig is carrying babies. If there is a likelihood any of the pups are born with this condition you must decide what action you will take. when they are this wide you will know she will give birth in the next 48 hours. [1] How much your cavy expands during this time depends on the number of pups shes carrying. During this time, the pregnant guinea pig will undergo many changes, both physically and behaviorally. Use our guinea pig gestation calculator to estimate your pets due date based on the date she was bred. Make the introductions gradual as the adults will be a lot larger and could do them serious harm. Male piglets must be separated by four weeks old or breeding between littermates may occur. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. Females can reach sexual maturity as early as approximately 4-6 weeks of age and males as early as approximately 8-9 weeks of age so the different sexes should be separated before they are able to reproduce with each other. Yes, it is important to follow these guidelines: Ensure a healthy guinea pig pregnancy by providing nutritious foods for your sow and her pups. Due to the limited movement of their pelvic bones, they will strain to give birth. Look closely at the cavy's genital opening. Speak to your vet to make sure you provide the right quantity of pellets. From this time on, they have a continuous estrus every 16-18 days. 10 mg a day adults will be physically larger because they dont want males. And create problems weeks to wean guinea pups, once born, will a... 88 % of readers who voted found it helpful, earning it our reader-approved status take more than.... Number of babies affects the length guinea pig pregnancy week by week pictures time in this case, the pregnant guinea pigs have an pregnancy. Pigs will die as a species, they will strain to give birth period afterwards this helped a more! Nonetheless, at this stage, the movement of the pet pregnancy of 65 days can assist the birthing yourself! That lasts from 59 to 72 days prevents hair loss for the mothers milk baby guinea pigs have fur are. 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