great northern caboose for sale

Athearn Vintage HO BB Great Northern Caboose, Tuscan, Upgraded, Exc. Update: X-228 as it appears Lindsay Iron Goat Trail group. Photos by Gus Lightfoot, June 2005. NIB, Micro-Trains N scale Great Northern 34 Caboose, #51110, Rd #X614. Snoqualmie Pass, this caboose is used as a cottage in Hyak, WA. flat (with logs) and Puget Sound & Baker River Ry. *Listing if(MSFPhover) { MSFPnav13n=MSFPpreload("_derived/gn_goat.htm_cmp_gnr-page-010_hbtn.gif"); MSFPnav13h=MSFPpreload("_derived/gn_goat.htm_cmp_gnr-page-010_hbtn_a.gif"); } INSIDE floor dimensions are approximately 84 x 245. Northern Goose processes two types of goose species for different markets. Its generous firepot capacity with shaker grate allows 40 lbs. Its restoration took ten years, and the caboose was placed on display in the Coach Shed in 1988 where it remains today. each end through the black paint. Bachmann Industries #1863 Northeast Steel Caboose Western Maryland (Speed Lettering) Train Car, N Scale. Since 1977 a number of Great Northern passenger cars have been restored in the pre-1967 Omaha Orange colors, and some of these cars operate on special occasions. Own a part of railroad history. Lindsay Korst. For more than 40 years, the GP38-2 has worked main line freights, locals, switching jobs, yard service, helpers, snow fighting trains, and hump power. *0 bedrooms Great Northern Scroll down for more photos (Sale Pending) ex-Great Northern.. Caboose Blueprint # 1. Cloud shops in Lindsay from retired diesel locomotives were used for a series of transfer cabooses. It became a part of the Burlington Northern line which operated until 1996 when, through a merger, it became BNSF Railroad Company. collection. ex-BN 10076, this caboose actually was a GN caboose built in 1968 by International. Korst in August 2003. Christy Chapman - (626) 445-7800 Ext 247 or email: [email protected]. Korst. MTs caboose fleet was retired. Sale. Station" in Sedro Woolley, WA. One by one they were either sold or disposed. // -->