difference between western thinking and islamic thinking

Democracy and human rights are often held to be Western values, while authoritarianism and oppression are considered the characteristics of a decadent East. Deep Trivedis fitting reply to Mr. Zakir Naik on https://youtu.be/VRZI_TGAalc. Islamic pedagogical systems simply didnt create a struggle for power between academia and the church, because there was never a centralized body that assumed the authority to issue rulings. Al-Ghazl, Ihya Ulumuddin (Jilid 3), Pustaka As Shafa: Kuala Lumpur. The Rise of Deep Reading. With the wide scale implementation of the internet, online education has become widespread and significantly popular enough that many universities and colleges that have been operating for hundreds of years now have broken their old shackles and traditions and started offering online programs for those who are interested. Mamat, A., Ali, M. S., Omar, S. H. S., Abidin, Z. Creative Thinking in Islam: Concepts and Issues, The International Institute of Islamic Thought: Selangor Malaysia. Criticism and difference of opinion are two completely different things. Looking at early Islamic scholarly works on education shows that from the beginning there was unification of all sciences under religion. The International Institute of Islamic Thought: USA. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Key To Raising Children With The Book Of Allah? Conceptual Thinking from the Western and Islamic Perspectives. What are the key differences between being a Muslim in America and being a Muslim in the Muslim world? Al-Jahiz (800cc) wrote that that a student should be taught: writing, arithmetic, law, the pillars of religion, the Quran, grammar, prosody, and poetry. Aspect 1: Where Thinking Happens Internally or Externally Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. verily some speech is a form of magic I am definetly not eloquently spoken..etc, but just a reminder to switch off and if not like me at least sometimes.at least be deliberate in what we hear and see.they say what goes up must come down..so just another reminder for me and you what comes in goes outi.e. Al-Ghifari (1868) seems to agree that critical thinking comes after having initially attempted meaning- receiving. May Allah destroy the will of Shaitan as it is weak, he has no power over man. This treatise deals with issues that an elementary school teacher might face when teaching. Alexander, P., Murphy, P. K., B. S., D. K., & Parker, D. (1997). This concept of questioning everything which is encouraged in this saying of Muhammad is the very same idea behind critical thinking pedagogies. Ibn Abbas sayings and wisdom are a good example of this, for example how he determines Laylatul Qadr is 27th of Ramadhan via his tafsir of Surah al-Qadr. Specifically, the Western style of thought is characterized as embodying the value of ''individual distinctiveness'' or ''independence,'' while the Eastern style of thought embodies the value. N.p. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. In short, there is little difference between the core ethics of the West and Islam. In Bernadette O Keeffe (ed.) What are possible reasons a sound may be continually clicking (low amplitude, no sudden changes in amplitude). And the rational sciences logic, philosophy, math, astronomy, etc. Equality and fraternity are expressed effectively in the mosques of Islam, where you can simply see the black and white, poor and rich, weak and strong etc., standing side-by-side and shoulder to shoulder in their prayers to the One and Only God. The Western view relies on t heir thought and research on the subject matter In fact, Gunther (2006) speaks in detail about the numerous medieval Arabic works devoted to pedagogical and didactic issues. Stated clearly by Bloom himself, the knowledge objective primarily emphasizes the psychological process of remembering. The last of the objectives according to Bloom (1956) is the evaluation objective which is defined as making judgements about the whole. Islam advocates the right to voice your view, seek knowledge, and pursue a profession. 109, No. This sometimes becomes excessive or at any rate misconstrued as excessive. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Thank you, and please keep in touch. Sabkia, A. a. An interesting concept. Nickerson, R. S., Perkins, D. N., & Smith, E. E. The Teaching of Thinking. The internet is an example. Religious Education and the Rhetoric of Reform. Can empiricism be found in any Eastern Philosophy/philosopher? You would be aware that while all Muslims agree its way outside of anyones capacity to critique divine revelation like all of the Quranic content, and so the Prophet (SAW)s guidance, the manner and means of reporting and transmitting Hadith is not outside the boundaries of critical analysis. Interestingly however is Ibn Sahnuns instruction to teachers to challenge the mind of the pupils. sorry i am going over board but if the mass migration to the Holy land was taken up, but may i suggest that if with in the muslim convoys that mobiles be switched off so that we can shun shaytan as much as possible. In fact, these laws are in line with the same trends that have made organic foods so popular. Al-Jahiz places school teachers as the champions of society and the best of all educators. the Quran and Prophetic traditions and sayings of Prophet Muhammad. According to Makdisi the term doctorate was called licentia docendi in medieval Latin. Thinking from a Western viewpoint involves just the body and mind which is described as the ability to analyse arguments, draw conclusions through reasoning, make judgments and assessments, evaluate circumstances, and find a solution to a problem. Eastern and western cultures are dramatically different in a variety of ways. TelAviv : Universiat Tel-Aviv, ha-ug li-efat e-sifrut Ivrit, 1980. In K. El-Rouayheb, Islamic intellectual history in the seventeenth century (pp. Hussien, S. (2007). PHOTOBOOK ASSIGNMENT (SGDN1043) Topic: Compare Western and Islamic Perspectives on Ethics Type of Assignment: Individual Assignment (20%) Instructions: Identify five (5) ethics differences between Muslim and Western Societies; Each ethic should be a comparison between two perspectives; Each ethic should be displayed in both photography and text formats (2004). forgive me again and peace and blessings of the One the Only Allah the GREATEST, GREATER than any puny satanic minion, whether king queen president or prime minister. 2009. Can dialogue be put in the same paragraph as action text? Fourth is the analysis objectives, which is according to Bloom the breakdown of material into its consistent elements. Diallo, I. While they have many differences, they also share a number of important similarities that reflect the common human desire to understand the world and our place in it. (1999). Harvard University . George Makdisi (1989) believes so, Two major intellectual movements, which we have long considered as of exclusively Western origin, have their roots deep down in Islamic soil. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site. By Western culture, we today mean chiefly the culture of the materialistically minded and technologically advanced societies of those countries. All it takes is a small gift from a reader like you to keep us going, for just $2 / month. 65, No. (1889). Are there any Western philosophies that present views similar to the No-self view of Buddhism? Journal of Research in Islamic Studies, 1, 628. This comparative history of political thought examines what the Western and Islamic approaches to politics had in common and where they diverged. Western and Islamic Ethics: Different or Similar? 2005. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Al-Ghifaris work is significant because of the profound influence he had on seventeenth century Ottoman scholarly culture. Prophet Muhammad is reported to have said, contemplate everything, but do not contemplate over the nature of God. Meanwhile, thinking from an Islamic perspective involves not only the body and mind but also the spiritual aspect of qalb, aql, and nafs. Muslims believe in the One God, Who revealed the one religion to all those prophets. Is it actually possible to ever begin the learning process without blind acceptance for what authorities say? Summary. academic pursuit and verification. 2 0 obj It is generally prescribed to people who wish to learn the Quran and to those parents who wish to have their children memorize the Quran to start at an early age. In what follows, the author has examined the differences between Islamic philosophy and that of the West, highlighting the origin of these differences. Ames, R. I. IIUM Press or the Journals editorial board does not bear any responsibility for verifying copyright permissions provided by the author. Comparative Education Review, 367-388. sorry I am just an original nutterI know I am not aloneneither is Syria too..with that said, satan will pay for the latter too..and who ever owes their relative anything better start paying up before it gets too late too..(Arrogance and power are addictive arent they?? Our deen does not need any critical analysis by anyone. When we set the goal of education to produce critical thinkers, then in actuality we produce people with doubts, questions and confusions as critical thinking inherently based on the questioning of the life style, social customs, practices and beliefs. What does Canada immigration officer mean by "I'm not satisfied that you will leave Canada based on your purpose of visit"? stream But rather married the two (Al-Sharaf, 2013). 2010. By submitting the manuscript to the Journal, the author agrees to any necessary originality checks that the manuscript may have to undergo during the evaluation or the production process. What this means is that the authority of the professor could not help but clash with the authority of the pastors. 2021. 1998. Imam Mikaeel previously served as a resident scholar at the Islamic Society of Annapolis and the Islamic Society of Baltimore. Your email address will not be published. He further explains the memorization is mere imitation whereas deductive reasoning brings one to certainty and great confidence (Gunther, 2006). This presupposed that the colonizer was always superior to the colonized. k1#o2 * ! The question that naturally should be asked after looking at the sacred nature of knowledge and the presumption that reverence is needed for learning true knowledge is, Is there any room for critical thought in Islamic pedagogical systems? Halstead (2004) claims, that in Islamic educational systems knowledge must be approached reverently and in humility, for there cannot be any true knowledge that is in conflict with religion and divine revelation, only ignorance (Halstead, 2004). In summary, the way I understand it is critical thought is not outside of what can, if not should, be inculcated in Islamic caricullum and within Muslims day to day learning and practicing of their faith. Kemahli, H. P. Four Inclinations in Human Nature: Evaluated in Light of Al-Ghazzalis Concept of the Heart. A Western mind describes things abstractly - God is love, God is omnipotent, God is good, God is just. So are the remaining two sourses of Ijtihad and Qiyas. 3 (2021): SPECIAL ISSUE: DECEMBER, https://researchbank.acu.edu.au/theses/423/, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242202737_MENDIDIK_GENERASI_BERAKHLAK_MULIA_FOKUS_PERANAN_GURU_PENDIDIKAN_ISLAM. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". This is the original taxonomy, which has since its creation been revised. Memorization is a training of the mind. American Research Journal of English and Literature, 2, 1-9. So spirituality and intellectuality are connected symbiotically in Islam; our spirituality and intellectuality feed off each other. About half the . Islam teaches all about life . Getting Them Started Young. Similarly many Islamic centers and institutes have made use of this new technique of technology and started online schools where people, Muslims and non-Muslims alike from all over the world can learn how to recite Quran online and enroll into courses such as online Quran qaida classes and online Quran Tafseer classes. Due to the fact that science is seen in the Quran as the method to recognize and identify the divine, Islamic educational pedagogies were never historically restricted to religious knowledge but was broadened to incorporate secular disciplines (Al-Sharaf, 2013). For years psychologists have studied the differences between western and eastern lifestyles and found sharp contrasts between the two cultures. Western civilization is an enlightenment of the mind. A comparison is made between the two notions and the implications of both. He further explains the memorization is mere imitation whereas deductive reasoning brings one to certainty and great confidence (Gunther, 2006). 2, pp. An Islamic Concept of Education. Others have pointed out that the centrality of education to the Islamic tradition should be traced back to the beginning of the Prophetic mission of Muhammad. International Journal of Pedagogies and Learning , 7(3): 175-179. Scholaticism and Humanism in Classical Islam and the Christian West. Is there a way to use any communication without a CPU? This study is a library based research and it employs qualitative data analysis. Eastern philosophy is too rich and diverse to be able to bundle into one category that can be compared with Western and Islamic philosophy. Othman, N. A comparative study between Western and Islamic perspectives on human development and life-friendly environment. Al-Jahiz (869) penned his treaties, The Book of Teachers (Kitab al-Muallimin) in the eight-century. Islam is influential upon Muslims' life-style and ways of thinking. The International Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Society, 6, 15-29. ?uplifting or elevationtulteef and patience..but do not be wrongly mistaken!! (2021). Most of Islamic philosophy falls in pretty much in the same tradition as Western Philosophy - both of them are continuations of Greek thought. The critical thinking that is essential to keeping the world from sinking into the pit of prophetic irrationality, ignorance and religiously sanctioned cruelty is historically considered the enemy of the respected community clerics. But while they look alike, they have some important differences. I edited your question to remove meta text, we prefer to not include that in the body of the question. This appearance of authority from other than the church marks the beginning of the struggle between the church and the university and thus religion and science. They wanderer blindly in darkness, So they do not see Allahs signs, They do not hear the call of the messengers of Allah, And they do not understand that this life is Merely a delusion through the false promises of Satan and the enjoyment of evil last only for a brief moment for the wicked. How many citys and people have Allah Al Mighty not destroyed with a complete destruction, And brought new generations after that. Also what our beloved (p.b.u.h) said about verses and lost or untied camels, one way or the other, could also be mentioned. According to Al-Jahiz (869) a good memory is needed and valuable for the learning process. Our final outcome lies with Allah. What is the difference between Western and Islamic civilization? New York: Cambridge University Press. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. This attitude of superiority is even now flaunted by many of the leaders, in addition to the attitude of the people of the West towards the people of non-Western societies. Arts & Humanities in Higher Education , 14(4) 318328. 3v{G0xi/6{?anCm(~7CAoY This is skepticism at its highest level. Even Muslim dietary laws require that the permitted meat is prepared in a manner that emphasizes cleanliness and a humane treatment of animals. As explained by Fahim and Masouleh, To Critical Thinking, the critical person is something like a critical consumer of information; he or she is driven to seek reasons and evidence. (Fahim & Masouleh, 2012) The Prophetic tradition mentioned above clearly encourages analysis of everything, while however placing a limit to what can be contemplated i.e. Soozandehfar, S. M. A., & Adeli, M. R. A Critical Appraisal of Blooms Taxonomy. (Gunther, 2006). We arent learning only for learning sake but for spiritual benefit, and we arent spiritually striving for spiritual benefits, but for intellectual benefits too. Then will they not reason, but most of them are defiantly disobedient. Abdullah, N. Al-Suyui, J. D. (). This is an appreciation which according to Gunther is not evident in our society. Otherwise, how could Jalaluddin Rumi become Americas most popular poet? Zahrah, H. Mendidik Generasi Berakhlak Mulia: Fokus Perantan Guru Pendidikan Islam. But, in fact, it is abhorrent to the real Judeo-Christian tradition too. Firstly, Arab culture and Greco-Hellenistic heritage were both adapted and incorporated into Islamic educational theory. endobj A curriculum development manual was written as early as ninth-century, by Muhammad ibn Sahnun, titled Rules of Conduct for Teachers (Adab al-Muallimun) (Gunther, 2006). This is because Muhammad (peace be upon him-PBUH) came in the same line of prophetic religion, as Moses and Jesus. Smith, G. F. Thinking Skills: The Question of Generality, Journal of Curriculum Studies, 34(2) 659-678. knowledge and skill as a scholar of law, and (2) authority i.e. PyQGIS: run two native processing tools in a for loop, Trying to determine if there is a calculation for AC in DND5E that incorporates different material items worn at the same time. The unification of religious knowledge and secular knowledge is fundamental for one attempting to understand the similarities and differences between western pedagogies and Islamic pedagogies. https://www.academia.edu/25528161/Islams_Heritage_of_Critical_Education_The_Missing_Catalyst_in_Addressing_the_Crisis_Informing_Modern_Muslim_Presence. ., Ahmed Badi, J. And remember what was the end of the corrupters from before our time. Ashraf, S. A. What are some of the differences between Chinese and Japanese philosophy? Crusades were directed at the liberation of sacred land considered rightfully Christian, whereas Jihad was about rescuing souls.. Salasiah Hanin Hamjah, Rosmawati Mohamad Rasit, & Fariza Md. 2016. Al-Sharaf, A. Human interpretations of sharia, or fiqh, are the basis of Islamic law today. Want to improve this question? endobj A Revision of Blooms Taxonomy: An Overview. reminds of Omar RA and how he and the other sahaba would memorize an ayah or two at a time. The way of Western think as fire burns and will continue to burn in whatever circumstances. Thus according to Hayes the real challenge of todays classroom is to try in take up the position of interest rather than the position of disinterest. It focuses on building a spiritual and intellectual culture. also, just to re-instate and re-iterate..Allah the GREATESTGREATER than the above mentioned..GREATER than me and you..GREATER than the one they claim they worship.i.e..the man Jesus son of MaryAlso GREATER than..Muhammed /Moses/ Abraham tooand may Allahs peace and blessings be upon them..straight to the pointALLAH GREATER than all HE createdi.e. Of Islamic thought: Selangor Malaysia and people have Allah Al Mighty not with... Humanism in Classical Islam and the Islamic Society of Annapolis and the Islamic Society of Baltimore on human and. Could not help but clash with the same tradition as Western philosophy - both of are... Provide information on metrics the difference between western thinking and islamic thinking of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc in. Himself, the International Institute of Islamic philosophy Ihya Ulumuddin ( Jilid 3 ): 175-179 our website to you. The colonized 1, 628, P., Murphy, P. 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