1 john 2 commentary spurgeon

If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. 1 John 2:28-29. 75 Bible Commentaries - Matthew Henry, Adam Clarke, Pulpit Commentary, etc. Love's Climax "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John iv. The Immortality of the Soul: A Protest - Joseph Agar Beet D.D. Jul 20, 1980. To make a Judas, you must make him out of an apostle. In addition to these commentaries you will also find all of Spurgeon's sermons on this particular book of the Bible. I can only just point out the direction in which you should sail if you would make a prosperous voyage. Remember children of God, that this is the language of John, the apostle of love; but true love is honest, outspoken, heart-searching, heart-trying. This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. The Meat and Drink of the New Nature "For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.". He set his face like a flint that he would do the right; and he did the right. For this we ought to watch and strive, that we sin not. Prophets These self-denials will sometimes be hard to flesh and blood. No, the highest, deepest, most heaven-inspired love is that which searches and tries the heart felt there should be any deception there. Christianity: The Best Thing That Ever Happened to Women, The Pursuit of God - A W Tozer - Complete Book. 1 John 2:10. Why is the church losing its young people? Let that therefore abide in you, which ye have heard from the beginning. How it should humble us before the mercy-seat! Daily devotions. General Epistles 1:4. 1 John 2:14. This volume is the ULTIMATE COMMENTARY ON 2 JOHN . He had been subject unto his parents, and had lived in obscurity. Luke-Acts We must go a little into detail; so I say, next, one main point in which we ought to walk according to the walk of our great Exemplar is obedience. Observe, And this, beloved, again, must all be the fruit of the one Spirit that is in Christ and in us. "Mine own God is he." Do Not Love the World. Obedience is the test of discipleship. Neither Jew nor Gentile is exclusively considered in the offering of the atonement of Christ; those for whom he died are of every race, and color, and class, and kin. If we saw a man hanging over a deep pit, if we saw a man exposed to a sea of fire, and likely to perish in it, all our tenderest emotions would begin to flow, and we should pray in an agony of spirit, "Oh, God, save this man from danger!" Johannine Writings It does not need a strong imagination to picture Mary, probably at that time the widowed mother of our Lord. We are in Christ, dear brethren, as the manslayer was in the city of refuge: I hope that we can say we abide in him as our sanctuary and shelter. [But] he that acknowledgeth the son hath the Father also. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. He that saith he abideth in him: " that is exactly what every Christian does say. 1 John 2:24. Oh, my hearers, how shall I speak of you without tears? Is Sovereign the Best Descriptor for God? They will rather learn from what you do amiss, than from what you say that is right. And hereby we do know that we know him, if we keep his commandments. 1 John 3:1-2. The Gospels in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry. Our schoolmasters were not quite so wise then as schoolmasters are now. Man's Privilege and God's Power! The Nature Of The Death Threatened As The Penalty Of Sin - Edward White, The Penalty of Death for Disobedience - Froom, Traditionalism and the (Not So) Second Death - Chris Date, Biblical Examples of Everlasting Destruction, Destroyed For Ever: An Examination of the Debates Concerning Annihilation and Conditional Immortality, Eternal Destruction Is Decreed Doom of Wicked - Leroy Edwin Froom, Further Biblical Support for Everlasting Destruction, The Destruction of the Finally Impenitent - Clark H. Pinnock, Biblical Analysis of Claimed Support Texts for Eternal Torture, Challenge to the Doctrine of Eternal Torment, Future Punishment is Eternal - Henry Constable - 1875, MAJOR Problems for the Eternal Torment Position, The Doctrine Of Future Rewards And Punishments In The Old Testament - Edward White, The Final End of the Wicked - Edward Fudge - Audio Interview, The Nature of the Future Punishment of the Wicked - C. F. Hudson, Thirty Questions For Teachers Of Eternal Torment, Universal Restoration Substituted for Eternal Torment - Froom. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: It is only a puff, a phantom, a bubble, a mirage which will melt away as you try to approach it; there is nothing substantial in it. In this thing let us walk even as he walked. In a word, Christ lived above this world; let us walk as he walked. Why, it becomes to them a thing of contempt. How many times have I sung to myself that last dear stanza of the psalm, wherein the inspired poet sings, "For yet I know I shall him praise, Who graciously to me, The health is of my countenance, Yea, mine own God is he.". Nov 18, 2018. There is no room in us for two loves. But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. Take care that you do not in all things copy any but Christ; for if I set my watch by the watch of one of my friends, and be sets his watch by that of another friend, we may all be wrong together. Individual instructors or editors may still require the use of URLs. The beginning of Genesis 1:1 is simple: In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Far from it: If any man sin, . The old commandment is the word which ye have heard from the beginning. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. General Epistles This certainly is one trait in the Good Shepherd's character, "when he putteth forth his own sheep he goeth before them." It is so much dung and sweepings of the street to them, and so it ought to be. He became a Baptist and began preaching in rural Cambridgeshire. She is full of love, and of a naturally kind, sympathetic disposition. and another said, "We heard of these people that they love their Christ, and love other men so that they would even die for love of their brethren; but many of them do not love as well as the heathen whom they despise." When I wrote my first line I copied the writing-master's model, but when I wrote the next line I copied my copy of the top line; so that when I reached the bottom of the page I produced a copy of my copy of my copy of my copy of the top line. May you have grace enough to say, "No; it cannot be. "He that saith he abideth in him, ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked." John takes us back to this time in eternity past, to meet this One which was from the beginning. Poor souls! A Christian man in a discussion attempted to defend the truth, but his opponent grew angry, and cried out vehemently again and again, "Hear me! Oh, no, far from it; it is a sad case, but there is a remedy for it: and if any man sin,-. And Christ persevered in such living; he never turned aside from it at all; but as he lived so he died, still serving his God, obedient to his Father's will, even unto death. If that which ye have heard from the beginning shall remain in you, ye also shall, continue in the Son, and in the Father. He was born in Kelvedon, Essex in 1834, to a family of clerics. 1 John 2:19-20. Thank you for registering. range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed This is unfortunate, since his works contain priceless gems of information that are found nowhere except in the ancient writings of the Jews. He that loveth his brother abideth in the light, and there is none occasion of stumbling in him. At times he was incapable of activity by reason of the weakness which he had incurred through fasting, and colds and exposure, There is no need to inflict useless torture upon the body. Do you blame them that it is so? GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, Select a Beginning Point . Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God. It is child's work, certainly; but assuredly it is not child's play. Early Religious Impressions. His dying words ought to ring in the ear of all who find it hard to pass by affronts, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." The one who is full of hatred dwells in darkness, but he that loveth abideth in the light. 1 John 2:1-2. Take your lessons in holiness, not from a poor erring disciple, but from the infallible Master. In every one of us the Father desires to see Christ, that so Christ may be glorified in every one of us. There is a will-worship which is practised in the Church of Rome of self-denials which are absurd, and must, I think, be hateful in the sight of God rather than pleasing to him. We recommend Pilgrim Publications, where the Ages disk may be purchased at a discount. May our lives be a mosaic of perfect obedience, and our deaths the completion of the fair design. Is it a hopeless case? Oh, what a pleasure! O child of God, as thou wouldst fear to drink poison, as thou wouldst flee from a serpent, dread sin! The Old Testament He had been subject unto his parents, and had lived in obscurity. But he that hateth his brother is in darkness, and walketh in darkness, and knoweth not whither he goeth, because that darkness hath blinded his eyes. Ought the Church to Pray for Revival? There is nothing about God but what is delightful to a saint. The Lord's Supper - A Historical Overview, Ten Indictments Against the Modern Church - Paul Washer - Video, The Bible Without Comment - William E. Cox, Amusing Ourselves to Death - Neil Postman, Everybody Loves Jesus: The Culture Cherishes a Counterfeit Christ, Historian David Barton on Jon Stewart Show, Hollywood's War on Traditional Values - Video, Homosexuals Brainwashing Our Children in Elementary Schools, The Homosexual Propaganda Campaign in America, The Motion Picture Production Code of 1930 (Hays Code), The New England Primer - First Elementary School Textbook - 1777, What same-sex "marriage" has done to Massachusetts, Why Does Socialism Always Fail? When we try to be, in every respect, what Gods Word tells us we ought to be, then may we know that we are in God; but if we walk carelessly, if we take no account of our actions, but do, after a random fashion, whatever comes into our foolish hearts, then have we no evidence at all that we are in God. Spurgeon's writings on the Bible fill dozens of volumes; his thoughts on particular passages are scattered across numerous books and sermons. 1 John 1:1. John Piper Mar 17, 1985. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from . "We shall see him as he is."1 John 3:2. How holy, harmless, undefiled, and separate from sinners is the man who tries to walk even as Christ walked. 1 John 2:12-3 (1982-85 Audio) (Chuck Smith) Preaching! Blue Letter Bible offers several daily devotional readings in order to help you refocus on Christ and the Gospel of His peace and righteousness. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. Oh, brethren, let us find our pleasure, our treasure, our heaven, our all, in the Lord our God, even as our Lord Jesus did. Certainly you cannot paint a portrait of Christ in your own life unless you see him see him clearly, see him continually. Pentateuch 3 And when they wanted wine, the mother of Jesus saith unto him, They have no wine. Minor Prophets This charming duty is far too much neglected. Solid Joys. Again I remind you that obedience is essential to Christian discipleship. Spurgeon comments: "Upon two chapters only, but thoroughly good, and full of sweetness and light." (Commenting and Commentaries) Apostolic instruction exemplified in First John; PAUL APPLE. Interactive Bible study with John Piper. GenesisExodusLeviticusNumbersDeuteronomyJoshuaJudgesRuth1 Samuel2 Samuel1 Kings2 Kings1 Chronicles2 ChroniclesEzraNehemiahEstherJobPsalmsProverbsEcclesiastesSong of SongsIsaiahJeremiahLamentationsEzekielDanielHoseaJoelAmosObadiahJonahMicahNahumHabakkukZephaniahHaggaiZechariahMalachiMatthewMarkLukeJohnActsRomans1 Corinthians2 CorinthiansGalatiansEphesiansPhilippiansColossians1 Thessalonians2 Thessalonians1 Timothy2 TimothyTitusPhilemonHebrewsJames1 Peter2 Peter1 John2 John3 JohnJudeRevelation, (Hebrew/Greek Search by English Definition), * 'Number Delimiters' only apply to 'Paragraph Order', Search verses, phrases, and topics (e.g. "He was a son; yet learned he obedience by the things that he suffered." Your partnership makes all we do possible. 1 John 2:1-2. May God purify his professing church since even in her own loins she breeds adversaries of the faith. You cannot give out sweet waters so long as the fountains are impure. By which is meant, not only that Jesus Christ died for Gentiles as well as Jews, and for some of all nations, but that there is that in the atonement of Christ which might be sufficient for every creature under heaven if God had so chosen every creature, the limitation lying, not in the value of the atonement itself, but in the design and intention of the Eternal God. If, then, the Spirit of God dwell in you (and if it do not, you are not in Christ), it must work in you conformity to Christ that you should walk even as he walked. Historical Books And manifested His glory: According to John 2:1, this miracle happened on the third day. 1 John 2:25. There is no room in us for two loves. Stand to it firmly that you will follow Christ. We have had our sects and our divisions all through that copying of the lines of the boys, instead of looking to the top-line that the Master wrote. - Oscar Cullmann, Immortality of the Soul - by Kaufmann Kohler, Technical Terms and Usages Preclude Innate Immortality - Froom, The Development of the Doctrine of Immortality from the Apostolic Fathers to Augustine, The Doctrine of Immortality in the Early Church. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. Does not that text draw a very sharp distinction between those who love the Lord, and those who love him not? Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which thing is true in him and in you: because the darkness is past, and the true light now shineth. But, oh, the pleasure, the joy, the bliss of delighting in God! Note: MLA no longer requires the URL as part of their citation standard. I do not care. What does the phrase "gnashing of teeth" mean? If I came and preached to you, and if I had the tongues of men and of angels, yet if I did not seek to do as my Master did, what avails all that I can say? Whoever comes to him shall receive deliverance from sin. What does it mean to take the Lord's name in vain? Saints Sorrowing and Jesus Glad! He preached in the same church as C. H. Spurgeon over one hundred years earlier. The beginning of John 1:1 is profound: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. It is you preaching in your shops, in your kitchens, in your nurseries, in your parlours, in the streets, which will tell on the masses. John:6:55. How much more emphatically John might write this verse if he were writing today! Oh, Holy Spirit, work us to this sacred pattern! That, when he shall appear, we may have confidence, and not be ashamed before him at his coming. Stand fast, therefore, ye soldiers of the Cross, stand like rocks amidst the onslaught of the waves, and the victory shall yet be yours. They went out from us, but they were not of us: for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us. Rich men glory in wealth, famous men in valour, great men in honour, and I in "mine own God." If we refuse to obey Christs commandments it is clear that we do not really know the Saviour at all, we are not even beginners in the school of Christ. The Old Testament There is a "needs be" to every godly man that he should do what he ought. He is antichrist, that denieth the Father and the Son. PORTION OF SCRIPTURE READ BEFORE SERMON 1 John 2:1-29, To report dead links, typos, or html errors or suggestions about making these resources more useful use the convenient. He is altogether without spot or trace of sin, and so shall we be when the Spirit's work is done. Let such remember that it is written, If any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. If we do not know what it is to love, then we do not in the Scriptural sense know what it is to live, we are dead. That which is the subject of promise is also the subject of precept; and the precepts of the gospel are given to Christians because, in this way, God keeps his own promise, and so leads me to obey his precepts. 1 John 2:7-9. The Immortality of the Soul: 1-3 John: 1 Corinthians: 1 Timothy: Jude: 2 Corinthians: 2 Timothy: Revelation: Christian love is by no means so plentiful as it might be, nor holy living, either. conservative Christian faith, which includes a firm belief in the inerrancy For John, the basics of Christianity are summarized by adherence to the truth (v. 4), love (v. 5), and obedience (v.6). Recognizing the value of consistent reflection upon the Word of God in order to refocus one's mind and heart upon Christ and His Gospel of peace, we provide several reading plans designed to cover the entire Bible in a year. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked. 1 John 2:1-3. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and the word of God abideth in you, and ye have overcome the wicked one. His was the unique originality of absolute obedience. "He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk even as he walked" May the Spirit of God cause us to do it! The first thing about a Christian is initiation, initiation into Christ: the next thing is imitation, the imitation of Christ. As the Holy Ghost has taught us to trust Christ, so would he have us abide in him., And this is one great reason why we are to abide in him;-, JavaScript must be enabled for certain features to work, {"commentics_url":"\/\/www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com\/comments\/","page_id":1515469,"enabled_country":false,"country_id":0,"enabled_state":false,"state_id":0,"enabled_upload":false,"maximum_upload_amount":3,"maximum_upload_size":5,"maximum_upload_total":5,"captcha":true,"captcha_url":"https:\/\/www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com\/comments\/frontend\/index.php?route=main\/form\/captcha&page_id=1515469","cmtx_wait_for_comment":"cmtx_wait_for_comment","lang_error_file_num":"A maximum of %d files are allowed to be uploaded","lang_error_file_size":"Please upload files no bigger than %.1f MB in size","lang_error_file_total":"The total size of all files must be less than %.1f MB","lang_error_file_type":"Only image file types are allowed to be uploaded","lang_text_loading":"Loading ..","lang_placeholder_country":"Country","lang_placeholder_state":"State","lang_text_country_first":"Please select a country first","lang_button_submit":"Add Comment","lang_button_preview":"Preview","lang_button_remove":"Remove","lang_button_processing":"Please Wait.."}, {"commentics_url":"\/\/www.truthaccordingtoscripture.com\/comments\/","auto_detect":false}, Pop-up verses - "Scripture quotations taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation Used by permission. Exegetical Commentary on 1 John 2:18-27. 2. Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New . The Immortality of the Soul: See to it, dear friends, that your nature is renewed that the Holy Ghost has wrought in you a resurrection from among the dead; for, if not, your walk and conversation will savour of death and corruption. 1 John 2:1. This exposition consisted of readings from 1 John 1 and 1 John 2:1-6. So that we abide in Christ as our shelter, our home, and our life. Immortality of the Soul or Resurrection? Take comfort, believer, from that declaration. Wisdom Literature And then in the Church of God to be able to give all your substance, to devote all your time, to lay out all your ability this is to walk as Jesus walked. (Read 1 John 2:24-29) The truth of Christ, abiding in us, is a means to sever from sin, and unites us to the Son of God, John 15:3,4. Jehovah Tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness, Election No Discouragement to Seeking Souls, Alas For Us, If Thou Wert All, and Nought Beyond, O Earth, Children Brought to Christ, and Not to the Font. The raw material for a devil was an angel. Commentary on 1 John 2:24-29. Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. In the gospel these two are disjoined, and he is called first the Word, Jn. That is the drift of the plan of grace, the aim of the covenant. That devils trinity- the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life,-is not of the Father, but is of the world.. 1. - Oscar Cullmann, Immortality or Resurrection? Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a Yet the Church, for the most part, has allowed it to go unnoticed. Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not. I love not myself, but my Lord. It is not possible for us to understand the rest of truth if we do not believe in Christ, who is the Truth. You must love your enemies, or you will die with the Creed in your throats. Hatred is the cerement in which the dead soul is wound up, the grave clothes in which it is put away in the tomb; but love is the garment of life in which a truly quickened spirit arrays itself. Biblical and Practical Advantages for Meeting Within Homes. (1b-2) Help for the sinner and the restoration of fellowship. If all the professed Christians who live in London really walked as Christ walked, would not the salt have more effect upon the corrupt mass than the stuff which is now called salt seems to have? The "Clergy/Laity" Distinction: A Hindrance to the Church? Suppose you church-members are unjust in your trade; suppose that in your common conversation you are loose; suppose that in your acts you are licentious or untrue; what does the world say of your Christianity? Of course, in this work of self-denial we are not called to imitate Christ in offering up ourselves as a propitiatory sacrifice. For every curse he gave a blessing,,. That would be a vain intrusion into things which are his peculiar domain. Johannine Writings Ours is no transient union; while he lives as our Head we shall remain his members. Lord, I desire to live as one Who bears a blood-bought name. Faith's Checkbook. If I, then, your Lord and Master, have washed your feet, ye also ought to wash one another's feet." Blue Letter Bible study tools make reading, searching and studying the Bible easy and rewarding. And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world. I dare say there was a good deal of slander and scandal in what they said; but I am also afraid that, if it were said today, there would be a vast deal of sorrowful truth in it. Where enmity and hatred are till in the heart, it is proof positive that the grace of God is not there. In Him: Like Him. The infinite God is infinitely delightful to his people. Saint Bernard was a man whom I admire to the last degree, and I count him to be one of the Lord's choice ones; yet in the early part of his life there is no doubt that he lessened his powers of usefulness to a large extent by the emaciation which he endured, and the way in which he brought himself to death's door. And then note again another point, and that is his great tenderness, and gentleness, and readiness to forgive. Many interpreters see a new section beginning at 2:18, although there are differences of opinion as to whether this is merely a new section (which continues on the theme of the world "passing away" in 2:17 by announcing its immediate end in 2:18) or whether this marks a new major part . Presented here is a verse by verse exposition of the New . The Great Lie: What about the Immortal soul? In the early ages some of the worst opponents of Christianity used to wing their shafts with the inconsistencies of Christian professors, and they were wise in their generation. And that is the thing to do, brethren, to be hearing Christ and following him; not I to learn of you, nor you of me, but both of Christ: so shall we end all controversy in a blessed agreement at his feet. We preach here in the pulpit; but what can we do, unless you preach yonder at home? Pentateuch Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. 1 John 2:13. 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