In Allegheny County, key informants said that some hospitals use placement agencies to assist with difficult discharges (e.g., persons with severe or persistent mental illness, the homeless, or persons with little money). As states are working to meet their ADA obligations as reaffirmed in Olmstead vs. Give Light and the People Will Find Their Own Way, Mom said she was drugged, abused under Michigan probate guardianship. Referral and Placement Agencies and Discharge Planners. From our review of the regulations, we identified that North Carolina likely has legally unlicensed care homes (e.g., boarding homes serving 4-5 residents who do not require 24 hour supervision), and we suspect that illegally unlicensed care homes also exist. The web Browser you are currently using is unsupported, and some features of this site may not work as intended. One SME, who was a firefighter and paramedic who has responded to calls from several unlicensed care homes, stated that he often had more comprehensive listings of unlicensed care homes than the local ombudsman. AS800397501. As noted, the responsibility and authority of ombudsmen in unlicensed care homes--even in terms of receiving and acting on complaints--varies from state to state. The group home was unsafe, authorities said. Several key informants expressed concern about neglect of the health needs of residents because of too few or inadequately trained staff, particularly in regard to the care of residents who have severe and persistent mental illness and need monitoring of their conditions and reactions to medications. One key informant shared that, as part of such a campaign in 2012, advertisements were placed in metropolitan areas warning the public against placing people in illegally unlicensed personal care homes. Some continue to operate after their license expired or was revoked. (2009). In addition to legally unlicensed residential care homes, there are a variety of places that operate illegally. Abuse, neglect, and financial exploitation of these vulnerable residents appear common. The team conducted brief vetting calls with the second subset of SMEs to determine their appropriateness for an interview; if they were not deemed appropriate, they were asked whether they knew of any other potential interviewees. In the past 15 years, the issues surrounding unlicensed personal care homes in the state have become more prominent, and coordinated action across several agencies has been taken to address them. Michigan Office of Administrative Hearings and Rules. In some states, facilities that provided room, board, and "control and security of medication" could be legally unlicensed. Absent assistance from the ombudsman or other support in finding affordable licensed care options, unlicensed care homes may be the only option these individuals have. Several SMEs and key informants noted that individuals who had only SSI to pay for care have few options for housing and care, and often end up in unlicensed care homes. State Law, Jurisdiction, and Penalties for Illegally Unlicensed Care Homes. Along with funding to cover relocation of residents, this legislation empowers state and local multidisciplinary teams to collaboratively plan and coordinate efforts to identify, investigate, and pursue any necessary regulatory enforcement or legal action against unlicensed facilities. One way to collect this information to develop a frame of unlicensed care homes and conduct a small scale study of unlicensed care home operators. 722.622 Definitions. Future research could be conducted to describe the nature of ombudsman involvement in unlicensed care homes and how it differs across states. State inspection staff, already overwhelmed with large caseloads, are required to obtain warrants to execute searches, a time-consuming process, when trying to follow up on reports of unlicensed homes and determine whether the home is illegal. However, there were many reports of poor conditions in legally unlicensed care homes. Please update to a modern browser such as Chrome, Firefox or Edge to experience all features has to offer. Those individuals who remained in the city were placed in day programs. The environmental scan did not yield peer-reviewed publications or reports about unlicensed residential care in North Carolina. A two-storey unlicensed group home on St. Clair in Pontiac contained up to 20 men and women who shared a common bathroom on each floor. The Bureau supervises the states 4200 licensed group homes. These legally unlicensed residential care homes are exempt from licensure because they do not provide 24-hour supervision, though residents may be receiving intermittent skilled nursing care, and help with ADLs, medication administration, and social activities. State regulations govern whether ombudsmen can access and advocate for residents in unlicensed care homes; thus ombudsmen may be limited in their ability to serve on these teams. Because these homes are legally unlicensed, the state licensure office has no jurisdiction to monitor them, but APS may receive complaints about them. In other types of residential care, if the care is arranged or managed by the owner, manager, or staff of the building, home, or community, then the facility must be licensed. Treatment of residents as a commodity was a common theme across interviews. At the state level, Pennsylvania investigates a relatively low number of illegally unlicensed personal care homes per year. State informants did not provide information on the services provided in the unlicensed care homes stating that that the sample of unlicensed care homes they see is too small to make an accurate approximation of the conditions. Multiple key informants spoke about a reduction in the number of Dom Care homes in the state and how this reduction may also give rise to illegally unlicensed personal care homes. Multiple SMEs stated that licensure offices and agencies like APS are not equipped to track unlicensed care homes. Key informants also commonly described the conditions in unlicensed care homes as abusive, financially exploitative, and neglectful of residents' basic needs, and depicted situations that involved false imprisonment of the residents and repeatedly moving the residents from one facility to another, both within and across states, to evade law enforcement. Funds are being allocated to relocate residents out of unlicensed residential care. Several informants explained that some unlicensed care home operators require residents to make the care home operator or the operator's designee their representative payee for SSI benefits, and that some operators also collect food stamps, medications, or other resources from residents, which the operators can then sell for profit. Pennsylvania Health Law Project and North Penn Legal Services. They can fine the operator directly which may lead to the unlicensed care home being forced to shut down. ", 3.4.2. (2015). Unlicensed homes tended to flourish in larger cities where there were significant numbers of low-income elderly and people with mental illness released from state mental hospitals. Operators seizing the residents' food stamps and selling them for cash. Strategies for Identifying Unlicensed Care Homes, 5.4. Another motivation to operate an unlicensed care home, equally mentioned by key informants, relates to costs directly associated with meeting building code requirements specified in the regulations. Research could also examine whether and how federal or state policies might affect the resident mix in unlicensed care homes. Durham County key informants estimated that since 2012, approximately five calls have resulted in cases being investigated as potential unlicensed care homes. Unlicensed staff may administer medications after completing a 16-hour medication course from an approved medication training provider. So you have a document that you want to show me indicating that its unlicensed, asked Glover-Hogan. Miami Herald. Tracking Public Benefits and Representative Payees. The main goal of these efforts is to shut down facilities where residents are financially exploited, abused, neglected, or subject to unsanitary and unsafe conditions. 48317. Future research examining the role of hospital discharge planners and strategies to prevent discharge to unlicensed care homes appear warranted. <> 3.4.5. More information exists about licensed RCFs than unlicensed care homes, thus knowledge of the unlicensed care homes is limited. A 58-year-old man pleaded guilty to elder abuse on Tuesday for operating an unlicensed group home where about eight tenants lived without heating. If the homes are closed and the residents' identification cards and personal paperwork are not able to be retrieved, this poses challenges for residents to get SSI payments and medications. In this kind of scam, food stamp benefits are reportedly stolen from residents, who are then provided with little or outdated food, and may subsequently go hungry or beg or steal food from neighbors. The environmental scan and SME interviews informed state selection for site visits. DISCLAIMER: The opinions and views expressed in this report are those of the authors. Residential care homes that are legal often serve as covers for or conduits to illegal homes. This American life, episode 554: Not it! He noted that residents with disabilities in unlicensed homes were at risk during fires and natural disasters such as tornados, hurricanes, and severe storms. Strategies for Addressing Conditions in Unlicensed Care Homes, 6.1. As such, key informants speculated that these types of organizations may maintain lists of residential care homes. Florida publishes a listing but it does not correspond with the media reports of the number of unlicensed care homes identified by state inspectors. These preliminary findings are worth considering as policy makers implement federal, state, and local policies and practices that may relate to unlicensed care homes. Failing to promptly report resident deaths, including more than one instance of leaving a dead body in the facility or back yard. Despite this lack of information about prevalence, we heard about many strategies for addressing the existence of unlicensed care homes and the conditions in them. Having buildings that were infested with bedbugs, other insects, and rodents. In essence, unlicensed care home operators have several opportunities for gaining almost absolute control over these residents who are physically, cognitively, and financially vulnerable. Providing unsafe housing conditions, including overcrowding of resident rooms, housing many more residents in bedrooms than is allowed by state licensure regulations, housing residents in storage sheds, basements, and attics that were unsafe, unsanitary, and made egress difficult for frail or disabled residents. Anecdotal examples of residents wandering outside of their home and onto neighbor's property, which typically generates a complaint call from the neighboring homeowner, were also provided. However, even with those limitations, we know that in the communities we visited, there were significant health and safety concerns for residents, as well as concerns about financial exploitation and government fraud. Obtaining licensure would require operators to pay the costs of additional and qualified staff and service provision. Interview results indicate that police may also be helpful in identifying unlicensed care homes, but the extent of that help may vary from state to state and across communities within states. Although little is known about unlicensed care homes, a variety of signals, including media reports, highlight potential safety and quality concerns. Several key informants reported that unlicensed care home operators "troll" the psychiatric wards of facilities like Grady Memorial Hospital, looking for residents. In addition, one key informant stated that penalties for operating unlicensed care homes are similar to only a Class C offense, which is "equivalent to fishing without a license." However, gaps in our knowledge about unlicensed homes remain, and several issues raisedduring interviews with key informants warrant further investigation. The remainder of this section summarizes findings from interviews with SMEs and site visit key informants, and also includes additional information from the environmental scan. To accomplish this we conducted an environmental scan, including a review of the peer-reviewed and grey literature and interviews with SMEs. Licensure agencies in many states lack the legal authority to inspect, require plans of correction, or fine these unlicensed facilities. An operation needs to be licensed under Act 368 as a home for the aged (HFA) if it provides room and board and supervised personal care to 21 or more unrelated people who are 55 years of age or older; or if operated as a distinct part of a licensed nursing home, can be provided to fewer than 21 residents. We are cleaning our homes, facilities and offices routinely, including regularly sanitizing all high touchpoint surfaces. In this section, we summarize results of the literature review and interviews with SMEs and key informants. (2015) Assisted living provider resources: Unlicensed facilities. Unlicensed care home operators also were described as sometimes having select residents act in a role of authority over other residents, such as beating the other residents to control their behaviors. Some operators remain undetected by moving residents from one facility in one state to another facility in another state. Copyright 2017 Scripps Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Further details on findings from the environmental scan can be found in Appendix B. In several cases, the potential interviewees did not have direct knowledge on the topic of unlicensed care homes, and were not interviewed, but referred us to interviewees with more knowledge on the topic. While the information herein is not generalizable--it is based on a targeted scan and a limited number of interviews--it does highlight the fact that unlicensed care homes appear to be a problem in at least some states. While many key informants stated that illegally unlicensed personal care homes primarily serve adults with a wide spectrum of mental health disorders, they also noted that some of the residents in unlicensed care homes are frail and elderly individuals. Theft of government benefit checks (e.g., SSI, Social Security, food stamps, Medicaid, veteran's checks) was common, with one case in which operators diverted more than $790,000 to themselves. The state primarily uses reports to their complaint system to identify illegally unlicensed personal care homes. Glover-Hogan said going forward, she will do more research, and she said often when she initially places wards, she does not have access to any of their funds yet, which can make placement extremely difficult. Another strategy is the creation and involvement of interagency and multidisciplinary teams at the state and local levels, which based on our key informant interviewsappears to be a successful strategy. Although this regulation reduced the number of legally unlicensed care homes and reduced their capacity to three or fewer residents, many key informants in Pennsylvania noted that this had the unintended consequence of spurring many more illegally unlicensed care homes to open. Three states (District of Columbia, Maryland, and Mississippi) have no minimum bed size for licensure, implying that some residential care homes can be lawfully unlicensed. Following the development of the initial list of SMEs, we divided the list into two categories: (1) a subset of individuals identified as "key experts" who would be prioritized for interviewing because we determined they had relevant information related to unlicensed care homes; and (2) individuals identified as "potential experts" who would first be vetted to determine their level of knowledge about unlicensed care homes. Retrieved from Multiple key informants provided details of two specific cases of illegally unlicensed care homes. An individual thats incapacitated that needs a higher level of service, the likelihood is that that type of facility would require a license, said Larry Horvath, the Director of Michigans Bureau of Community and Health Systems. The scan included published peer-reviewed and grey literature, including abuse blogs and media reports about legally and illegally unlicensed residential care homes. Most interviewees reported that the personal care home regulation change in 2005 caused a loss of small personal care homes due to the increased costs associated with meeting the standards set forth in the regulations. These local and regional offices--as well as ombudsmen and other national, state, and local advocacy groups--receive complaint calls from a variety of sources including residents' family members; members of the general community such as neighbors or other providers; and medical and service providers (e.g., hospital or clinic doctors, nurses, social workers) who interact with residents inside and outside of unlicensed homes. Web log.Retrieved from The team conducted interviews with key informants in each of these communities. Very little discussion centered on improving the quality of unlicensed care homes. Notably, the strategy of responding to complaints limits the amount of information available about unlicensed care homes about which complaints are not made (i.e., possibly better quality homes). . Barry, R., Sallah, M., & Miller, C. (2011). In Pennsylvania counties, a multidisciplinary team called the Personal Care Risk Reduction (PCRR) team helps to address illegally unlicensed care homes; thus we attempted to interview key informants involved in this process. One SME also noted that some unlicensed care home operators take residents' veteran's benefits. Thus, future research might be warranted to determine the characteristics of residents in unlicensed care homes and whether they differ across legally and illegally unlicensed homes. If you want to see if a certain group home is licensed, please click here. Regardless of what they are called, this study focuses on places that provide room and board and sometimes provide personal care to two or more unrelated individuals, but whose operators are not licensed or certified by the state. Indeed, results from the National Survey of Residential Care Facilities indicate that only 40% of licensed RCFs admit individuals with behavior problems, and just 55% admit individuals with moderate to severe cognitive impairment (Greene et al., 2013). This research might also address whether the Keys Amendment is achieving its goal of protecting the well-being of SSI recipients. The nature of health and safety concerns described by key informants were wide-ranging and often included neglect and the risk of death to residents. Once an unlicensed care home is identified, the PCRR team works closely with the both the state and regional licensure offices to take the necessary steps to deal with the home. However, a representative from a state advocacy agency estimated that about 2%-3% of their 4,800 calls annually, or approximately 120 calls statewide per year, were related to unlicensed facilities. Health Management Associates. Even with relatively low payment rates, operators can make profits by cutting corners in housing and services and trafficking in the federal benefits they seize from residents. Some of these housed mainly older residents. This key informant was concerned this had contributed to group homes closing, which may have resulted in a gap that unlicensed facilities are filling. The facility operators were authorized to make the decision on their own (Tobia, 2014). The goal of this exploratory study was to understand how unlicensed care homes function as a residential care option, the types of individuals who reside in them, their characteristics including quality and safety and the policies that influence the supply of and demand for these homes. 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