You don't have to be big to make a big discovery. While Calvin is out digging a well with his wife, the ground gives way, revealing a very large hole. Best wishes! Students can highlight, circle, and underline text then attach their own notes for teachers to look over. I love using NewsELA in my classroom! In todays digital world, we seem to be surrounded by news. Free access to all articles. Would you mind me if I suggest answer key with file PDF? Ford weaves together her experiences of feeling at odds with her body, of being seen as a "distraction" to adult men, of being Black and fatherless and hungry for love. Definitely following you now! thankyou so much for this informative page ..its the perfect page for students I've been using ReadWorks, but I've never used the other two. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8. Thank you so very much! from this. Summer is a crucial time for building content knowledge and reinforcing skills with students. Please go to the Instagram Feed settings page to create a feed. I hope you add more passages. It did not occur to people to build castles out of stone. KiwiKids News (opens in new tab) ]0Ew_FKKiczn?]H6mS? Learning Lab. All questions are aligned with Common Core State Standards. When he pulls up the bucket, however, he discovers . + Two reading levels available Students will also complete activities for text evidence, integrating information, literal comprehension, and take a comprehensive assessment.This is the tenth in a set of 25 informational text articles + activity. See why so many teachers rely on this exceptional magazine to engage their students, build nonfiction-reading skills, and increase content-area knowledge. Best wishes to you both! Genre: Nonfiction Age Level: 6-9 Reading Level: Beginning Reader Designed to spark your child's interest in arts and science, Ask explores intriguing topics such as why animals sleep, why people love music, and how the solar system was formed. Thankk you for sharing the information. Keywords: Information, Informational Text, Info-text, Reading, Writing, Critical, Close Read, Nonfiction Article Reading Passages Pack This pack includes 12 nonfiction topics, and each one has two articles that are written from two different points of view. Youngzine (opens in new tab) Show students how to introduce a response paper and then construct a mature response. Many of my students are reading at the 11-12th grade level. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8. Click on the images to see my story resources. Premium accounts offer extras such as simplified and audio versions, quizzes, and critical thinking challenges. Educator guides cover differentiation, hybrid and remote learning, and free professional development. Do you offer 5th or 6th grade reading level Learn more by reading this short text. I am so glad to hear that Karen. Then answer CCSS aligned multiple-choice and extended-response questions. The New York Times Daily Lessons builds a classroom lesson around a new article each day, offering thoughtful questions for writing and discussion, as well as related ideas for further study. Reviewed by: KidsHealth Medical Experts. Highly engaging articles make these articles quite interesting. Worksheet Informational Reading Comprehension: Sustaining the World With Seaweed Worksheet Parts of the Brain Worksheet Required fields are marked *. Scholastic Teachablesworksheets, lesson plans, learning games, and more! You just fill them up with garbage and leave them in the corner, and then all of your trash disappears. Bath As an educator you can use their system for free, but as an educational publisher I would need to license it. This value can change rapidly under certain conditions. gifted students have voiced their opinions on how challenging RocketLit is. Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. for the Atari has been widely condemned as the worst game ever. Are you getting the free resources, updates, and special offers we send out every week in our teacher newsletter? Middle school Archives - Science Journal for Kids and Teens. 7 Digital Learning Theories and Models You Should Know, Drawing on Time-Tested Studies to Help Children Today. Great resource for teachers. I developed the guided questions/graphic organizer.Guided Questions included questions for both passages, questions requiring synthesis of both passages, genre, tone, voca, This product contains nonfiction paired passages with test prep questions, individual and shared. en espaol: Cmo funciona el cuerpo: Artculos. Paper money is a funny thing. Learn about the Pony Express in this text and answer multiple-choice and extended response questions based on the passage. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8. Thanks for this page. 1,043 Items. Learn about this cultural phenomenon in this short text and then answer multiple-choice and long response questions. Middle School Biography Book Report Template. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8. If you are an English teacher, or frankly any teacher, we are always on the hunt for nonfiction and information articles. Students will also complete activities for text evidence, integrating information, literal comprehension, and take a comprehensive assessment.This is the fourth in a set of 25 informational text articles + activity packs designed to, In this printable collection of four articles (from the New York Times, and LA Times, links provided), students are asked to: Reading Comprehension Passages Nonfiction Articles, Keystone Test Prep-Nonfiction Module- Article: Homeless to Harvard, Earth Day Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Passages and Questions, Nonfiction Reading Comprehension Passages BUNDLE, Eminem's Life Story - Literary Nonfiction Practice (High Interest), Reading Passages- High Interest Non Fiction Article, Integrate Information From Multiple Texts RI.5.9 | Perseverance Articles #5-17, Article of the Week Club, 5th Grade | Nonfiction Reading Passages Common Core, Author's Purpose & Point of View RI.8.6 | Instagram Influencers Article #8-10, High Interest Non-Fiction Close Reading Passages BUNDLE, High Interest Paired Fiction and Non-Fiction Text - Footbinding, Nonfiction Paired Articles: Celebrated Landmarks, Teen Vaping Epidemic | Text Structure w/Paired Poem RI.8.5 & RL.8.5 Article 8-21, Review RI.7.4, RI.7.5, & RI.7.6 | Mystery of Anastasia Romanov Article #7-12, Article of the Week Club, 7th Grade | Nonfiction Reading Passages Middle School, Review RI.7.7, RI.7.8, & RI.7.9 | The Lost Boys of Sudan Article #7-19, Evaluate Argument & Irrelevant Claims RI.8.8 | Insects for Dinner? Just looking over this list gets me excited about teaching short stories! In 2003 star Barbara Streisand sued a couple for posting a photo of her home online. Scholastic Kids Press (opens in new tab) Nonfiction articles are more likely to contain content-specific vocabulary that many students struggle with, and this feature helps students gain independence and confidence while reading! Here's another really great one I've used over the years:, Here's a great addition to your list! Thanks so much. In this post you will find 41 short stories for middle school across a variety of genres: humor, mystery, horror, classic, etc. Then answer multiple choice and extended response questions. Lesson plans offer great ideas for the classroom and simple, usable frameworks for implementing these in any grade. Plus, we've be testing out some new features, and they are AWESOME. The questions are very higher order thinking and use the different DOK levels. Plants are known for sitting still, but some plants are devious killers. Graphic Organizers to Guide/Assess Nonfiction Reading, Click here for a listing of ALL GRADES' nonfiction readings. I want to pass along some great info for teachers. Redwoods are known for being the largest trees in the world. The news article was pulled from the LATIMES online. Each lesson includes a full transcript, fact list, summary, and focus questions. Learn more by reading this interesting text. Stories are accompanied by citations, recommended readings, glossaries, readability scores, and classroom extras. Nonfiction Article of the Week Club, Article #5-16: Forest FiresThis is the sixteenth in a set of 25 informational text articles + activity packs designed to teach ALL of the reading informational text standards for 5th grade in a fun, rigorous, and easy to implement solution! @!tD6)U(2`,6bZS}0U1>@TLR^Xqh;V0;, 2%]Z=Lb5xc2f6 3p-XRyN[^ ;:oz{3{~*BY]>ovYfa%)@u0y
AT# .
Your email address will not be published. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Grades 6-8 Starting at $8.99 Scholastic Scope A complete multigenre language arts teaching package North Sentinel Island and Snake Island are two of the World's Deadliest Islands. What if these systems went down? Learn about invasive speciesnon-native species that cause harm to native ecosystemswiththis informational reading comprehension worksheet! Overview: Twisters and Other Terrible Stories is the nonfiction companion to Twister on Tuesday (Magic Tree House #23), a chapter book set in the 1870s, which ends with a tornado on the prairie. Thank you for finding and compiling these for us. Chess has been played for hundreds of years. Wearing your seat belt is such a simple thing, but it can save your life. I was just struggling with exactly this issue on Friday. Click here for a listing of ALL GRADES' nonfiction readings. It can't be that many. This pack gives you a total of 24 nonfiction articles. Daily articles covering current events in video format. Can you give me an idea about where these passages are level wise? @HW}-h\^1pQ R 1;>6f}bh9IXSCPsj Plunge your classroom deep into the blue with these fiction and nonfiction books about the ocean, perfect for a wide range of readers in grades K-8. % Thank you Mr. Morton for these great passages, I use them for my grandchild and she finds the topics interesting. Great post. Spanish-English dictionary, translator, and learning, Marketplace for millions of educator-created resources. The focus in this resource is on teaching students to use multiple sources, integrating information from two different articles. It looks like youve worked very hard! Table of contents, glossary, caption, headingsThe Mailbox has the reading resources you need to help kids understand the text features found in informational and nonfiction text. )E4DKYgLk
C Middle school (157) Upper high school (90) Scientific Topic. Finding leveled reading resources with the same concepts had been a struggle, so I love how RocketLit articles are leveled for individual reading levels, but still have common examples and vocabulary we could discuss as a class. Thanks so much for sharing!! Filed Under: 1:1 iPads, 5th Grade, ELA, On Demand Writing, Technology Tagged With: 5th Grade, iPad, Online Resources, Technology, Hi! That's awesome. With the motto Real News, Told Simply, News for Kids strives to present the latest topics in U.S. and world news, science, sports, and the arts in a way thats accessible to most readers. 41 Short Stories for Middle School: Free PDF Downloads. Click to VIEW Grade Level Standards for R.10. Thank you for your feedback. Introducing Narrative Nonfiction. Which would win in a fight, a tiger or a lion? Learn about this classic game and then answer multiple-choice and long response questions in this fun and exciting reading practice test. I have use ReadWorks weekly but have never used the others. c. People did not realize how weak wooden castles would be against fire. as you are suggesting. I always learn something new every time I visit your blog! I'm so excited to share them with my teachers! These passages are awesome! . Learn more about the Bermuda Triangle and its history in this article. Thank you soooooo much for your help! The Educator Sandbox also has resources for teachers as well! Plus, quick and easy setup and clear directions make these activities perfect for centers or substitutes.Your high school students are hopefully good readers, but every kid needs practice reading difficult text. Your students will enjoy reading and learning about these three topics because my middle school students picked them.These nonfiction text sets are perfect for students in grades 6-8 and require no pre, Your students will love these high-interest nonfiction reading passages and activities geared towards reluctant readers in 8th and 9th grade. Responding to informational texts in front of my students both builds relationships and models expectations. Perfect for practicing critical thinking and literacy skills for middle and high school students, its a part of the larger NYT Learning Network, which provides an abundance of activities for students and resources for teachers. RocketLit serves differentiated, standards-based science and history readings to students to save time lesson planning for teachers. Bonus: The Fake News resource section links to online games about fake news and images. Yes, it can stop bullets, but it can do so much more too. I am tutoring an adult in English and your reading passages have helped me tremendously. Students answer multiple-choice and extended response questions. I am committed to improving and developing this site. Computer hackers are scary, but learning about their attacks can help to keep you safe. As of Monday, October 24, content that was on will now be available here on our new . I can always be sure I will find something challenging and INTERESTING(!!!) All About Me Text Feature Booklet 50 points = $5 off! + Curated links to lessons on parasites, the middle ages, and archaeology + Audio version of article. Middle school (157) Upper high school (9) Scientific Topic. xn$NZunb;`
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One way to kick off this unit is to put out a selection of nonfiction, fiction, and literary nonfiction books for students to explore. This Fact Tracker does not just cover tornadoes. These activities are sorted by grade level. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8. Now students can follow the latest news. RIF's newest literacy resource is a collection of leveled reading passages for each grade, all with original content and illustrations. This is really fantastic . Tech & Learning is part of Future plc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. Top 10 tips to stay safe during an epidemic, 5 Teaching Tips From The Coach & Educator Who Inspired Ted Lasso, Best Free Constitution Day Lessons and Activities, Best Free Digital Citizenship Sites, Lessons and Activities, Dobot Magician E6 For Education Appears At BETT 2023, EntrySign Shows BETT 2023 How Visitor Management Works Best, WizeFloor Shows How It Can Turn Any Floor Interactive At BETT 2023, MakeKit AS Educational Robots Revealed at BETT 2023, LapSafe Smart Lockers Shown Off at BETT 2023, Jamworks Shows BETT 2023 How Its AI Will Change Education, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion: Three Essential Questions, What is GPT-4? Each passage is written at two different levels (3rd/4th grade and 5th/6thgrade) and includes photographs and text features. Follow me, get some freebies, get updates in my. Thank you for the amazing FREE resources. Which best explains why the original castles were first made from earth and timber? Thanks. Im looking for samples for four types of reading and writing for post basic classes. There are also two writing prompts that are included with the passages. Please dont ever take it down. Koko is one special gorilla. 3. One-Page Nonfiction Readings by Grade Level, Developed by the Center for Urban Education., Thank you so much for your generosity. 1. It's true. It is a great website that helps me in teaching English as a foreign language to my students. Interesting and motivating reading texts. Learn more about hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic (Germany) after World War I in this interesting short passage. Modern streaming options may be taking over living rooms today, but TV has played a significant role in culture since its creation. YOUR LIBRARIAN! . I should have them up sometime in December. %%EOF
Just tell us at checkout. Last, but definitely not least, is ReadWorks. Learn about a phenomenon known as the cobra effect and answer comprehension and inference questions. )8-2: Write an Objective Summary (Colonization & Apartheid in South Africa w/Trevor Noah)8-3: Analyze Connections in a Text (Modern Folklore: Urban Legends, Old Wives' Tales, & Superstitions - Paired Text for The Monkey's Paw)8-4: Analyze Connections in a Text (Do Video Games Cause Violence? Lexile level is for struggling readers--310, Get students digging deeper in nonfiction texts with this differentiated Earth Day Reading Passages download! Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 5-9. Technology. Another site I really enjoy is User vote on all types of things that people are wondering about and then they answer the questions through articles, videos and images. But must have authors names, Then they will always have a backup for record keeping. The passage questions why so many students work so hard to get out of reading assignments in this short persuasive piece. Scan each article for text features I teach English in Argentina, and these texts trigger my students speaking skills, vocabulary skills and of course Reading Skills, hey, there i really need help in this question and i want to know if you could help me in this question it is very difficult ad i really need help and can you really help me please. Booklet Version The booklet version allows you to make a small booklet for your students. Im always working on updating and improving the site. I teach sixth grade. Newsela is an Instructional Content Platform that supercharges reading engagement and learning in every subject. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 2-6. Check it out! This passage summarizes the origins and evolution of money. I can look up a million articles on everything on my own, but the website already does it all for me. See if she can interpret the different parts of a map. These passages are listed at their readability level according to the Fry formula. We are a curriculum-free school for reading and writing, so in August I walked into a resource-empty classroom. Our actions can have far reaching consequences. Each printable reading comprehension worksheet includes comprehension questions, vocabulary words, and a writing prompt. Oh my goodness Catherine!!! TM & 2021 Scholastic Inc. All Rights Reserved. 2@sg&CvmSZb5PtmDW~1l|Yb!uq=~R-Z)(fvWM]~Eb%jc5[Ru*kQMi]V-;L.Lyb kr)A~T"v9Qa`j ?{qc>[&\`Sty35l>6-OO+x2lh0N360fbrQ rIh7&nlBU'XZd@F;pb)i0 9 }1L ?ZZxbmtb)nK")tS+Fa=4 The Pony Express was the fastest way to get mail from California to the rest of the nation in the early 1860s. This prepares them for more advanced course work. Thanks for the information. I love for current events nonfiction news! Thank you again. I hope you learned about a new resource or were encouraged to start using a resource you long-ago created a username for. Print. Thank you for visiting. Wow it is a nice web and my teachers also gave us the comprehension hear! It will save you some grading and these activities include questions formatted as extended response in addition to multiple choice. Students may submit their own questions and vote for their favorites. It will also give them practice with nonfiction reading skills. This is an amazing piece of writing. What would the ER be like without trampolines? Heres how it works. POINTS, OH MY! Your email address will not be published. h!zbeHD+@Nlni|czU* 1DXyNjpx`u(2,X. Kids love their subscriptions not just because the magazine is informative, but because it's fun. In middle school, students are encouraged to read storybooks and novels. A terrific site that publishes readable and teachable articles on news, art, science, politics, and more for students grades 2-8. Some really good resources here! . Sometimes these consequences can surprise us. Visit our corporate site (opens in new tab). Have a nice day and a fun time learning! Why did they stop? You'll run into printables that are too easy, not difficult enough, not authoritative enough, or are just too expensive to purchase. A fully free research-based platform, Readworks provides thousands of nonfiction and fiction passages searchable by topic, activity type, grade, and Lexile level. I love it! Though small in size, the honey badger is renowned for its fighting spirit. No coupon needed and the best part, we donate 15% of EVERY sale to the teacher or school, etc. Learn more about the phenomenon that bears this singer's name in this short nonfiction article. Give students this four-page nonfiction reading comprehension worksheet to find out! Smithsonian Tween Tribune (opens in new tab) Your librarians have great avenues to find you non-fiction articles. I dont see where you have a grade or Lexie level for the passages you offer. Did you know that honey badgers can sleep off cobra venom? Boats, planes, and people have vanished. Some definitely cater to an excellent classroom debate. Your students read three short articles, each followed by a quiz. Even my most gifted students have voiced their opinions on how challenging RocketLit is. Classroom-tested stories by acclaimed authors that middle school students will love . K-1 2 3-4 5-6. In this inspiring collection, literary all-stars such as Rene Watson (Piecing Me Together), Grace Lin (Where the Mountain Meets the Moon), Meg Medina (Merci Surez Changes Gears), Adam Gidwitz (The Inquisitor's Tale), and many more engage young people in frank conversations about race, identity, and self-esteem. Thank you SOOO much for this website! 10. The Nonfiction Article of the Week is a full-year, 40-week nonfiction program for middle and high school English language arts teachers that includes high-interest articles, instruction slides, standards-based reading responses, videos, and creative assignments. Students read and compare the nutritional information from four snack items. How-To Tutorial on Enlarging (REALLY BIG) Clipart & Fonts and Printing Them for Your Classroom, One Reading Decision That Will Change Your Middle School Classroom. Students at lower reading levels or those who need to can listen to the article while following along as text is highlighted. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8. Thanks so much for joining me. Use our gradebook to see how students improve over time or with retries. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 9-12+. This short reading passage about child inventors will inspire your students. You can also browse by unit or search for specific terms. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Easy to Access. What a wonderful website and great questions. The only value it really has is given to it by society. because the formula does not factor in conceptual difficulty of a text. }
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'"nT'-eBb@-tYy.DmY[6({/uTX'M;!\V`]tz. Why do zombies love brains? One of the Civil War's most famous battles erupted when the two sides met, unexpectedly, near a little farm town in Pennsylvania. This memoir essay is for all the girls who went through puberty early in a world that sexualizes children's bodies. ThinkCERCA and NewsELA would definitel not work for you, but ReadWorks should. Learn more about them in these articles perfect for school assignments! Educator guides cover differentiation, hybrid and remote learning, and free professional development. them about a great book or a magazine or newspaper article that you've read. Today I am sharing with you one of my great frustrations about 5th gradethe lack of resources. It can help my teaching a lot. Then answer Common Core aligned multiple-choice and extended-response questions. Learn about how different animals survive the winter and then answer multiple-choice and long response questions. Find out why in this informative passage. The author's purpose is his or her reason for writing a text, paragraph, or line. Clickbait, anyone? Topics include dinosaurs, bees, building, music, cooking, weather, robots, oceans, flight, stars archaeology and more. Searchable by topic, grade, and Lexile reading score. It takes a lot more time and energy to build a stone castle. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 1-5. We have print-optimized PDF versions of every article for every reading level. Middle School ELA Curriculum Video: Close Reading of a Text: MLK "Letter from Birmingham Jail". Dive into the sea life of Monterey, California, with this third-grade reading comprehension worksheet! TPT empowers educators to teach at their best. I'll have to check it out! endstream
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This is more great practice for standardized tests. I also have a bulletin board of these articles and I update them so my students can grab them for our nonfiction silent reading time!! They are awesome resources for ALL grades and skills. long enough, with a 800-1000 Lexile Level) and interesting for my students. This passage explains the Y2K bug to readers. Schools. Wells : Common Sense by Thomas Paine : The Age of Reason by Thomas Paine : Meditations by Marcus Aurelius : Our current, real-world articles spark conversation, build knowledge and prepare students for 21st century success. Concrete Found Poem. Help students appreciate the information they can get from text features! England and Wales company registration number 2008885. ReadWorks was the only one that I had heard of. This is great practice for standardized tests. Thank you so much for providing and sharing this site, it helps me a lot to support my Reading class activities. To share your feedback and ideas on this article, consider joining our Tech & Learning online community. + Audio version of article. In this worksheet, children discover what plastic is, how it is manufactured, as well as its history and about attempts to reduce plastic waste. Students will be better prepared to critically analyze sources using strategies such as the Five Key Questions of media literacy. Thanks for sharing!! My kids love NewsELA, too. You can go through this printable with them by starting with the definitions of each text feature. Students need to gain lots of practice working with nonfiction passages. xS'E_g q+-h03h^_SLiee(Kk+p.6m: / (%*U,RzTlN
E7>E *Editable / ANSWER KEY INCLUDED. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7. This makes it a bit more engaging. They also come in many colors. Readers answer multiple-choice and long-response questions. Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 4-8. Television has impacted society in profound ways. Learn about this unique creature in this short nonfiction passage and then answer multiple-choice and extended-response questions. Hummingbirds are some of nature's most interesting creatures. Ive got a bunch in the works. For more "readables" that include core skills development, go toScholastic Teachables, Skill-focused multiple choice questions and graphic organizers, with Nonfiction and Fiction One-Page Readings. How did they acquire all those texts? My librarian is an amazing resource, and she has access to so many websites. Learn how old and other interesting tidbits in this exciting nonfiction reading passage. As a teacher librarian I am always looking for reliable sites to use with my students and share with my teachers. After reading, your students take a multiple choice quiz and their reading level adapts based on how well they do. Teachers. Heard about your blog from Kristen at Ladybug's Teacher Files. &:JEBY5;T/dp0 S.F\fyEQ[a=VAZ\] +K_U%|`'=yL;LUxyV
'z+@R{?E.~B9 een_rO,Nmv@ Thank you. Teach current events in your elementary classroom, grades 1-6. . The dodo is probably the world's most popular and well known extinct animal. Please share them. As comprehension improves, we constantly adapt student reading levels by moving each student up and down when they're ready.
Suggested reading level for this text: Grade 3-7. How does that affect their lives? Im glad that you like them and think they are helping. . The article is differentiated to 3 different levels (4th, 5th & 6th). Students can print, save, or email their results. Book reports help teachers' gauge a student's understanding after reading the book. Thanks for reading! Tools and ideas to transform education. Students will enjoy re, Nonfiction Article of the Week Club, Article #8-10: The Rise of the Instagram InfluencerTeach reading informational text standard RI.8.6, Analyze Author's Purpose and Point of View, Including Conflicting Viewpoints, with this high-interest article on the rise of Instagram Influencers. Nonfiction selections range from high-interest historical subjects, such as Roanoke, England's first colony in . I Am Guest Blogging on Minds In Bloom-Implementing Genius Hour in Your Classroom! This test covers some basics of the game of kings. Kids have an opportunity to express their views and literary creativity by submitting poetry or essays. Exploring the world's oceans and the mysterious animals that live beneath their surfaces is a high-interest, engaging topic for young readers. Each passage relates in some way to the book's themes, concepts, characters, settings, or subject matter. Article that you like them and think they are helping Germany ) after world War in... Future plc, an international media group and leading digital printable nonfiction articles for middle school committed improving! Which would win in a fight, a tiger or a lion struggling readers -- 310, get digging... Stories for middle school ( 157 ) Upper high school ( 9 ) Scientific Topic where have! Grade 1-5 working with nonfiction reading skills and images some basics of the game kings... Today, but ReadWorks Should espaol: Cmo funciona el cuerpo: Artculos the. 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