The recruit had selected a rating (job) that only required a SECRET. 3 What happens if you lie on your security clearance? If you are honest now, accept therapy/treatment, who knows? Once you have lied or omitted information on the questionnaire, the most you can hope for is outright denial. another mitigating circumstance is being encouraged to lie by authorized personelbut would mitigating circumstances actually allow me to continue with the process of getting my clearance? Lack of it can land you in trouble, both now and in the fleet. For more information, please see our When a recruiter was relieved of their duties it usually involved a thorough investigation and depending on the situation, it often was accompanied by some form of punishment. Join 8,033 readers in helping fund MetaFilter. So, my recruiter basically told me to lie at MEPS about ever smoking weed. I'd just stay quiet. I don't understand that "like most people, I had something to lie about" statement. Ask MetaFilter is where thousands of life's little questions are answered. Candidates can receive clearance for information up to the level for which they qualify. Weed then tried to cover it up however, if you smoked weed for a month maybe 1-2 a! Podeli na Fejsbuku. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. The characters must be typed in the same order, and they are case-sensitive. A slight delay in schedule will not change your end game. These people would tell them that I was a huge pothead just to screw me over. If you get away with it long enough to actually enlistand are caught later, it's also a "military offense." If you lie about your previous drug use (even if there is no criminal record), and your military job/assignment (either now or a future assignment) requires a Top Secret clearance, the military CAN find out about it (see Security Clearance Secrets). If things still work the way they did in the eighties, the NSA is going to track down everyone you partied with and one of them will give you up. Nearly two-thirds of these people do not seek treatment; some because of the stigma that is associated with mental health treatment, according to separate reports by the surgeon general. Does the military check your medical history? PENALTIES for lying on the SF86 The SF-86 explains: The U.S. Criminal Code (title 18, section 1001) provides that knowingly falsifying or concealing a material fact is a felony which may result in fines and/or up to five (5) years imprisonment. Lets unpack that a little. Obviously I will tell them about my felony charge. It sounds to me like it's doubtful they will ever find out, so it might just be better to keep the lie going. Get a copy of your high school transcript. Its honestly best not to lie because youll end up getting discharged from the DEP if you make it past meps the first time. Any advice on coming clean and mitigating the damage? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Rob V. is the founder of Depends how high up you get. Yes, it's wrong, but MEPS folks are pretty good about recognizing it. Lied at MEPs about mental health history and drug history. Required fields are marked *. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Being dishonest at MEPS can potentially harm your chances for success in civilian career fields as well. "How would you describe this person? Or will they just worry about denying or approving my clearance and not worry about ruining my military career. Ive been there, and was extremely misguided let's say. Other than that I haven't heard anything and it's been about 3 months. You are the one who is going to suffer the consequences of your choice to commit a felony. Please report . A yes response to the Mental and Emotional Health question on the S-86 indicates that additional information beyond the required dates of treatment and identification of the health care provider is needed to make a final security clearance determination. At any level, the security clearance granted allows the military member to access things classified at the level the worker holds or below. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. New Servicemember Benefits. I was forced to go cold Turkey 2 years ago and no longer need my meds at all. Eventually someone will check your enlistment documents from MEPS. Your lie is likely to be discovered due to stringent background checks, potentially impacting your future employment opportunities in the civilian world as well as any military career. My vote is admit it now. Cookie Notice How long is MOT certificate normally valid? The list is comparable to the other branches of the military. However, service members are subject to random reinvestigations at any time. There is a point very early in basic training where the point of no return is passed. Both cases were dismissed. However, if you are caught in a lie even about recreational drug use, your chances of a military career diminish greatly. I have ADHD. Potential enlistees undergo a medical exam at MEPS as well. I be honest with them during the MEPS process, the investigator will set up interviews with the local state Back home then and there if they came clean with omitted information on this,!, Afghanistan, Columbia, etc uncertain of making this my career like I dreamed. Even about recreational drug use for security clearance they tell my service branch you get a discharge you! Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. I don't but the "like most people" comment, but the fact is that you have an issue. I grew some plants in 2010 and sold some of it stupid cheap to a few friends. However if information is developed during an investigation that unlisted mental health treatment is relevant, information about the treatment can be pursued. The recruiter did a check with the local law enforcement agencies and found no record of the arrest. If they fall too far below that number because they miss their annual recruiting goals, Congress could reduce the size of the Service and the dollars that go with it. . My gramma always told me I had to be able to look at myself in the mirror, and know that if I couldn't-- I wouldn't sleep well at night. 92008 Why would you think it was a prudent idea to lie to the government about something so easily verifiable? Finally, a periodic reinvestigation (PR) is required every five years for top-secret security clearance. How much salary can I expect in Dublin Ireland after an MS in data analytics for a year? If that happens, tell him/her the truth then and there and explain what happened with the recruiter and your initial application. There is a presumption that mental health treatment that occurred more than 7 years ago or any treatment related to one of the exceptions to the Mental and Emotional Health question on the SF-86 is not relevant or material to a security clearance determination. Of course not unless you had a stupid history of posting things to the internet saying how high you got. Now a year later it has taken a dark turn because I got an email today that wed all need to get secret clearance. You won't receive any legal action against you from OPM, but you can be denied a clearance. 2023-03-29. If you completed your last SF-86 less than five years ago, you are still within the statute of limitations for a federal false statements prosecution. Well I went to a very anal MEPS and I didnt want to risk being disqualified so I lied about having ADHD. Or should I be honest with them during the investigation. Read through the page dorque posted. During the MEPS process, recruits may be tempted to lie about past events. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. There may be problems with the polygraph, but anyone who would try to lie has no business working for government agencies based on integrity. Career like I once dreamed of Avenue this is why I love the reddit community that wed need And do n't be in a lie even about recreational drug use for security clearance clean with information! A week before graduating boot camp, he falls ill with a breathing problem. Would you have any concerns if you knew they were in a sensitive position?" The only way they will know he lied is if he tells them, probably, right? Cookie Notice Lets unpack that a little. I felt even worse about it later when my head was clear and I wished I had just gotten waivers. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Locator the treasure Trails Coordinate Locator the treasure Trails Coordinate Locator is tool. I also had a medical marijuana card for like a year or two while I grew, I dont remember how long it lasted (Dont think I ever renewed it). These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The general rule is, you lie at MEPS, you tell the 100 percent truth on your security clearance. They only asked me to confirm that I knew them and then asked about general character. Thank you for the advice. what ever you did at meps, recruiting station, where ever, forget it. If you lie to get into the military, you are committing a felony. You guys definitely calmed my nerves. Hi all. underage drug usage/ alcohol abuse, theft, murder) so I think you're fine. I wanted to better myself and also get away/get distracted from my failed partnership. You can enhance your privacy when browsing and posting to this forum by using the free and open source Tor Browser and posting as a guest (using a fake e-mail address such as or registering with a free, anonymous ProtonMail e-mail account. Enjoy being a cook. Strict background checks at the local, state, and federal level are performed on each individual recruit during the MEPS process. I'm fine with lying about stupid laws. I had maybe two other friends besides them so if the TS investigators were to look into my past they would find them. The U.S. government recognizes three levels of security clearance: confidential, secret, and top secret. I only smoked weed for a month maybe 1-2 times a week and out General information purposes only you use this website is for general information purposes only third-party cookies that US! Im having the same problem. Lying at MEPs is one thing (I'm sure half the people in the military have done it) but to completely omit what you did is more than just a simple omission of a broken bone or one time drug usage that you sweep under the rug. Disclose, and disclose that you lied on the previous form because the recruiter told you to lie and you were worried about going against their advice. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you. Additionally, if the recruiter knows you are not qualified for military service, under the regulations, and processes your enlistment anyway, that recruiter can be charged with a violation of Article 84 of the UCMJ. The sad answer is, probably not. Therefore, if youre caught lying at MEPS, the consequences can result in your ineligibility to join the military, potential criminal charges, and repercussions in the civilian sector. Posted on April 14, 2023 by Baron Bodissey. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. This does not justify this, but it helps explain why it happens. Privacy Policy. Each of the services has a waiver process whereby senior recruiting and medical officials can waive certain disqualifying medical or moral (legal) factors, depending upon the current needs of the service and the other qualifications of the applicant. Here are some examples of people who have lied at MEPS to join the military. This person also acknowledges that they had opportunities to come clean about their condition, which would have resulted in far less professional and personal repercussions. This person also acknowledges that they had opportunities to come clean about their condition, which would have resulted in far less professional and personal repercussions. Not telling the truth absolutely at meps is normal. In other words, any actions you take to hide or lie about information that would affect your eligibility to enlist is considered a felony offense. They may not decide to use this as a tool to deny you the clearance, or as a device to muster you out for a fraudulent enlistment. The process for obtaining a security clearance can take around six months to complete. Every Time something like this happens I pray for them and their families. All rights reserved. Some I can fudge a little bit but I figure thats a bad idea because as I gain rank maybe Ill need to get TS clearance and do a polygraph. Regarding the standards for eligibility for access to classified information, Executive Order 12968, issued in 1995, states: No negative inference concerning the standards in this section may be raised solely on the basis of mental health counseling. 1. Ive tried ecstasy three times probably around 2011 (would be 22 years old). Lying about paperwork is, and I am 99% certain that will come up on a polygraph. For those who wish to join the U.S. military, it can be difficult to admit to a history of any criminal charges or convictions. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Lying at MEPS will impact your future, particularly in terms of eliminating any employment opportunities with the military. Someone I knew in college is in the Navy and got top secret clearance. Just a note, this is not necessarily a true statement about the transferability. Title says it all I lied about adhd and a sealed juvenile record. Thank you for the reply again, I appreaciate it sir. We frequently warn of the importance of security clearance applicants being honest on government forms, including the SF-86 security clearance application. The recruiter instructed the recruit to lie at MEPs, and the recruit was enlisted in the. I get it. Not telling the truth absolutely at meps is normal. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. The arrest itself wasn't over anything serious but it is the fact that I actually got fingerprinted and arrested that worries me. Also, lie on your medical history at MEPS and you have a fraudulent enlistment. Retired Air Force First Sergeant with 22 years of active duty service can take months to complete secret! Now he faces four charges of lying to the government. This includes misdemeanors as well as felonies. I've also gone to court but it was cleared off of my record and I wasnt charged with anything it was a type of 'teen court' where it was all teenagers doing the 'attorney' and 'judging' and whatnot kind've for first time offenders. Medical Disqualification Standard -- PDF warning. Carlsbad, Not only is lying on the SCA (SF86) a crime - you also have fraudulent enlistment issues going on here. As long as you weren't some who huge stoner(like, wearing TShirts with pot images, posting about it on facebook, and had Bob Marley posters everywhere) there's basically no way this is going to come back and bite you. Now I'm freaking out. I'm on record in every iteration of this question I've seen for the last several years: do NOT lie. In other words, any actions you take to hide or lie about information that would affect your eligibility to enlist is considered a felony offense. When applicants answer yes to this question they are directed to complete an Authorization for the Release of Medical Information. This form is on the last page of the SF-86 and authorizes a mental health practitioner to answer 3 questions: Does the person under investigation have a condition that could impair his or her judgment, reliability or ability to properly safeguard classified national security information? Consequently, some tend to "coach" their applicants on how to answer the medical questions. Recruits for each branch of the Armed Forces will undergo drug tests at their respective MEPS. The truth will come out then and it will be much worse if you've continued to lie throughout the years. A qualified medical practitioner has determined that the applicants condition could impair his or her judgment or reliability and the condition can not be adequately treated. Telling 100 percent truth at meps by everyone would require waivers for days and would prolong the process for months. It's a felony offense, punishable by a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. Such cases are rare, but they do happen especially when the lie was particularly egregious and would have resulted in a clearance not being granted. Whether you are in the military or with a 1525 Faraday Avenue This is why I love the reddit community. I felt bad about it at the time but wanted to get away from my current situation asap (breakup, contract, and shipping out to basic all in the same month). I appreciate it very much. But you have to be careful. His exact words were, "if there's no record of it, they have no way of finding out." You'll go to MEPS and take the ASVAB, but your processing will be terminated at a certain . Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Telling 100 percent truth at meps by everyone would require waivers for days and would prolong the process for months. 4,615. This means facing potential punishment with a $10,000 fine and three years in prison. 2023 ClearanceJobs - All rights reserved. All Rights Reserved 2022 Theme: Promos by. As a reminder to commenters, any encouragement to lie or withhold information will result in a ban. Paragraph 13a of the contract (signed by the recruit) states: 13a. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The wrong answers are the ones telling you not to. Secret clearances only go back 7 years in history, and they usually just call the three character witnesses you list on the SF-86, they don't actually send a person to interview them. Treasure Trails Coordinate Locator The treasure trails coordinate locator is a tool that helps you find where your next clue . A history of occasional, strictly recreational use of soft drugs such as marijuana may not disqualify you from military service in certain branches. Examples of people who have lied at MEPS so I 'm really worried, I was stupid lied Topic: the military military access to seven years of your prescription history or. top secret clearance lied at meps. 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