[Things] changed so quickly when AO3 became a reality that its hard to even remember back to the way that we thought about things then.. (Usually men the equivalent term for women was sometimes femslash.) Though it has somewhat fallen out of vogue recently, the convention of distinguishing between romantic and/or sexual content with the / and friendship-only content with & remains widespread, including in AO3s tagging conventions. Heathens, respect your elders. After a close friend dies,Kirk starts having sleeping problems and Spock discovers that there was a mental link between the two men. But this one was for all ships, and all fandoms. When Mitchell abducts the Romulan Commander, Kirk gets to know someone fascinating. Additional Pairings: Spock/Uhura, Jim/OFC, http://cagedbirdsings.livejournal.com/50212.html, Leave No Soul Behind by whochick AOS AU. The crew becoming friends while at the Academy, but through their parents' perspectives. fan fiction was the genesis of modern fandom. Doctor McCoy has detected a dangerous syndrome in two of his patients. Spock hallucinates that Jim has been de-aged to five years old and responds accordingly. Captain James Tiberius Kirk may live in a future where the world has achieved total peace, but that doesn't mean his life is easy. This Deadly Innocence was originally published in 1979 in the print fanzine Naked Times 3. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=718&warning=1. After Spock went to Gol, Kirk's hurt accumulates over time, so when Spock comes back, he is not greeted well. It can be cases where moderators say I dont have the time to commit to this anymore. Or say Im getting older, Im not going to be around forever whats going to happen in the future? It can also be infrastructure or software; maybe they arent able to pay the hosting costs anymore.. Starfleet first officers did not regress to childhood without at least submitting prior warning to their commanding officers. dingonato: Kids who bullied Spock were probably like "You'll never be successful at anything because you're a hybrid" and of course he comes back to Vulcan years later, sunglasses on . Spock has worried over this task for a lifetime and came up with a failsafe that might just save the Vulcan that exists in the next universe. Kirk/Spock was out in the open, and it would go on to become the granddaddy of slash, soon generating its own dedicated zines, art, and merchandise, and becoming such a standard in the world of male/male subtext found in media that even your most fandom-averse friends have probably heard of it. Inspired loosely by Pretty Woman; pre-movie AU.Rating: NC-17Words: 86262142 DaysAuthor: jeyhawkSummary: Jims roommate is a dick. So count your last breaths, son, and hold on tight. They apparently "barricaded the . "Well, we'll be leaving now, Sarah. Many of Spock's trends towards illogical thinking can be attributed to one James T. Kirk, highly illogical being. He meets his neighbor Spock, a loner who suffers from extreme agoraphobia. Someone is holding his hand? So when a fellow crewmember begins flaunting his bigotry in increasingly violent encounters with the Commander, Spock intends to follow Starfleet protocol an resolve the conflict as professionally and quietly as possible. To harm ones thyla is an unforgivable offense. Kirk/Spock. I'm looking for a fic where Spock is deaged and has a crush on Kirk- keeps calling him his future bondmate. Thus begins a journey of heartwarming epicness as Jim Kirk gets to know his Spock even better than he could ever imagine via meld after enticing meld.Rating: ExplicitWords: 45519Anchor Me Author: syniaSummary: Kirk is part Betazoid, he doesnt advertise it because it doesnt define him, but after feeling the terror and the psychic scream from the destruction of Vulcan he starts to break down. In 2007, after years of struggling with fragmentation, lack of preservation, and legal threats, a group of fanfic creators came together to launch a nonprofit dedicated to tackling those issues. The failsafe also involves deeply selfish things, but you can't fault an old man for wanting the youth to have more opportunities than he ever could. But I go by Jim and not James, To Jim.Hello. That baloney about Vulcans being unflappable? Unlike the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive, its focus wasnt on tagging and searchability, but taking submissions from authors and artists and gathering them together for publication as an offline zine would. Today, there is everything from the most explicitly hardcore stories exploring every possible romantic permutation to sweeping works of epic literature featuring popular characters as queer in stories that can run into novel-length works. BONUS POINTS: If Spock, at first, wants nothing to do with the baby because he is with Uhura, but his paternal instincts start to kick in and his attraction to Kirk grows intensely. But its history and influence are not simple to trace. (So you can think of it as Leonard Nimoy and William Shatner if you really want)Hope you enjoy it & LLAPComments and Kudos are very much appreciated! tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Dear Penpal,Im James T. Kirk. Eventual K/S, https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5344838/1/Atlas. Kirk has trouble sleeping, so decides to enjoy some time on the bridge watching a nebula bloom. True to its goals, the Archive bridged many gaps within the fandom. Killa, too, credits infrastructure for allowing fan hubs to grow during this era. Thankfully, both Kirk and McCoy are stubborn. You Are Reading :Star Trek 10 Of The Worst Things That Ever Happened To Captain Kirk. Kirk and Spock are taken prisoner by a Romulan in Pon Farr. When Ensign Bestine commits suicide during a long haul between starbases, Jim thinks its a bad omen. Ficlets [629] For drabbles and completed stories of 600 words or less. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=1356, The Balance of Things by bindictive AOS AU. Kirk and Spock settle down after their five year mission. go ahead request post of any ship. With AO3s status as a central hub for current fanworks, their dedication to hosting them long term, and their lawyers, there wont be such a need for luck. Angestoen wurde die Entwicklung offenbar durch den Umstand, dass Raumschiff . People literally barricaded the door and said you girls are in the wrong place. They thought that we had just come in by accident., When she started the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive, she says it felt risky. As a result, she had a policy of not taking any money for her work, which she thinks may have kept her out of trouble. With Kirks memory damaged and Spocks mental shields shattered, escape is unlikely. Kevin Arbouet (@kevinarbouet) August 3, 2020 After the original series, alt fan stories called slash were created in which the characters of Kirk and Spock were lovers. Bye, Spock. ), http://kagedtiger.livejournal.com/2928.html#cutid1. His T'hy'la James T Kirk 100 reader inserts of your fav Star Trek characters (TOS - AOS). http://archiveofourown.org/works/249651?view_adult=true. Marchant did not "invent . Jims brain gets scrambled during an away mission gone wrong, with interesting results. Kirk & Spock arrive in the transporter room de-aged to five years old. With a fandom older than the internet, and the fragmentation previously described by Killa, much of the work is no longer accessible. So if you wanted a sort of snapshot in time, what did this part of fandom, in this place [look like]? Jims willing to fight for the bright future they were promised, but the one thing standing in its way is Spock himself. I have friends whove had IP issues, cease and desist letters, things like that., This was one of the key issues that OTW wanted to tackle through its creation of AO3. When I first got into the Kirk/Spock fandom it was very under the table. Kirk then decides to step down as captain to care for Sophia on Earth, taking a job as an instructor at Starfleet Academy. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=2501, The Handmaid of Genius by ladyblahblah AOS. The central trio of Kirk, Spock and McCoy was modeled on classical mythological storytelling. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=2798. My thanks go to Robin and Jenna Sinclair for their excellent editing skills. Theres nothing fun about Vulcans. So thats me? his friend asked from beside him on the bench. Updated on Mar 29, 12 Created on Dec 23, 09. The yes is out of Jims mouth before he can think about it. Certainties of Being by M E Carter (tos, 38k words, NC-17) Spock considers leaving the Enterprise to be part of a Medusan team when Kirk discovers that they have spontaneously bonded and reacts badly to the idea. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5678632/1/Never_Too_Late. Jim is so excited to be celebrating Christmas with Spock this year (could be during or after the 5 year mission) because he wishes to ask him an important question(aka marriage/bonding), but Spock gets really sick and cant really celebrate along with him. On Christmas Eve, thanks to a series of strange events, Jim finds himself in a parallel universe where the Milky Way is under the control of an alien race and ends up as a servant in the residence of the Royal House of Vulcan. Privacy Policy. Many fans across Star Treks 50-plus year history would say that this is an understatement, and expressed that by creating their own work to explore their relationship. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=3130. Spock cocked his head over the chess board, looking mildly amused. You dont know me, but I know you. Feel free to leave requests :) http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=4862, If You Need Me by cgf_kat TOS Friendship Fic. It was the Kirk/Spock pairing that literallycreated the term slash due to the punctuation between their names. Really. 14th-Jun-2013 10:50 am. Other than Holmes and Watson and for weirdos Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson I can think of no subtextually gay couple more famous than Captain James Tiberius Kirk and Lieutenant Spock, and I've heard from multiple sources that amateur magazines and pamphlets dedicated to Spirk (Kock?) Previous post, Thx for the list, Im glad its nearly summer break so I have time to read more, 5x Spock melded w/Kirk & 1x Kirk melded w/Spock, How We Are (but not how were going to be), On the Subtle (and not) Differences between Vulcan Handshakes and Human Kisses, Friendship and Love, or How Jim Kirk Learned to Love Dick, http://littlebirdtold.livejournal.com/4808.html. Cookie Notice Now I cant stop thinking about A Fragment Out of Time and how far fandom and particularly fanfiction with LGBTQIA+ themes and characters have come since Marchants story in the 70s. Baby Jim is orphaned, and a mysterious Vulcan named Selik adopts him. AOS: kid fic, fluff, spock prime This is a reponse to Samantha-Kathy's challenge: Spock Prime Raises Kirk. Its always very satisfying when I see fans who say oh, I really loved something there. When Stonn goes into pon farr, TPring must break her bond with Spock, which has unforeseen consequences. During his captivity, he gets to know a young Vulcan boy who was taken in the aftermath of Vulcans destruction. When their kidnappers ship crashes to an uncharted and uninhabited planet, Jim and Spock have to fight to stay alive, and the strength of their uncertain relationship is tested when Spock enters Pon Farr, http://archiveofourown.org/works/896096?view_adult=true, Please dont touch the Vulcans by museaway AOS. Spock test, i wanted to post with on new years day, but \_()_/, anyway, one of the great things about 2017 was getting to know @spockt @toastybumblebee @onedamnminuteadmiral and @hanasheralhaminail, heres to all of you having an amazing 2018! At Flame Con in August, The Mary Sue hosted a panel on the LGBTQIA+ history of fanfiction. Archive of Our Own has always been more than the hottest fanfiction destination on the internet. Poetry [641] For all poems, long, short, and in-between. While the Open Doors Project is committed to saving archives of all kinds, the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive is particularly significant. There was tremendous demand for these stories even if their nature sometimes meant literally exchanging zines and mimeographed stories under tables, says Rebaza. Created by a Star Trek fan who goes by Killa in 2004, the Kirk/Spock Fanfiction Archive hosts thousands of fanfictions, as well as poems and other creative works focusing on the relationship between Captain Kirk and First Officer Spock. Chris Pine Keanu Reeves . http://barrowjane.livejournal.com/1555.html. For most of fandom history, fanfic works were difficult to find and easy to lose, either to lack of upkeep or to cease and desist letters. Jim wakes after an attack to find everything changed. When the Enterprise encounters a ship caught in the Nexus, their rescue attempt beams aboard someone unexpected; Kirk Prime. He later discovers that sometimes trying to prove a myth wrong is not as fun when confronted with the evidence to do so. While Marchants text mostly obscures its characters named identitiesperhaps out of fear of legal ramificationsher intention for its interpretation was hardly a secret. Media fandom as we experience it, where people are writing and creating fanworks and sharing and participating in those types of communities it was women who identified with Spock who started the whole thing, says Killa. Lets just say Spock and Kirk are going to have their work cut out for them if this chapters going to end the way they want it to. Sometimes life needs an adjustment period. A story in which Spock and Kirk meet their future children when accidental time travel happens. That might mean wikis, or discussion groups, or meetups and clubs. http://archiveofourown.org/works/434204/chapters/736784, Spocks Baby Daddy by CMM AOS mpreg Series, http://ksarchive.com/viewseries.php?seriesid=82. If only we had all had Spock to take care of us. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=4065, Somehow, Jim thought the brothel would be differentbig and beautiful. http://archiveofourown.org/works/922263/chapters/1791548. Sarek goes to investigate but is trapped on an uninhabited planet with Winona Kirk just as he begins Pon Farr himself. It started, wierdly enough, with Mr. Spock. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=2555. the Kirk/Spock AO3 Collection is now live. There were rules about Vulcan biology and scaring the hell out of Jim now. Have a tip or story idea? Academy AU. On Doctors, Revenges and Christmas Gifts. (This is intended to be like an episode of TOS, so I'm sticking as closely as possible to TOS canon.) I warned you about messing with aliens.. especially Vulcans. (The look on Kirks face in the cartoon implies he has just been told about the existence of slash fiction. Spock is doing his best to move on from his bondmates death when Dr. McCoy finds Jimvery much aliveon a far-flung mining planet. http://archiveofourown.org/works/440180?view_adult=true. star trek topic ufficiale dc leaguers ics film e. Luckily, hes got Spock to help. Every rescue is slightly different; for example the collection created on AO3 might be open to new works, or it might be preserved as it was at the time of the import. During his time in Ayel's brothel, Jim learns many things and gets to know many interesting people, especially two Vulcan brothers, one of whom has weird opinions about emotions, and the other one the other one is the hottest, most reserved, most awkward and mysterious client that Jim has ever had. (Working my way to 100 Spirk Chapters), A short Kirk/spock introspective piece. My name is unpronounceable to most humans, so you may call me Spock. Captured by aliens is not exactly how Jim had intended to spend his Christmas Eve. Star Treks longevity as the internet era grew also allowed it to be ahead of its time, Killa says. Jim and Spock , who can barely tolerate working together, let alone come anywhere near the epic friendship theyre supposed to have, find themselves on an inhospitable (but strangely not uninhabited) planet- stranded from the Enterprise. I found my way to fandom via Usenet groups in 1994, says Killa. Want more stories like this? "You've been a real angel! Spock and Kirk have sex as a simple way to relieve tension. Inan interview with Dianeshortly before she died in 2007, she modestly refused to take any credit for the Kirk/Spock phenomenon: Really, I had nothing to do with the initial concept, as it was there unfolding on our screens as we watched our beloved Star Trek. By choosing I Accept, you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Fluffy de-aged fic. Early in the history of Star Trek fan fiction, a few fan writers started writing about a romantic and sexual relationship between Kirk and Spock . http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=3884. That being said, with all respect to Diane Marchant, A Fragment Out of Time is very much proto-slash when compared to the stories available to us today on sites like Archive of Our Own and Tumblr, and before that, on Usenet groups, mailing lists, online archives, the dreaded fanfiction.net, LiveJournal, and Dreamwidth. http://strek-id-kink.livejournal.com/2836.html?thread=1057300, http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=2747, What To Expect When Youre ExpectingA Pointy-eared Baby. After spending quite some time in Spocks company, Jim Kirk is determined to disprove some myths about the superiority of Vulcans. He After a suicide attempt, 16 year old Jim Kirk finds himself on the doorstep of an Iowa mental hospital with nothing but a pack of cigarettes in his pocket and a heap of My headcannons based on the alternative original series. If it is expedient, the child will be sent to join you on the Enterprise within the week., http://captanddeastar.livejournal.com/9048.html, When Snow the Pasture Sheets by AnnaKnitsSpock AOS. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=4143. http://ksarchive.com/viewstory.php?sid=4668. He is concerned that Jim will not be able to handle continuing a relationship with him in his condition, but hes forgotten that Jim is stubborn. http://archiveofourown.org/works/1066541?view_adult=true, That One Time When Jim and Spock Met Their Daughter From the Future by pristineungift AOS, You know your day is going to be weird when some kid youve never seen before calls you Papa., http://archiveofourown.org/works/840769#main. http://lalazee.livejournal.com/25473.html, master of a nothing place by strzyga- AOS. My name is Schnn TGai Spock. He is not as prepared for the consequences as he thought, and it is his friends who will have to be there to help him pick up the pieces in the aftermath. Those influences would lead to things like how AO3 was set up and how it functions because there would be assumptions about what people would want from it. Killa, who says she happened to be present at the original conversation that led to the Archive of Our Own, independently corroborated this. When he's twelve, he decides to share Jom's bed with him- and Jim freaks a bit. Now, he could not prevent this, any more than he could stop a solar eclipse even if he really desired to. It had been building all these years no one set of circumstances was the cause now; it seemed it had been inevitable from the outset. http://waketosleep.dreamwidth.org/6381.html. For example, the disclaimer at the top that states This site contains homosexual EROTICA, of the male/male variety, hasnt been carried over, as basically everyone who visits AO3 knows theres explicit gay fanfiction on there. Kirk's skin is cool to the touch, his hair softer than Spock imagined, and the stiffness he expects to feel at the base of Kirk's neck at this unexpected contact is strangely absent. In a universe where humans find their soulmate by feeling a shock when they touch, James T. Kirk struggles to find the one person in this world who belongs to him. Uhura slowly becomes the crew's manicurist at the beginning of the five year mission. Oneshot. During a scout out on a once technologically advanced planet, Spock and Kirk stumble across an old, left behind piece of technology. Jim has a migraine. Kirk/Spock; Next Best Destiny by rabidchild67 AU in which Spock is Captain and Jim the (geeky) new officer in Sciences. While Marchants text mostly obscures its characters named identitiesperhaps out of Jims mouth he. Captured by aliens is not as fun when confronted with the evidence to do so after quite. Starbases, Jim thinks its a bad omen ; Kirk Prime her with. Into Pon Farr, TPring must break her bond with Spock, a who... T. Kirk, highly illogical being is unpronounceable to most humans, so you may me! 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