If the seller has failed to comply with Code requirements in making a resale of goods that were wrongfully rejected, a good faith purchaser at the resale takes the goods subject to rights of the original buyer. d. the buyer was required to obtain cover and its failure to do so bars other Code remedies. c. punitive. Delegation is the transfer of contractual duties and obligations, assignment is the third-party contract rights that are brought forward afterwards, Compensatory: direct damages as result of breach (car promised was sold to someone else) The court in the case involving the ACT exam (Durrett) held that: Chapter 11 b. liquidated damages. b. Krieg could recover the fees since the licensing after the bar exam is simply to raise funds. Such covenants are: Example: The cost of hiring an attorney to litigate a breach of contract claim. a. True or False This problem has been solved! returned to the Autoplex for her money. "It was stolen at school last week." b. a. Misrepresentation \text { Feet } The result was that the Kellman's had a half-closet there instead of a full-length closet that was open to the c. Chapter 13 One of the most negotiated issues in construction contracts are liquidated and consequential damages. d. All of the above can be disclosed. d. cover charges. a. storing goods in a warehouse. a. b. $600. The Windsors: If Carson contracts to buy a forklift from Yoshie but their contract mistakenly refers to a crane, a mutual mistake has occurred; accordingly, a court can reform the contract such that the contract conforms to the parties' intentions and accurately refers to the forklift being sold. d. All of the above are correct. Military obligations c. referring the account to an attorney for a lawsuit Pandora shipped the suits on April 2; they were received April 15. What is the purpose of a force majeure clause? b. substantial performance. c. both a and b c. $350. Ralph could not use the additional space and the three employees had to be laid off. If you've been injured in an accident involving a . a. void. They decide to purchase in the West Brook subdivision and soon after signing the papers, they discover that a large part of the neighborhood is being re-zoned to make room for a new airport. . Require the financially sound buyer to return the goods. How much is compensatory damages? What is incidental damages quizlet? b. has not violated the FDCPA because notification of family members about the debt is not a breach of privacy under the act. a. accord and satisfaction Looks like rain for the next day or two," and left. Paula Sanford has filed a voluntary petition in bankruptcy. Keiser can recover $17,000 in consequential damages. where recall that expectation damages restore the plaintiff to the promised position under the contract or the position that the plaintiff would have been in but for the wrong (i.e., breach) committed by the defendant. b. 6 & 2,940 & 114 & 3 & 1 & 10 \\ Example. Incidental damages are associated costs a company incurs because of a party's breach like added labor costs. Akon had an idea for a website called "Fantrace," a site that would help celebrities connect with their fans. Which step in the scientific approach is she currently focusing on? 4 & 3,360 & 89.3 & 4 & 1 & 0 \\ c. a lack of capacity in the contracting party. There must be a valid contract. c. a criminal conviction for running a meth lab in 2009 a. \hline 10 & 575000 & 583000 \\ c. Modification or limitation of remedy. a. Plains will need to pay the damages that Tristan experienced as a result of its failure to deliver - $500 X 10. Is the sellers statement a misrepresentation? Jones Co. says it must be allowed to install the replacement heater. c. Akon can have the contract rescinded on the grounds of misrepresentation. AnnualInterestRateLengthofLoan(Years), 20253010.00%$9.66$9.09$8.7810.50%9.999.459.1511.00%10.339.819.5311.50%10.6710.179.9112.00%11.0210.5410.2912.50%11.3710.9110.6813.00%11.7211.2811.0713.50%12.0811.6611.46\begin{array}{ c r r r} The Canasta: The distinction between this "officious intermeddler," and a party operating under a valid implied-in-fact contract is that the recipient of the goods or services has knowingly accepted the goods or services, with the intention of benefiting from them without providing compensation. Courts generally order reformation when either (1) fraud/misrepresentation or (2) mutual mistake is present. Definition of Consequential Damages Noun Damages that occur as an indirect result of an event. - not from special circumstances. Limitations on Damages 3 A. Remoteness/Foreseeability 3 B. If the damaged boat is a breach of warranty by the seller, the buyer may recover from the seller: A portion of the data is shown in the following table.$, PropertyAppraiser1Appraiser21235000239000219500019000010575000583000\begin{array}{|c|c|c|} a. On February 21, Cara wrote to Pandora Mfg. c. the monthly payments need not be disclosed The real estate agent has committed fraud. What about the doctor who gives medical treatment to an unconscious victim? The Canasta then began to rethink its events focus and marketing and decided to cut back on ice sculptures. "Damages" refers to monetary compensation for harm suffered by the claimant, due to the negligent, reckless, or intentional action of the liable party. Best Buy's position is correct. d. none of the above, Which of the following statements (if later established as untrue) would constitute a misrepresentation defense to contract formation? What result? b. A: Amy runs a software company. c. Andy is entitled to recover the price difference so that he can replace the computer. B. The parties had a contract for Allegheny and Monogahela to buy all of the coal produced from a proposed "Sycamore 2" mine, located in Harrison County, W.Va. The Windsors also agree to pay a carrying charge for the payments of $250.00. c. Where the goods are specially manufactured but can be purchased from another source. b. only if the goods are sold as a unit. "You are going to love this house as we have." If the buyer makes a wrongful rejection, the seller may resell the goods in good faith and in a commercially reasonable manner and the seller may recover from the buyer the difference between the contract price and the resale price, plus any incidental damages. Two days after signing the contract, the backhoe operator arrives ready to dig the pool, but Charles tells him the contract is off. . Rosa shot a burglar in her home when he was about to enter her bedroom with a knife in his hand. Demrow Co., which contracted to buy 400 fishing poles from Royal Industries, anticipatorily breached the contract. Lack of performance d. none of the above. To explore this concept, consider the following incidental damages definition. \text { Senior } \\ "I will buy your house, but first, the kitchen sink needs replaced", Not directly involved in the formation of a contract, but is listed within as a beneficiary. c. The most the real estate agent has committed is misrepresentation. The law of restitution is the law of gains-based recovery, and can be contrasted with the law of compensation, which is the law of loss-based recovery. ", b. 5, 7, & 8 Review, 25 Rhetorical Devices and the 3 Persuasive Ap. Diana and Charles Windsor are considering purchasing a swimming pool. The right of the buyer to recover from an insolvent seller the goods in which he has a special property interest and for which he has paid, existed at common law before being included in the Code. On the breach of a contract, the suffering party may incur some damages arising naturally, in the usual course of events. b. can allow Paula to declare bankruptcy but Paula may have to go into a Chapter 13 debt adjustment plan. Ralph entered into a supply contract with the Canasta and the events manager told a lending officer at the bank where Ralph got his construction mortgage for the business expansion that the Canasta would be sending all of its business to Ralph. c. serve to shift the risk of unforeseen events. \text { Square } \\ d. none of the above, In order to recover damages under the Fair Credit Billing Act, the debtor must: required to forfeit his security deposit and his last month's rent. d. $200 plus incidental and consequential damages. Incidental Damages are costs and expenses incurred by the non-breaching party to avoid other direct and consequential losses caused by the breach. c. have no remedy because neither sellers nor brokers are required to disclose psychological issues with Nominal damages are damages awarded when a wrong has occurred, but no actual financial loss was suffered. Example. c. do not have the three-day rescission rights since there are no monthly installment payments over a period of one year. Recall from our discussion of contracts the implied-by-law contract that exists for the purposes of remedying this unjust enrichment. In order to sue for specific performance under the UCC, Robert must prove that money damages will not be adequate compensation for his loss. \end{array} & \begin{array}{c} a. is a minor and need not pay the bills. . \end{array} b. c. right to correction Sandy indicates that she would like to have a new computer and that the price is now $150 more. A: Under loss-based recovery, Amy can sue Bill for harm that her company has suffered, for instance, loss profits. Economic damages compensate the plaintiff for the quantifiable monetary losses suffered, including, for example, repair or replacement of damaged property, lost earnings, medical bills, and so forth. July 10, 2012. d. failure of conditions. Paula has a job but admits that she is in over her head on credit card debt. \small\textbf{Annual Interest Rate} & & \small\textbf{Length of Loan} & \small\textbf{(Years)}\\ When dealing with a breach of contract action, it is . Persons deemed not mentally capable, contracts are void. The stipulated amount must be a reasonable forecast of the damages. The person who found it days later used it, and charged $x worth of merchandise on the card, where x >$200. 13.00\% & 11.72 & 11.28 & 11.07\\ . b. Sandy is entitled to recover the price difference so that she can replace the computer. a. the agency must comply. 30 days What legal action can Amy take? \text{Gain on disposal of discontinued operations} & 140,000\\ e. All of the above could be a basis for misrepresentation. c. "There is no merger pending for the company." b. all consumer credit businesses. d. $1,100. Phil has asked that a covenant not to compete be inserted into the agreement. 10.00\% & \$~~9.66 & \$~~9.09 & \$~~8.78 \\ This car has the finest road performance going. b. b. is liable for the bill as a necessity. Select one: a. d. banks. a. duress was clearly involved. The representatives of Fun-in-the-Sun Pool arrange a meeting at the Windsor's home to discuss the price and draw up plans. b. Alice may rescind the agreement only if the stolen Kia is found. Specific damages include losses in the following areas: Medical Expenses: This includes all medical expenses associated with your injuries, from when the injuries happened to the present, and any expected expenses in the future. Acquisition agreements often contain provisions that restrict or prohibit the payment of "consequential," "special," or "incidental" damages for breach. Incidental: compensate for further losses (placing a new add for a car that wasn't bought). Incidental damages include costs incurred in: return item. \text{Extraordinary gain} & \underline{72,000}\\ On October 23, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced a recall of the toy cars as well as a ban on their sales because of electrical shorts and a high risk of fire in the cars. b. incidental damages. a. c. "We will be calling you at your home." What would be a good defense for her? Akon entered into an agreement with Broomfield for his help in building the site and Khalilian to help with marketing. Suppose that Angela turned 18 between the time of the accident and when she received the bill. She also requested a full refund of the purchase price. \hline 3 & 3,640 & 104.5 & 3 & 0 & 7 \\ 11.50\% & 10.67 & 10.17 & 9.91 \\ Question: _____ damages for a seller include storage charges and sales commissions. b. See Answer Question: Incidental damages include all reasonable expenses incurred because of a breach of contract. a. is a means by which international transactions can get sellers of goods paid. The hospital sends a bill to Angela, who signed the admitting form in which she agreed to pay for the treatment. She experienced many late-night visitors and often noticed cars parked outside near the street curb with the drivers and passengers studying the home. Whether there can be a pledge across country borders. b. A real estate developer is interested in researching the correlation between various factors and the square footage (in homes) that a client will purchase. When Evan turns on the stove, it catches fire, burning Evan severely. d. the Fair Credit Billing Act. c. a time limit of six months. d. All of the above. Sign in Menu Why Levelset We are the people against slow payment Levelset story PR/Newsroom A seller's remedies upon the buyer's default: Cover and sue for damages. Ralph entered into a supply contract with the Canasta and the events manager told a lending officer at the bank where Ralph got his construction mortgage for the business expansion that the Canasta would be sending all of its business to Ralph. In this exceptional circumstance, courts are willing to assume that the unconscious person in need of medical treatment would have knowingly accepted such medical services had this person been conscious. "This toothpaste is the best tasting around." c. Recovery of incidental damages. a. expenses reasonably incurred in inspection of rightfully rejected goods. This company is just taking advantage of people." a. there is a three-day rescission period. If the buyer is insolvent and has not paid for goods it has received, the seller may reclaim the goods. They are often . Which of the following remedies are mutually exclusive and could not be obtained simultaneously? d. none of the above, What rights does a debtor have if he/she discovers inaccuracies in the credit report? 8 & 2,520 & 83.6 & 3 & 0 & 8 \\ Direct damages: These are best understood as damages that one would reasonably expect to arise from the breach in question, without taking into account any special circumstances of the nonbreaching party; also referred to as "general" damages. Cover. Incidental damages are reasonable expenses incurred by one party to a contract as a result of the other party's breach of the contract. d. none of the above. A contract with a minor. b. file a complaint with the Federal Reserve Board. Consequential a. the buyer did not purchase substitute goods in good faith and without unreasonable delay. If the seller has the right to cancel, he may recover damages for breach without having to tender any further performance. "This house is built the way they used to build houses." b. d. It can "cover" by procuring goods elsewhere and then sue for any difference between the cost of cover and the contract price, plus incidental and consequential damages less expenses saved by the breach. What recourse does the retailer have under the circumstances? The derricks are to be built over a period of 3 years, but (unwisely) the parties do not make a written contract. Ralph could not use the additional space and the three employees had to be laid off. Landview Appliances sells a stove to Evan for his home. b. b. incidental damages only. 10 & 2,800 & 95 & 3 & 0 & 6 \\ ", Which of the following acts by a third-party collector would be a violation of the FDCPA? b. the same levels of disclosure for other types of credit are not required John David Jackson, Patricia Meglich, Robert Mathis, Sean Valentine, Claudia Bienias Gilbertson, Debra Gentene, Mark W Lehman, Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences and Social Sciences, Karl E. Byleen, Michael R. Ziegler, Michae Ziegler, Raymond A. Barnett, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Multiple Choice: Michigan Rules and Regulatio. Under the CISG, if the contract is avoided and the seller has resold the goods in a reasonable manner and within a reasonable time after avoidance, the seller may recover: A letter of credit: c. consequential damages. She also requested a full refund of the purchase price. c. Fraud Which of the following is true? Royal may proceed to identify to the contract conforming goods in its possession so that it can exercise the remedy of resale of the goods. Where conforming goods have been lost or damaged before risk of loss has passed to the buyer. 2 & 2,380 & 68.4 & 2 & 1 & 6 \\ b. threat of physical force. 2. Unjust enrichment occurs when one person is enriched at the expense of another in circumstances that the law sees as unjust. She experienced many late-night visitors and often noticed cars parked outside near the street curb with the drivers and passengers studying the home. b. may be so high as to be punitive to the breaching party. Ralph provides ice sculptures for private weddings, parties, and receptions. Direct damages refer to legal damages that are directly associated with, or related to, the wrongful act (e.g., breach of contract). a. If the goods had been as warranted, their value would have been $2,600. c. ACT's provisions were unconscionable. b. Dodd-Frank - Consumer Financial Protection Act. a. can allow Paula to declare bankruptcy because she has debts. floor. The buyer may deduct from the price due on the contract any damages resulting from any breach of contract by seller. The real estate agent is under no obligation to disclose the information. a. When questioned by the realtor, he admitted that he did know about the re-zoning but it would probably be years before the project started so he was not obligated to tell them about it. d. Perry can cancel the whole contract, but he is then limited in his recovery of damages. e. Receipt of cash refund from overpayment of taxes. Tristan ordered the refrigerators in anticipation of an order he was going to receive from a custom-home builder. Consequential damages are also commonly referred to as "indirect damages" because they arise indirectly from a breach due to various events that flow from a breach. . In addition, Ericson built the derrick with the reasonable expectation of being paid. d. The Canasta may be liable to Ralph under a theory of a lack of good faith and owe him compensatory damages. a. an attorney collecting a debt for himself The buyer has the right to stop delivery of the goods. Consequential damages include damages for destruction of a warehouse caused by the explosion of nonconforming goods. Assuming the use of a two-column (all-purpose) general journal, a revenue journal, and a cash receipts journal as illustrated in this chapter, indicate the journal in which each of the following transactions should be recorded: Gainondisposalofdiscontinuedoperations, Arthur Getis, Daniel Montello, Mark Bjelland, Information Technology Project Management: Providing Measurable Organizational Value, The Cultural Landscape: An Introduction to Human Geography, AP Edition. 60 days A seller recovering the difference between his resale price and the buyer's original contract price is an example of: These expenses may be awarded in a civil lawsuit in addition to the award of compensatory damages. a. b. Consequential damages are more indirect, being incurred not as a result of the breach itself, but due to the end result of the breach. d. All of the above are void. b. he cannot buy replacement goods. 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