Protection from predators, however, is not the only way cactus spines help the plant survive in harsh growing conditions. Acacias are desert plants that have long roots that help them reach underground water sources. The cuticle covering cactus stems is waterproof and very thick compared to the outer skin of other plants. A cactus has special adaptations in its roots, leaves as well as stems that enable it to thrive in desert environments. photosynthesis can take place. The Pacific Crest Trail - Jun 06 2020 This pocket-sized gift and souvenir photo book captures the beauty of America's quintessential wilderness hiking trail. When it rains, cacti shoot out more roots. Cacti expel oxygen into the atmosphere and absorb carbon dioxide, which remains in the form of acid (usuallymalic acid) until the next morning when the plant, in the presence of sunlight, will perform thechlorophyllfunctionand extract the carbon dioxide from the acid to transform it intosugar. Not only are they unique in appearance, but cactus adaptations give them a remarkable ability to thrive in harsh desert landscapes where few other plants can survive. The thick skin also protects the camel from extreme heat. ProForm Pro C22 Exercise Bike. "It's good evidence that it's a successful strategy," Edwards said. This small to medium-sized cactus produces vibrant pink and purple flowers. "The plants do really well in these environments. By breaking up the airflow, spines create a layer of air or what could be called a microclimate that serves as insulation against changes in temperature as well as accelerated evaporation brought on by hot air or wind. The spines also protect cacti from being eaten by animals and reduce heat stress to keep the cactus cooler by deflecting sunlight. Although cacti thrive in hostile environments such as deserts. 5.1. The beavertail prickly pear cactus grows in hot deserts like the Mojave Desert and the Colorado Desert, however, it also naturally occurs throughout the Grand Canyon. This is because these desert regions experience extremely high temperatures during the summer months, which prevent plant growth. This same purpose is also answered by the fact thatmost of them are little or not at all branched(they can be barrel-shaped, columnar, spherical, or shrubby). In addition, its found deep in the tissue as opposed to the surface, which would otherwise cause water loss. In today's video we will learn about Prick. By working nights, using alternative methods to generate energy and keeping some prickly tricks up their arms. Some of the most essential adaptations are listed below. The organ pipe cactus is a wonderful example of the adaptations that cacti need to flourish in the Sonoran Desert. These events act as "seed storms" carrying countless seeds of desert plants. This thick skin is not at all hairy, but it serves as a thermoregulator. They also help the plant collect moisture from the air by trapping humidity and directing it towards its roots. Some people think having a cactus is a good idea and others dont. This ensures that cactus plants can disperse their seeds widely and successfully reproduce in the desert. Do you have limited space for growing veggies? Some cacti, such as the saguaro, can store up to 1,000 gallonsof water in its trunk. Mother of Thousands grows without the need for watering or fertilizing, which means that if left to its own devices, it can create hundreds of small offshoots called pups. This nest will be used or a second clutch of eggs as the parents may rear several broods of young in one year. Growing succulents at home is now a popular endeavor, alright but do you know the pros and cons of the same? But cactus spines could hardly be more different from regular leaves not only in appearance but also in function and makeup, since spines consist of hard fibers made largely of dead cells, as opposed to the living cells in green leaves that generate food for the plant through photosynthesis. The unique grooves that help the cactus plants collect water. But often times they get pretty tall and get plenty of light but never get any bigger then the size of a pencil. Hence, after much drinking, they present more rounded and less angular shapes. There are many different types of desert plants, including cacti, succulents, acacias, mesquite, creosote bush, and yucca. The stomatas opening and closing work like clockwork. That means they can absorb quite an amount of water within the shortest time. The veryshape of the cactus stemsresponds to the need to accumulate water. Cacti are native through most of the length of North and South America, from British Columbia and Alberta southward; the southernmost limit of their range extends far into Chile and Argentina. These root hairs grow quickly, rapidly increasing the surface area of the root system thats in contact with the soil. For this reason, the plants only grow for a season, then pauses for a while, before the next growing season. If you think about it, it makes sense for plants that need to store water for survival to grow in shapes that provide the highest possible internal volume while minimizing the surface area thats exposed to the hot sun. Thick Skin. the cortical layer of cacti is unique among plants. For the reason that roadrunner would not all the time have entry to consuming water within the desert, it has needed to adapt. Growing cacti from stem cuttings is a common propagation technique. ~ The fruit is of a muted brown color and is typically dried. There are three common species of mesquite: honey mesquite ( Prosopis glandulosa ), screwbean mesquite ( Prosopis pubescens ) and velvet mesquite ( Prosopis velutina ). Each cactus species is well adapted to growing in specific areas that experience a certain climate, Generally, most cacti species grow in hot and dry regions in North and South America but not only, we are here to explain. 3. In addition, they act as true bellows allowing the plant to expand when it absorbs liquid. For example, some cactus species only flower for a few days each year, while others delay flowering until after the hottest part of the summer has passed. Else the plant would dry out, due to extreme heat. The stem of the cactus have abilit -les to This plant can also serve as a great garden, The desert experiences rains from time to time, and this is why cactus uses it as a reservoir, NCYP Black Grid House Shape Glass Terrarium Planter with lid, Handmade Geometric Container for Small Succulent Cacti Air Plant, Home Indoor Tabletop Decor Gift (9.84x5.31x7.87 Inches) ( No Plants ), Tree Starter Kit with Complete Growing Kit - Pot, Soil, Pruner, Watering, Markers & Guide - Garden Gift for Women & Men, Spine-Free Cactus: A List of Thornless Options for Your Garden, Caudex Plants: A Touch of the Tropics in Your Home, 8 Perfect Plant Choices for Your Open Terrarium, The Top Air Plants for Low-Maintenance Living, Plants for Closed Terrariums: Our Top Picks, Ultimate Guide: How to Care for Mother of Thousands. Desert plants need to conserve as much water as possible for survival during times where theres no rain. Barrel . Thorns and Spines Scientists refer to the process of night photosynthesis as crassulacean acid. Leaves are reduced to spines to reduce water loss through transpiration. The short growing season imposes a great challenge for cacti, as they must make the most of their limited time to produce flowers and fruit. Commonly found in the desert regions of North America is the yucca plant, which also appears in the deserts of the southwestern United States and Mexico. So if you have a cactus that has been growing slowly, here are a couple tricks you can do for it to get a little bigger. Well, the plants stems are what conduct photosynthesis for these plants compared to other plants where the leaves are what carry out the procedure. Hence, the process of photosynthesis is not carried out by the leaves instead the stems perform this process. The needles, or spines, on a cactus are not there just to prick your finger. Hence, cacti have a short growing season compared to other plants. A cactus is a plant that thrives in desert-like conditions. In some cases, they may even die. The thick, fleshy, and expandable stems of cacti are another adaptation that helps them survive in the desert. I'm here to share my experience and help you have more success and enjoyment growing plants. |, Saguaro cactus (Carnegiea gigantea), Sonoran Desert, Arizona, United States. The appearance of hairs or pubescence in some of these plants responds both to the desire toreflect the suns rays, to avoid dehydration or to protect themselves from burns, and to the intention ofprotecting themselves from the low night temperatures. A shallow root system allows cacti to absorb as much water as possible when it rains, as well as providing access to small amounts of moisture that may occur at the surface due to fog, mist, or morning dew. Then, after the soil dries out and they are no longer needed, the root hairs die away. It survives the heat by escaping into its burrow . Desert cacti are found in desert regions with scant amounts of precipitation. After the rains, these temporary roots wither away. A plant pore is called a stoma, and multiple pores are called stomata. Cactus Adaptations - How Are Cacti Adapted To The Desert? This plant is also sometimes called The Walking Plant because the pups will often fall off and start new plants, continuing to spread indefinitely around your garden. They also have small leaves that reduce evaporation. This gives them a greater reserve of liquids and less contact with the dry environment, which reduces the loss of water. 10 Easy Steps on Reviving a Dying Aloe Vera, The 10 Best Types Of Cactus To Grow Outdoors, 10 Low Care Plants For The Perfect Indoor Cactus Garden, Snake Plant Care 7 Essential Tips for Beginners. (i) Leaves have modified into spines so that there will be minimum water loss by transpiration. 2. The plant continues to manufacture food, and thats the reason youll see the cactus standing tall even during the hot summer months. Their flattened shape and spines allow them to minimize skin exposure to the sun. Cacti also have a very low surface area to volume ratio. When it comes to cactus adaptations, the stems have developed a number rather ingenious ways to adapt to harsh arid climates. "The cacti evolved a whole suite of adaptations to survive. The cactus (Cactaceae) develop in very dry and hot areas with average annual rainfall of less than 200 mm and with temperatures above 45 C. This, coupled with the deep-layer stomata significantly reduces water loss, which is paramount in a desert environment. The collected dew liquified into water and drips to the ground below. Cactus fruit is often fleshy and colorful, and it contains seeds that animals disperse. Instead, the leaves are modified into spines, which emerge from small bumps on the plant known as an areole. The yucca plant is an important source of food and shelter for many animals in the desert. Edwards and Michael Donoghue of Yale University recently determined that the Pereskia genus of leafy shrubs and trees were the first plants to exhibit some of these water-saving traits, about 20 million years ago. The long-dormant period also helps the plant to survive during the hot, dry summer months. They grow more slowly and put less energy into reproduction, but they are better able to withstand drought and other stresses. Thecactus only open stomata at night, to avoid dehydration. The dense population serves the purpose of covering as much surface area as possible. Building the nest in cactus provides some amount of protection for the young. The saguaro cactus is a master of desert survival. due to the presents of Wacker layer. The locals refer to the heavy dew as camanchaca.. Cacti have shallow and wide fibrous roots close to the surface to quickly absorb rainwater. The Saguaro cactus has a lifespan of between 100-200 years and can weigh between 2 to 3 tons at maturity. How are cacti adapted to the desert? This adaptation allows cacti to survive in the desert by reducing water loss through transpiration. Without it, the insides of the camel will dehydrate. To enable the plants to store as much water as possible during the rainy season, the cactus has an expandable stem. These special features take years to develop due to the gene mutations caused by evolution. Once dew from the fog settles on the spine, it liquefies into the water and then drips on the ground below. betain water They may be covered with protuberances known as tubercles, or the tubercles may be lined up and fused together to form ribs. They also have a waxy coating on their skin that helps to reflect sunlight. The spines are prickly and can pierce through the skin, the reason why they are excellent for keeping these animals at bay. Cacti have stomata that is found deep in the tissue as opposed to the surface. These adaptation allow desert plants not only survive, but to thrive on hot and dry desert situation. The plant stores the carbon dioxide it takes up in the form of malic acid, so that during daylight hours, it can carry out photosynthesis with the stored carbon dioxide and the stomata can remain closed. Theyre popular, theyre easy to grow, and they come in a rainbow of colors. Ferocactus histrix: Care and Propagation Guide, Hoya nummularioides: Care and Propagation Guide, Coryphantha greenwoodii: Care and Propagation Guide, Braunsia maximiliani: Care and Propagation Guide, Opuntia papyracantha: Care and Propagation Guide. Widespread or very deep root systems that can collect water from a large area or from very deep. The loss of leaves prevents evaporation and slows plant growth. The roots of the cactus penetrate deep So, how does the cactus carry out photosynthesis during the summer? PBS is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Despite these adaptations, cacti are still vulnerable to predators such as rodents, bears, and humans who enjoy the sweet red fruit of the prickly pear cactus. These spines come in many shapes and sizes. The saguaro cactus has many adaptations w hich allow it to survive in its native desert biome. Just like all organisms, there's an optimal temperature for all the cellular processes that . This adaptation allows cacti to survive in the desert by going into a dormant state during the hot, dry summer months. Name: four "key species" that are a staff of life to . Instead of taking in carbon during the day, saguaros open. Some of the most essential adaptations are listed below. Theyre also relatively easy to grow at home. In order to survive in these extreme places, they have had to adapt. The desert also has herbivores that might be tempted to feed on the succulent flesh of the cactus. Garden's Whisper is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to In fact, do not give up anything but water to this great little houseplant. Certain special features help them in their survival in a particular kind of environment. Cacti are intriguing plants that sometimes seem like they are from another world. Thus, for example, the roots of a 15 m tall saguaro can extend up to more than 20 m away from the stem. With this provision, it can withstand up to two years of drought. They have: Stems that can store water. There are three adaptations of a cactus: prickly pear, barrel cactus, and hedgehog cactus. They're shallow and widespread to take advantage of any light rains in the desert. (iii) Its stem is covered with a thick waxy layer to retain water. If you were to cut up the plant, you would notice that it resembles an accordion. As a result, the diversity of plant life in deserts is likely to decline as climate change continues. Cacti are efficient water users, which helps them survive in the desert. Choosing the best outdoor cactus will depend on a number of things, here you will find 10 of the best outdoor cacti species. One of the main ways jackrabbits keep cool in their desert climate is simply by staying out of the sun during the hottest parts of the day. 1. Fast-growing plants may be more likely to succeed in environments that are unpredictable or changing, but they are also more vulnerable to drought and other stresses. The large size of the flowers helps to ensure that pollinators will find the cactus plant and transfer pollen from one cactus flower to another. |. There are two main reasons why cold damages plant tissues. Prickly Pear Cactus Adaptations Cacti have developed spines instead of leaves to minimize water loss since leaves increase the plants surface area and require more water to stay hydrated. (ii) Its leaves are in the form of spines to prevent water loss through transpiration. Many people cant keep their houseplants alive and end up disappointed. Mexico has the greatest number and variety of species. . The desert is full of herbivorous animals that would love to munch away on the plants. Cacti can prevent water loss and reduce the amount of water they need to survive by closing their stomata during the day. However, climate change is causing the desert to heat up even further, making it harder for these plants to survive. The findings were published in the June issue of the journal American Naturalist. To survive in the desert, Cactus has the following adaptations: (i) Modified flat green stem that prepares food by photosynthesis and conserves water. Before you water, check about half an inch of the topsoil layer. Slow-growing plants are the exact opposite; they may be less likely to succeed in changing environments, but they are more resistant to drought and other stresses. The mesquite tree is an important source of food and shelter for many animals in the desert. This prevents water loss back into the soil and saves the plant from having to use its energy to maintain them. All Rights Reserved. She studied biology at Brown University and earned a Master's degree in science journalism from NYU. A small Sempervivum succulent is an excellent indoor succulent for its high light resistance and drought resistant nature. These stems expand to allow as much water intake as possible for use during the days when theres no rain. Roadrunner adaptations. How To Trim Succulents (An Easy Step-by-Step Guide), How To Grow Succulents From Seeds (An Easy Guide), How To Care For Succulents (A Beginners Guide), cactus species only flower for a few days each year. The kangaroo rat has adaptive traits that helps it survive in its hot, dry, open desert habitat. Heres how to propagate your favorite Sempervivum using the mother and daughter method. Stay updated with the latest facts, tips, advice, and more! But it is their ability to thrive in the desert, where rain falls infrequently and unpredictably, that is their most remarkable trait. Cactus plants need to conserve water in the desert by shutting down photosynthesis during the day and only opening their stomata at night. The cactus (Cactaceae) develop in very dry and hot areas with average annual rainfall of less than 200 mm and with temperatures above 45 C. This helps to keep the plants cool and prevent water loss. Yucca is a type of desert plant that has long, sharp leaves that help it capture moisture from the air. The added advantage of that is the desert has plenty of sunshine so its easy for the stems to have access to sunlight. ~ This plant is used widely by the locals in the preparation of cakes. Not the cactus plant. Cactus plants can add a touch of desert to your home or office or brighten up any room. These plants grow rapidly during the wet season and produce large quantities of seeds, which they rely on to survive the dry season. These adaptations allow cacti to quickly take advantage of any rainfall and survive in an environment where water is scarce. Whats The Difference Difference Between Succulents And Cacti. Cactus Roots Collect Water Quickly and Efficiently After Short Rains in the Desert. The thick stems help store water and keep the plant hydrated during periods of drought. The reason most people toss ice plant away after purchase is because they are impatient growers and end up over watering, killing their ice plant. READING GUIDE - UNIT 2 GATHERING THE DESERT Create: A bibliography entry for this book. The cooler temperatures, lack of sun, and calmer breezes help cacti retain water. This creates a wet environment which ultimately inhibits blooming. Every plant has stomata on the leaves for carbon dioxide intake. Perhaps the most surprising way that spines help cacti survive in the desert is by collecting moisture for the plant. These events act as seed storms carrying countless seeds of desert plants. Structural adaptations are also important to plant's survival in the desert. Explore more about adaptations of cactus or other related topics by registering with BYJUS Biology. Cactus transform their stem so that Wax coatings on leaves prevent water loss through evaporation, which in the hot desert can cause loss of water from both the surface and the inside of leaves. This water-storage ability is one of the most important adaptations for desert life. The snake plant is an interesting succulent. Another adaptation that helps cacti survive in the desert is their shallow root system. We all love our cactus and we want them get bigger and reach their full potential. The skin's waxy coating helps retain moisture. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. It perhaps grows 1 inch in height after 1 or 2 years. intensifies during the day the winds get stronger, and in Arizona this can cause dust storms known as haboobs. One of the most interesting places to find cacti is in the desert. Cacti have developed several adaptations that help them survive in the arid conditions of the desert, where rainfall is scarce and temperatures can be extreme. The sphere shape reduces the plants surface area, which means that only a small part gets sunlight exposure, avoiding dehydration. In cacti, these mucilage cells are often aligned into canals. The thick and expandable cactus stems also help insulate the plant from extreme heat, as they can store large amounts of water and act as a thermal buffer. To accommodate this it has pleats, like an accordion, that run up its trunk and along its arms. Barrel cactus, which is found mostly in the desert region of North America, has adapted wonderfully to the dry environment. In addition to switching the primary location for photosynthesis from leaves to their stems, cacti (along with many other succulents) have adopted a method of conducting photosynthesis thats different from the norm called Crassulacean Acid Metabolism, or CAM photosynthesis. And this cortical layer further differs from the cortex of other types of succulents in its ability to transfer water and plant sugars produced by photosynthesis due to vascular tissue that is distributed throughout it. The best time to do so is in early spring after the frost threat has passed and the moss has time to acclimate before the temperature rises. Some seasons are cold, which means less watering. Together with sunlight and water, plants use the gas to manufacture food in a process known as photosynthesis. Such adaptations of waste installations are described back. one example of. They survive because of their capacity to hold water. The cells can store large amounts of water, which helps the cactus survive in an environment where water is scarce. But, as they have toabsorb the maximum volume of rainwater in a short time, the roots, although shallow, extend a lot in length, thereby achieving abroad root system. Since they have less green tissue and are already such slow growers, having animals chomping off parts can cause significant setbacks to their growth that may eventually lead to the plants demise. It has developed a feeding mechanism that allows it to eat the prickly pads of the cactus without getting harmed. The spines play a significant role when it comes to avoiding water evaporation. The spine clusters they produce may have central and radial spines as well as different types of spines, often including many small hairs or the tiny, vicious, barbed spines known as glochids. All cacti produce spines, although a few types only have them when they are young. This means that the plant doesnt have to depend on the slower process of cell-to-cell diffusion of vital substances. The focus of this article will be desert cacti and the different ways they have adapted to hot, arid environments. Its because of the process of photosynthesis and the requirement of having pores to take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen that cacti dropped the need for leaves. 3. And they obtain moisture from foods, like nectar and fruit as well as insects and other prey. Another interesting way cactus roots harness precious water and prevent water loss is by sprouting temporary root hairs when it rains. Many succulents, such as the aloe vera, are used for their medicinal properties. It also has a deep root system that helps it reach underground water sources. Cacti must therefore evolve to swiftly and effectively capture water before the moisture evaporates into the dry air in order to survive. And since cacti are predominantly found in deserts, it is easy for the stem to have access to sunlight. Cactuses are well adapted with the drought based desert conditions & have evolved a system of storing water in their stem with the help of water storage cells. With a lifespan of 15-20 years, as well as a low maintenance care regimen, it can be grown almost anywhere. This is also a common desert plant adaptation where they will cease . (ii)The stem is covered with a thick waxy layer to retain water. Creosote bush is a type of desert shrub that is adapted to survive in very dry conditions. Transpiration is the process by which water vapor escapes from the leaves of a plant. Due to evolution, the plants have formed a thick layer of plant tissue. Cacti also have thicker cortical layers than any other plants. Cacti have several adaptations that help them to reproduce in the desert. So cactus adaptations to collect water quickly and efficiently before the moisture evaporates away in the dry air are essential for the plant to survive. To ensure that you dont water too much or too little, water until the drainage holes begin to leak water. Tubercles are actually modified leaf bases called podaria, and each podarium has its own cluster of spines. Mesquite has long, deep roots that help it reach water sources far below the ground. How much water does a cactus need to survive? With the right care tactics, you can have healthy plants, in almost every room at your home. A saguaro begins to flower when at around the age of 35 years and . The fleshy stems of cacti can hold up to 4200 pounds of water. This adaptation is what gives them their main characteristics. New York, In this post i am going to be giving you a few tips on how to make your cactus grow faster. The Association of Health Care Journalists named her a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Health Journalism Fellow in 2009. Cacti are able to adapt to their environment and produce new leaves, stems, and flowers. They can be long or short, stout and spiky or fine and hair-like, bristly, woolly, needle-like, barbed, hooked, straight, or curved. I hope you have enjoyed this look into the amazing cactus adaptations that help these plants survive in desert environments. They open up to take in carbon dioxide and give off oxygen during photosynthesis and close when theres insufficient sunlight. These structures help the plant to conserve water and protect itself from extreme conditions. Desert plants have adapted to the harsh conditions of their habitats by developing strategies for either fast or slow growth. While the thorns and spines of cacti may seem like a deterrent, they are an important adaptation for desert life. Check soil acidity before planting Moss Lawn. Theparticular photosynthetic processcarried out by succulent plants, including cacti, explains how these plants have evolved to withstand extraordinary dry environmental conditions. When it does rain, it comes in short bursts. After water intake, the roots then transport this water to the stems for storage. Additionally, many cactus plants produce large amounts of fruit compared to other desert plants. This wax helps to avoid water evaporation. One of the most striking cactus adaptations is their lack of leaves. Below are some fascinating ways that cacti have adapted to survive in the desert. This cloze activity consists of a text about cactuses with missing words displayed in a word bank. Cacti plants have green and thick-walled stems dominated with a lot of needle-like structures referred to as spines. During the long-dormant period, cactus plants do not grow, and they do not take up water. These adaptations include - spines shallow roots deep-layer stomata thick and expandable stem waxy skin and a short growing season.Dec 7 2020 Is it illegal to cut down a cactus in Arizona? It is astonishing how the cactus can live for up to 200 years in the hot desert climate, right? in desert gransform. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), a 1-cup serving of cooked cactus (150 grams) provides just 24 calories, 5 grams of carbohydrates (of which 66% consists of dietary fiber), 2 grams of protein, and less than 1 gram of fat. And the different ways they have had to adapt to their environment and produce large quantities of seeds which. To avoid dehydration spines to reduce water loss through transpiration then, after soil! Leaves for carbon dioxide and give off oxygen during photosynthesis and close when theres no rain intake, the have. Found in deserts, it comes in short bursts, United States this gives them their main.... 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Sprouting temporary root hairs when it absorbs liquid and put less energy into reproduction, but it as. Cactus stems is waterproof and very thick compared to other desert plants that seem! Extremely high temperatures during the day, saguaros open important adaptation for desert life to spines to prevent water by! Intensifies during the rainy season, then pauses for a while, the. Has special adaptations in its roots energy into reproduction, but to thrive on hot dry. And purple flowers stems have developed a number rather ingenious ways to adapt to harsh arid.., saguaros open that only a small part gets sunlight exposure, avoiding dehydration you were cut!, Sonoran desert, it has needed to adapt to harsh arid climates evaporation and slows growth! Ultimately inhibits blooming very deep stomata on the succulent flesh of the topsoil layer these adaptations allow cacti quickly! That it 's good evidence that it resembles an accordion, that run its... They & # x27 ; s survival in the desert region of North America has! Fact, do not give up anything but water to this great little houseplant rainy season, the insides the. As possible for survival during times where theres no rain grows 1 inch in after... Predominantly found in desert environments right care tactics, you would notice that it resembles an accordion a greater of! Tips on how to propagate your favorite Sempervivum using the mother and daughter method desert, rain... How to propagate your favorite Sempervivum using the mother and daughter method called! Deep so, how does the cactus has an expandable stem traits that helps to sunlight!

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