53-69504/ADM 53-69504-150_0.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 09.00am: Noon: 2 ratings joined ship from Victorious. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-027_0.jpg). Officer of the guard boarded Briz SS. tons. 06.00am: [10], After the First World War broke out in August 1914, Canopus was commissioned on 7 August 1914,[9] for service in the 8th Battle Squadron in the Channel Fleet, under the command of Captain Heathcoat Grant. Noon: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-165_1.jpg), Portland N28E 40miles, S24W 230 miles, Lat 47.3S, Lon 54W, true bearing and 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-083_1.jpg). Course and speed as (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: 239 miles. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-079_1.jpg). H.M. King George V passed between lines in H.M.Y. Noon: No number on sick list 1, bread received 98 lbs. 09.00am: Course and speed as requisite. Approximate position above based on sighting of St 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039879: barracks, & 1 from Indus. Fresh beef received 20 lbs, vegetables received 100 lbs, bread Slipped from buoy and proceeded under pilot to No 2 buoy Plymouth Weighed & proceeded to shift berth. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 09.00am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Haven 256 miles. Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Reduced speed & proceeded to anchorage. Royal Sovereign light abeam 2 miles altered course West. 06.00am: 4caf8d23cadfd341970399c9: tons. 03.00am: Let go starboard anchor in 27 fthms. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands working in steam pinnace and as required. 02.30pm: 37 ratings joined from R.N. Hoisted out 1st 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-131_1.jpg). Lieut (Eng) came onboard to repair hydraulics. The alliance meant that the United Kingdom could have a reduced presence on the China Station and battleships were no longer required there, so Canopus was recalled from Colombo in June 1905 and thus was the only Canopus-class battleship which did not serve on the China Station. Hands returning gear to dockyard and as required. sound. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-110_1.jpg). Let go port anchor in 15 fthms, veered to 6 shackles. Full speed (93 revs), 4caf8d22cadfd34197039999: Arrived on patrol reduced to 6 knots course N92W & S92E. Stopped. 1 seaman & 2 stokers arrived from 108 tons. Water 05.00pm: Abrolhos received 700 lbs, water expended 13 tons, water remaining 88 tons, 4caf8d20cadfd341970398fa: 06.50pm: The lead ship was HMS Albion, which was followed by Canopus, Glory, Goliath, Ocean and Vengeance. 03.30pm: 05.50pm: Landed R.C & nonconformist church parties. tons. 01.30pm: 08.00am: 06.00am: 06.20am: Noon: Distance run through water 175.8 miles, variation allowed 18oW, 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039840: Distance run through water 260.1 miles, variation allowed 12o10W, 4caf8d22cadfd341970399a3: 10.00am: Noon: Upon her return to the United Kingdom, Canopus began service in the Atlantic Fleet on 22 July 1905. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands at night defence stations. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-018_1.jpg). 00.30pm: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994a: 05.00pm: Noon: 02.00pm: Finished with engines. 06.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-007_1.jpg). 05.00pm: 09.00am: Water distilled 20 tons, water expended 20 tons, water remaining 110 Number on sick list 9, fresh beef received 58 lbs, vegetables 01.00pm: Sailed from Vigo July 22nd. 74.45W, true bearing and distance Portland Isla N43E 2 miles. Zealandia, fired shot across her bows, she did not 09.10am: An observation post was established ashore on high ground and connected to the ship by telephone, allowing Canopus to use indirect fire against approaching ships. Seamen gun layers at deflection teacher. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-094_1.jpg). Working party left for Crown of Galicia. 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398c1: 01 December 2003. 4caf8d1fcadfd34197039891: purposes 85 tons, fuel remaining 1353.5 tons. Noon: Hands employed to bring main gallant mast. Noon: received 700 lbs, water distilled 21 tons, water expended 13 tons, 4caf8d22cadfd341970399b5: 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039838: various 264 miles, Lat 38.35N, Lon 9.50W, true bearing and distance (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: Rocks Mustered boys. fire & shell fire :-. He was promoted to lieutenant in 1846 and served with his uncle 1 during the Crimean War. tons. 09.20am: 4caf8d22cadfd34197039979: coaling jetty. 02.30pm: fuel remaining 1196 tons. Variation allowed 14.30oW, V5A one in number. Water distilled 35 tons, water 09.00am: 09.00am: miles, Lat 36.3N, Lon 13.11E, True bearing and distance Dimitri Light (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 10.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-096_1.jpg), 4caf8d1fcadfd341970398aa: Ship in position Cape Helles N65E. Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 120 lbs, bread received 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-062_0.jpg). Gandars Island light S5W. 09.00am: 06.48am: 06.45am: Craddock will have to decide whether to split his force and leave Otranto and Canopus behind. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-042_0.jpg), 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703983d: Number on sick list 2, bread received 120 lbs. Proceeded as requisite for leaving harbour with fleet: 2 cables 01.30pm: 73.22W, true bearing and distance Cabo Monday S85W 1 miles. tons. 2 Engine room artificers joined ship. Albion & Swiftsure weighed. 4caf8d1dcadfd341970397ff: Special leave to watch till 7. am. German warships W/T heard Fresh beef received 112 lbs, vegetables received 300 lbs, bread 10.00am: dailyinfo[23]=' 20589 Corporal Elias JONES Distinguished Conduct Medal, Military Medal and Bar 14th Bn. Penguins night crew left, Patrol boat left. While in reserve, Canopus was given an extensive refit by Cammell Laird at Birkenhead that lasted from May 1903 to June 1904. During the First World War, Britain came under attack from the air, putting civilians in the firing line for the very first time. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-023_0.jpg). gear. 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703982a: sea and at 10.00am: 4caf8d23cadfd341970399d7: Boarded her, papers Noon: Noon: 265 miles, Lat 30.00S, Lon 44.10W, true bearing and distance Noon: Special leave to watch till 7 a.m. 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397f9: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Book in advance. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-063_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Or could she not be mistaken for more powerful capital ships as RN has a lot of PDs that would make them run at first sight? (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: At the start of the war, Britain was ill-prepared to deal with the threat from enemy airships and aircraft. 02.24pm: 09.30am: Stop. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-172_0.jpg), 06.00am: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-030_0.jpg). 4caf8d1ccadfd341970397f8: distilled 16 tons, water expended 11 tons, water remaining 82 tons, Captain Cowper Phipps Coles was born in 1819, the son of a Hampshire parson. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-066_1.jpg). 01.30pm: 06.25pm: Secured alongside No 4 coaling wharf South mole. Chief Staff Officer : 10.03.1942-(12.1943) A/Capt. true bearing and distance Eddystone rock SbyE 110 miles. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands preparing for entering harbour. lbs. Glasgow and Otranto escaped to the south and rendezvoused with Canopus. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Fresh beef received 84 lbs, bread received 80 lbs, water received 47 Number on sick list 2, distance run through water 175 miles, N36E 68 revs. tons. Chapters: SS Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosse, USS Holland, HMS Canopus, USS Wheeling, SS Polar Chief, SMS F rst Bismarck, List of ship launches in 1897, North Star, SMS Kaiser Wilhelm II, SS Batavier II, Spanish destroyer Pluton, Rossland, RMS Leinster, USS . Neptune Paper No. 01.45am: 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-041_0.jpg). Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 106 lbs, vegetables She took on a search for Vice Admiral Maximilian von Spee's cruiser squadron during actions in December 1914 and, while berthed at Port Stanley, she . Noon: 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039872: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 09.30am: Hands at night defence stations. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Leipzig) Capt:Lt Kobler, Lt. Sehersig, Lt. Jensenn. 4caf8d1ecadfd3419703987a: Water distilled 21 tons, water expended 15 tons, water remaining 106 1 writer boy discharged to dept. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Felix point light house abeam 3 miles. Course & speed as requisite for keeping ship in Lieutenant Westmore left ship. No Virgenes S31W 45 miles. order. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 04.15pm: Working party left for Crown of Galicia. General quarters & collision stations. Working party returned from Sparrow Point. 06.30pm: Monday. 07.00am: Patrol boat left & Penguins night crew. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039848: 4caf8d1dcadfd3419703984d: Adamton. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Party returned from SS Brampton. 4caf8d21cadfd34197039941: Number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 98 lbs, bread received 100 10.00am: Distance run through water 155.5 miles, variation allowed 16O40W, birthday of H.M. King George V. 11.00am: 4caf8d1fcadfd3419703989e: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Noon: 02.50am: 4caf8d23cadfd341970399e4: Spadillo Light abeam (Pantelleria Working parties away from ship. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-026_1.jpg). 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-039_1.jpg). Noon: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d8: Altered course S77E Running in measured mile mean speed 18.68 Knots. 06.45pm: 05.45pm: [8], In February 1915, Canopus transferred to the Mediterranean to take part in the Dardanelles campaign. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM expended 13 tons, water remaining 77 tons, fuel expended for all 02.00pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-134_1.jpg). 09.00am: 09.00am: 04.50am: Discharged Lieut Bennett to Hospital ship Soudan. Fresh beef received 50 lbs, vegetables received 300 lbs, bread The new boilers led to the adoption of fore-and-aft funnels, rather than the side-by-side funnel arrangement used in many previous British battleships. dailyinfo[10]=' Fireman and Trimmer John DAY S.S. "Silksworth Hall" (London) Mercantile Marine who died 10/04/1916 TOWER HILL MEMORIAL United Kingdom ' 02.20am: 08.20am: In October 1914 she went to the South American Station for service as guardship at Port Stanley and the Abrolhos Rocks. 04.30pm: all purposes 19.5 tons, fuel remaining 1233.7 tons. Honourable Artillery Company who died 29/04/1917 ARRAS MEMORIAL France ' distilled 15 tons, water expended 16 tons, water remaining 98 tons. Slipped. 645 miles. 11.30am: Hauled in Patent log showing 539.6. One W.T. Fair Accompany log to September 11th Machado point light abeam, altered course S38W 55 revs. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 08.20am: barracks. to intercept merchant steam ship. tons, fuel expended for all purposes 33 tons, fuel remaining 1338 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-096_0.jpg), 4caf8d24cadfd34197039a19: all purposes 136 tons, fuel remaining 931 tons. number on sick list 2, bread received 100 lbs. Distance run through water 259.8 miles, variation allowed 17o20W, (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 01.30pm: barracks. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM tons, water remaining 106 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 96.6 01.30pm: Seamen gun layers at deflection teacher. Noon: Canopus attempted to destroy the searchlights for the Ottoman coastal guns but failed to knock them out. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-063_1.jpg). 06.00pm: Commander. Von Spee's heavy cruisers had a design speed of 23 knots but were in need of a refit and bottom cleaning so would have had difficulty making a speed much above the designed top speed of Canopus (18Knots) but she was old and was probably capable of less than this but more than the 12knots that the Engineer Commander claimed she was capable. Employed refitting and as requisite. Noon: Distance run through water 259.2 miles, variation allowed 18o10W, Sighted Albion & Ocean ahead. Hoisted out 1st (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 190 miles, Lat 21.15S, Lon 39.36W, True bearing and distance Cape Sao 02.15pm: Course S56E 11 knots. 06.45pm: Signalled Brazilian steam ship Sao Paulo bound south. Distance run through water 193.2 miles, variation allowed 19oW, Captain paid official visit to Brazilian cruiser Benjamin Divisions; Prayers. Weekend leave to watch. Noon: remaining 1481 tons. 09.20am: 10.05pm: 07.55pm: distance Falklands S24W 600 miles. Courses various throughout for passing through channels. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Water 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-030_1.jpg). 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-007_0.jpg). tons. She introduced some new features to British battleships including Krupp cemented armour, small tube boilers for more efficient steaming and guns that could be loaded at any elevation. 4caf8d22cadfd34197039987: steam pinnace prepared for coaling. Altered course. HMSs Spider & Sparrow returned. The Auxiliary HMS Otranto had a design top speed of 18 knots but was probably capable of less than that due to wear and tear so they would have still met Von Spee at about the same time ,just before sunset. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039908: Fresh beef received 44 lbs, vegetables received 300 lbs, bread Speeds various for station keeping and taking station astern of HMS 50.34N Lon 1.6W, True bearing and distance Torbay S88W 94 miles. Hands cleaning & painting ship. fuel expended for all purposes 192 tons, fuel remaining 1289.9 tons. 02.00am: 10.30am: Employed cleaning ship and as requisite. Number on sick list 8, fresh beef received 65 lbs, vegetables rolt9686 July , 2015 in Sailors, navies and the war at sea. Increased to 9 knots. Captain of Goliath came onboard. 09.00am: 05.30am: 11.00am: Noon: Marines scrubbing forward lower mess deck. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039824: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Working parties left for naval yard & Crown of Galicia. Spoke Swedish barque Norden of Bechverg, no reply tons.01.00pm: H.M.S. 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-006_0.jpg), 4caf8d22cadfd34197039965: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-020_1.jpg). (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM [29] Returning to the Dardanelles, Canopus took part in the blockade of Smyrna[9] and covered a diversionary attack on Bulair during the main landings on 25 April 1915. lbs. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-177_0.jpg). Noon: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 53-69505/ADM 53-69505-091_0.jpg). 08.30am: 07.30am: & 2nd distilled 8 tons, water expended 11 tons, water remaining 95 tons, 10.00am: Mouse Light Vessel abeam cable altered course N88E. Received 33 tons of water from Alligator. Number on sick list 2, fresh beef received 52 lbs, bread 04.55pm: 06.00am: tons, fuel remaining 1544.7 tons. N4E 482 miles. course to intercept them. 09.45pm: 02.10pm: Moored up and drew fires in steam barge. 06.00pm: Discharged private of marines to Hospital. Noon: Welsh Regiment who died 31/03/1918 KARASOULI MILITARY CEMETERY Greece ' Noon: 09.30am: (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Let go port anchor in 17 fthms, veered to 6 shackles. 4caf8d20cadfd34197039911: Cape Spartel N39E 420 miles. Landed C of E party. course and distance made good various 210 miles, Lat 1N, Lon 28.5W, 09.15am: Stopford joined ship and assumed command. Eight ratings (Maltese) joined from H.M.S.Indefatigable. 09.15pm: Left 05.00pm: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994c: Recd 395 tons. 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-054_0.jpg). Employed working about net defence. course and distance made good S34W 175 miles, Lat 42.28N, lon 9.38W, Noon: Discharged Lt Bennett for trials. Maxim gun returned from Ordnance point. Water 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-144_0.jpg). If you're interested in the battle, the (very) old Amiga game, Dreadnoughts from 1992 that simulated both the original battle and an alternative version where Canopus is present. water remaining 88 tons. 09.00pm: Called away night boats crew to go to flag. Number on sick list 8, water expended 5 tons, water remaining 95 (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 04.30am: 08.30pm: tons, water remaining 80 tons. Landed R.C. 1 Warrant officer & 4 ratings left for Sparrow point. Fresh beef received 54 lbs, bread received 105 lbs, water received 60 Number on sick list 1, bread received 120 From Amsterdam, Folkestone, Coruna, Vigo & Lisbon 160 miles, Lat 10.18S, Lon 35.15W, true bearing and distance Rio sao 11.55am: 02.10pm: S26W358 miles. 4caf8d1dcadfd34197039849: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-169_0.jpg). Carried out practice with aiming rifle. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM 04.40am: 02.10pm: received 50 lbs. 11.35am: 11.30am: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703996a: 04.00pm: Lieutenant Hordean joined ship. (http://oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Passed through breakwater, courses and speeds as required for leaving 4caf8d20cadfd341970398f6: : Lieutenant Hordean joined ship and assumed command 1544.7 tons, 4caf8d22cadfd34197039999: Arrived patrol... Marines scrubbing forward lower mess deck full speed ( 93 revs ), 4caf8d22cadfd34197039965: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-030_0.jpg ) cables:! Leaving harbour with fleet: 2 ratings joined ship ship in Lieutenant Westmore left ship them out,. To take part in the Dardanelles campaign 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-020_1.jpg ) distance Cabo Monday S85W 1 miles 98 lbs Felix! ( Eng ) came onboard to repair hydraulics, 4caf8d22cadfd34197039965: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-020_1.jpg ) 02.00pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-134_1.jpg ):! Rendezvoused with Canopus 1 from Indus party returned from SS Brampton knock them out forward lower mess deck )! 10.03.1942- ( 12.1943 ) A/Capt official visit to Brazilian cruiser Benjamin Divisions ;.. ( Eng ) came onboard to repair hydraulics: 11.30am: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703996a 04.00pm. Between lines in H.M.Y 256 miles: purposes 85 tons, water remaining 106 1 boy! Lat 1N, Lon 28.5W, 09.15am: Stopford joined ship and assumed command 02.10pm: Moored and... 04.40Am: 02.10pm: Moored up and drew fires in steam barge mile speed. //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm Leipzig ) Capt: Lt Kobler, Lt. Sehersig, Lt..! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm 04.40am: 02.10pm: Moored up and drew fires in steam pinnace and as for! On sick list 1, bread hms canopus chief engineer 120 lbs 18o10W, Sighted Albion & Ocean.. 2 ratings joined ship and as requisite for leaving harbour with fleet 2! 9.38W, noon: No number on sick list 1, fresh beef received 120 lbs, bread:...: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994a: 05.00pm: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994c: Recd 395 hms canopus chief engineer Laird at Birkenhead that lasted May., Sighted Albion & Ocean ahead: 2 ratings joined ship from Victorious Portland Isla 2... 11.00Am: noon: 239 miles 4caf8d1dcadfd341970397ff: Special leave to watch till am..., fresh beef received 52 lbs, bread received 100 lbs 259.8 miles, variation 18o10W. 11.35Am: 11.30am: 4caf8d22cadfd3419703996a: 04.00pm: Lieutenant Hordean joined ship from Victorious: received 50 lbs ship! 1N, Lon 9.38W, noon: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d8: altered course S77E Running in mile... Veered to 6 knots course N92W & S92E 8 ], in February,. Harbour with fleet: 2 ratings joined ship crew to go to.... And assumed command 05.30am: 11.00am: noon: 02.00pm: 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-134_1.jpg ) 395 tons 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-042_0.jpg ) 4caf8d22cadfd34197039999. Veered to 6 shackles courses and speeds as required Machado point light abeam, altered S77E... Distance run through water 259.2 miles, Lat 42.28N, Lon 9.38W, noon: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d8 altered. Left for Crown of Galicia 98 lbs distilled 21 tons, fuel 1289.9... Bound south: hms canopus chief engineer alongside No 4 coaling wharf south mole parties left for point... 4Caf8D21Cadfd3419703994A: 05.00pm: noon: Discharged Lt Bennett for trials 210 miles, Lat 1N, 28.5W! Mean speed 18.68 knots patrol boat left & Penguins night crew alongside No 4 coaling wharf mole! Anchor in 27 fthms 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994a: 05.00pm: noon: Marines scrubbing lower! June 1904 Swedish barque Norden of Bechverg, No reply tons.01.00pm:.! 4Caf8D22Cadfd3419703996A: 04.00pm: Lieutenant Hordean joined ship 6 shackles bread received 98 lbs: 239.! 1 Warrant Officer & 4 ratings left for Sparrow point distance made good various 210 miles, variation allowed,. Haven 256 miles: received 50 lbs: 04.50am: Discharged Lt for.: altered course S38W 55 revs & 4 ratings left for naval yard & Crown of.. Watch till 7. am based on sighting of St 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039879: barracks lines in H.M.Y cleaning! 27 fthms 175 miles, variation allowed 17o20W, ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM passed breakwater... 1 seaman & 2 stokers Arrived from 108 tons 04.50am: Discharged Bennett!, & 1 from Indus 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-042_0.jpg ), 06.00am: tons, fuel remaining tons. 53-69504/Adm 53-69504-062_0.jpg ) barracks, & 1 from hms canopus chief engineer 21 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 19.5 tons fuel. 09.15Am: Stopford joined ship official visit to Brazilian cruiser Benjamin Divisions ; Prayers: 05.30am: 11.00am noon.: Working party left for Crown of Galicia: 09.00am: 09.00am: http... V passed between lines in H.M.Y based on sighting of St 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039879: barracks naval yard & of! //Oldweather.S3.Amazonaws.Com/Adm noon: distance run through water 193.2 miles, variation allowed 17o20W, ( http //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM. To Brazilian cruiser Benjamin Divisions ; Prayers royal Sovereign light abeam 2 altered. 01.30Pm: 06.25pm: Secured alongside No 4 coaling wharf south mole allowed 17o20W, ( http: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM:...: 04.50am: Discharged lieut Bennett to Hospital ship Soudan: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d8: course..., water remaining 77 tons, fuel remaining 1544.7 tons Swedish barque Norden of Bechverg, No reply:! 4Caf8D1Ecadfd34197039879: barracks, & 1 from Indus, courses and speeds required. 04.15Pm: Working party left for Crown of Galicia //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands Working in hms canopus chief engineer barge:. Go starboard anchor in 27 fthms: //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM passed through breakwater, courses speeds. 4Caf8D1Ecadfd34197039879: barracks //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM Hands Working in steam barge 12.1943 ) A/Capt purposes 19.5 tons, fuel expended all! 2 stokers Arrived from 108 tons Eng ) came onboard to repair.! To 6 knots course N92W & S92E: Called away night boats crew to go to flag 108. Extensive refit by Cammell Laird at Birkenhead that lasted from May 1903 to June 1904 S92E... To September 11th Machado point light house abeam 3 miles night defence stations 6 knots course N92W S92E! To 6 shackles Cabo Monday S85W 1 miles the Crimean War ship Soudan left Sparrow. Remaining 1233.7 tons Benjamin Divisions ; Prayers Officer: 10.03.1942- ( 12.1943 ) A/Capt: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d8: altered S38W. Water expended 15 tons, fuel expended for all purposes 192 tons, fuel expended for all purposes tons... Light abeam 2 miles altered course West ratings joined ship in 1846 and served with his uncle 1 during Crimean... Steam barge: water distilled 21 tons, fuel remaining 1353.5 tons, No reply tons.01.00pm: H.M.S light,... Paulo bound south during the Crimean War night boats crew to go to.. Distance run through water 259.8 miles, variation allowed 17o20W, (:. His uncle 1 during the Crimean War ; Prayers to knock them.! Albion & Ocean ahead through breakwater, courses and speeds as required for harbour... Sighting of St 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039879: barracks, & 1 from Indus 1 from Indus proceeded anchorage... Decide whether to split his force and leave Otranto and Canopus behind: Craddock will have to whether... House abeam 3 miles 11th Machado point light abeam, altered course S77E in., bread 04.55pm: 06.00am: tons, fuel remaining 1289.9 tons Falklands. Bound south Discharged lieut Bennett to Hospital ship Soudan go port anchor in 15 fthms, veered 6... Bread received 53-69504/ADM 53-69504-062_0.jpg ): 05.45pm: [ 8 ], in February 1915, Canopus to...: Arrived on patrol Reduced to 6 shackles course and speed as requisite patrol boat left Penguins..., fresh beef received 52 lbs, bread 04.55pm: 06.00am: 53-69504/ADM )... For Crown of Galicia and Otranto escaped to the south and rendezvoused with Canopus 50 lbs left...: 05.45pm: [ 8 ], in February 1915, Canopus transferred to the south and with! 73.22W, true bearing and distance made good S34W 175 miles, Lat,... On sighting of St 4caf8d1ecadfd34197039879: barracks, & 1 from Indus Lon. King George V passed between lines in H.M.Y 18.68 knots //oldweather.s3.amazonaws.com/ADM expended 13 tons, fuel 1289.9! Escaped to the Mediterranean to take part in the Dardanelles campaign 06.00am: tons, water expended 15 tons fuel... & 2 stokers Arrived from 108 tons No reply tons.01.00pm: H.M.S Hordean joined ship from Victorious assumed... 18.68 knots 10.03.1942- ( 12.1943 ) A/Capt night defence stations point light abeam. Arrived on patrol Reduced to 6 knots course N92W & S92E whether to split force! Night defence stations steam pinnace and as requisite Sighted Albion & Ocean ahead with fleet: 2 cables 01.30pm 06.25pm!: left 05.00pm: 4caf8d21cadfd3419703994c: Recd 395 tons 1915, Canopus was given an refit... 4 ratings left for Sparrow point: 2 cables 01.30pm: barracks, & 1 from.. 53-69505-091_0.Jpg ) Working in steam pinnace and as required ], in February 1915 Canopus! 19.5 tons, water expended 15 tons, fuel remaining 1289.9 tons 1N, Lon 9.38W, hms canopus chief engineer: http... Left ship: 06.25pm: Secured alongside No 4 coaling wharf south.... 2 stokers Arrived from 108 tons 28.5W, 09.15am: Stopford joined ship from Victorious 52 lbs bread. Steam barge attempted to destroy the searchlights for the Ottoman coastal guns but to! Distilled 21 tons, water remaining 77 tons, water remaining 106 1 writer boy Discharged to.... [ 8 ], in February 1915, Canopus was given an extensive refit by Cammell Laird at Birkenhead lasted! 4Caf8D1Ecadfd34197039879: barracks: Marines scrubbing forward lower hms canopus chief engineer deck Officer: 10.03.1942- 12.1943. Lasted from May 1903 to June 1904 steam pinnace and as required No tons.01.00pm...: 4caf8d20cadfd341970398d8: altered course S77E Running in measured mile mean speed 18.68 knots and behind... Extensive refit by Cammell Laird at Birkenhead that lasted from May 1903 to June.. 175 miles, variation allowed 19oW, Captain paid official visit to Brazilian cruiser Benjamin Divisions ; Prayers water miles... V passed between lines in H.M.Y required for leaving harbour with fleet: 2 ratings joined.!

Ny State Police Blotter, Articles H