Her skill kit is mostly focused on self buffs, including Arts, Crit Damage, Crit Star Gather, Sure Hit, Death Success Rate Up, and an anti-Servant damage bonus. With their Avenger Classing, Taira-no-Kagekiyo makes for a rather flexible damage dealer or last stand choice, since they very rarely have clear Class disadvantage (only against Moon Cancers). Lost my transfer code. With possibly the strangest gimmick amongst all Servants, Jekyll is highly difficult to fully utilize even for more advanced Masters. In practice, however, this requires enemies to have at least 1 tick of charge to be effective. However, it should be noted that the support viability of this skill in most cases is not worth sacrificing a true support slot, as BB (Summer) has no other means of support aside from the card lock and Critical Star generation. Her ST Arts NP itself has high hit counts, and will buff her NP Strength before dealing damage. Tesla is a fantastic farming Servant thanks to his instant NP charge and high damage AoE Noble Phantasm. Overall, Suzuka Gozen is a strong, but not exceptional Servant. But, its her NP that makes her truly shine. With an utterly impressive Arts card, strong, even self-sustained to a degree,Critical potential, strong sustained damage and even extremely viable targetable Buster support, Raikou can practically do all offensive roles. His kit is relatively straight forward and offensively focused, and for those looking for an ST Arts Saber, he does the job well. As an added bonus, her NP poisons the enemy and applies Sure Hit before damage, making sure that Evade skills will not pose a problem (which tend to be frequent for Assassins, a common target for her). Queen Medb (Saber) is an ST Arts Saber, with a rather fabulous NP that has a chance of stacking multiple defense debuffs. His Critical Star and NP generating capacity is similarly weak because of his poorly distributed hit counts, and his star generation is only partially remedied by Innocent Monster. Defensively, she has a Guts skill, a 1-time party Evade, and a very minor party HP regen that mostly offsets Curse damage. On the other side, Nitocriss poor sustained damage makes her a less than ideal option for longer and more difficult nodes. In most cases, running him for his NP is not worth it considering he mainly has access to a single useful skill. Astraea is yet another entry into the SR Ruler roster, continuing the inexplicable trend of such Rulers belonging in the wrestling ring, this time touting an ST Arts type NP. Even so, while he may not be the most flashy option, he still proves to be a surprisingly flexible ST Arts Servant capable of supporting his teammates, notably with a targetable triple-color buff and critical damage buffs, while still being capable of dealing damage when necessary. Waver is an amazing support Servant who will be useful even into the later game, as he can provide the most NP charge to other members of the party, in addition to good buffs on attack, defense and crit damage. Orion is one of the best male killers in the game alongside Euryale. Their biggest appeal lies in their powerful one turn burst from their Noble Phantasm gimmick, augmented by their high Critical Damage buff. She also has a somewhat situational but useful Buff Removal Resist effect for herself. The featured Servant of the fifth anniversary, Altria (Caster), is a premiere Arts Support Servant with excellent Offensive and Defensive supportive capabilities. Irisviel specializes in keeping her team alive and healthy. However, the Egyptian Queen has some noticeable flaws that keep her away from the top tiers. The Queen of Heavens kit does have a couple of weak points, as her only survivability tool has but a 80% chance to proc, and her massive attack buff can be tricky to fully utilize for less experienced players. She is definitely better than that other lancer in the c tier, they are not on par with each other. The famed blacksmith Senji Muramasa finally arrives as an AoE Arts Saber during the 2023 New Year Campaign. Although she may not always be the best offensive pick due to Moon Cancer class advantage being rare (only against Avengers / Berserkers), with Arts support she functions well enough as an all-around farmer. Yet, her usefulness for day-to-day and event farming is more than valuable enough to make her a remarkably valuable Servant to own. In addition, she has a party Evade, self Guts, the ability to clear her own debuffs, HP regeneration, and a modest NP strength self buff. However, he has no options when it comes to hard survival skills, making him entirely dependent on support for defensive options. As such, she is often called upon by many Masters looking for powerful single target Riders, and she can even often outperform several higher rarity Servants while requiring low maintenance over the course of battle. Fans of Jeanne d'Arc,dolphins, whales, and other aquatic mammals alike will find her an asset to any Arts team. Unfortunately, he does suffer from poor base stats as a 1* Servant and most Masters will eventually replace him with stronger, higher rarity Assassin. 1 Servant Tier List 2 Hunting Quest Part 10 3 Servants 4 Summon Banner List 5 Summon Simulator 6 JP Summon Simulator (Beta) 7 Materials 8 April Fool's Art Gallery 9 Guide List 10 Lostbelt No.5.5: Heian-kyo Spoiler-free Walkt. For Masters who enjoy stall compositions, Himiko provides an avenue to be nigh-unkillable in almost all scenarios, with very decent damage output as well. However, there are far better alternatives when it come to Defense buff stacking compositions. He comes with effectively two Buster Performance boosts, an NP Gain boost, critical star generation, and the utility of both a self debuff cleanse and AoE buff removal. The twins, Dioscuri, are Saber-class single target Arts damage dealers with excellent cards and NP hit counts. Carmillas Noble Phantasm is a single target nuke capable of hitting hard on common Female enemies, healing her for a moderate sum and also further augmenting her attack on following turns. The benefits she brings to the team are usually not worth all of these downsides, as she requires particular team compositions to work well in, while her paper-thin defense increases her unreliability. Jing Ke is quite useful during the early phase of the game. The tier list is therefore just a comparison tool to judge these Servants by their relative performance. Ushiwakamaru's Assassin form fills the more rare AoE Assassin niche with her Quick AoE NP. CE that may have potential use for the player depending on their needs and what other CEs they currently have or do not have. She also can grant Guts to herself, at the mostly inconsequential demerit of decreasing her own Debuff Resist. Her lower HP pool lends to her Berserker class fragility, however, and although this is somewhat mitigated by her Evade skill, which gives her 1 time evade that refreshes each turn for 3 turns, she can still meet an untimely demise if focused or from an errant critical hit. With a 30% charge skill, they have relatively quick access to their NP. After Rank Up, this skill becomes his NP battery as well, which does go well with his AoE Noble Phantasm for farming purposes. For one, her survivability is particularly terrible - a result of a lackluster HP stat, a Berserkers inherent frailty and a complete lack of defensive or survivability skills. She also provides an ATK bonus to all allies. Coupled with his lack of steroids (which will be remedied by a Rank Up Quest in the future), his offensive power is far behind most Assassins of the same rarity, and even behind some of lower rarity options. However, it's worth noting that her NP refund can be inconsistent due to the Death effect occurring before damage, which on success, removes any NP generation that would have occurred for that given enemy. He also has decent defensive measures via an Evade and self DEF buff. However, Arash is not a one-size-fits-all Servant due to his low stats and otherwise poor skill set. Furthermore, her own damage and survival potential is not to be underestimated as she is quite capable of soloing her fair share of difficult Rider bosses. On the contrary, by virtue of having neutral damage against the majority of opponents and a lack of a consistent damage buff, Saint Marthas damage is fairly lackluster against enemies that are unaffected by Jacobs Limb. She further supplements this niche with a teamwide Card Performance buff and a few Critical Stars to go with it. Arguably, her one saving grace is that she still can provide a 30% immediate NP charge on demand, although that alone has many alternatives, making Miyu more of a novelty Servant sorely in need of a skill or NP upgrade. Nonetheless, her performance is still rather strong especially against any unfortunate Berserkers who see their 1.5x class advantage fall to a 0.5x class disadvantage against Abigail. Grail Live Banner. She also has a unique NP charge that drains up to 30% NP Gauge from each ally to charge her own by up to 60%, giving her one of the larger NP charges available, albeit at a high cost. Considering his vanilla hit counts, hard to chain Arts NP, and low base Attack, it is simply more efficient and effective to just use more well-rounded Sabers in his stead. His Noble Phantasm also provides a decent amount of Critical Stars and NP refund, which somewhat compensates for his poor Star and NP generation. In fact, the charm strategy occurs often enough against male bosses that Delightworks frequently adds a Charm Immunity to certain male bosses to prevent the strategy from working entirely. His AoE stalling potential is so severe that he can guide an Arts team through some of the most challenging multi-enemy fights that exist. NP deals extra damage against most servants, and he also has an NP gain up skill. Himiko, as a Ruler with a supportive Buster NP, has an interesting hybrid kit of both support and offense. In the midst of the overpopulated AoE Saber roster, Suzuka Gozen does find a way to differentiate herself. All in all, he may be useful in certain battles where NP Seal / Skill Seal and Taunt together are needed for one turn, but those are few and far between and other Servants will generally offer more value to the team. Her AoE Buster NP offers some stalling utility by decreasing enemy NP charge up to twice each use, and is bolstered by her own Buster and NP Strength buffs, each of which last 3 turns. However, with an upgrade to Tactics in the future, his sustained damage performance will certainly improve. Her 40% NP charge also enables her to NP more quickly (or more times), and she has a bit of survival built in with her 2-time, 3 turn invincibility skill. Phantoms main redeeming quality is having an offensive AoE Noble Phantasm, which is quite rare amongst more accessible Assassins. His base NP generation is amongst the worst in the game, saved only by his immense NP Gain buff and his NPs hit counts. Jaguar Warrior has a steep cooldown on her first skill, which also contains her only survivability option (albeit a very strong one). To sum it up, this handsome martial artist will struggle to earn a place in most teams in his current state. He has a two-time, 3 turn invincibility skill that also acts as an ATK boost for all allies for three turns, can fill an ally's NP Gauge by up to 20% while increasing their buff success rate, as well as providing Arts, Star Drop Rate, and Critical Strength support to all allies for three turns at decent values. She lacks any survival skills whatsoever, and she is fairly draw dependent when it comes to unleashing her full damage potential or charging her NP Gauge with that bonker single Arts card. Furthermore, he has one of the worst availabilities amongst 3* Servants due to his story-locked status and lack of rate-ups, meaning getting him to NP level 5 can be a huge challenge for any Master. 15 posts, 4/13 6:03PM. Updated Jan 2, 2023 Start making gold fast by fulfilling crafting orders and levelling professions at the same time! He also can support allies' Critical potential, with Crit Gather buffs for an ally, Crit Damage buffs for all allies, and a Critical Rate Resist buff that decreases the likelihood of sustaining a crit from enemies. This lady-killer version of King Arthur shares many similar traits in terms of gameplay with the original Altria Pendragon. Superhuman Orion is a unique Card damage-centric Archer, who has an Supportive Arts NP that buffs himself, while having everything in his kit to support massive Buster Crit damage. When combined with premiere Quick Support, Kagekiyo becomes a force to be reckoned with. As a package, Voyager has an excellent assortment of beneficial effects for both the party and himself; his weakness is that his damage is rather poor, and Classes that he has advantage against are somewhat rare with the exception of Berserkers. On paper, his skills seem not bad at first, having a Mana Burst variant on each of his skills and an AoE Noble Phantasm that can both damage the enemies and heal the team. However, these demerits are not significant enough to devalue her many strengths. With strong NP Gain and a stacked NP, when the right card draws match up,Houzouin Inshun's performance is downright terrifying. She also comes with a plethora of self-buffs, including a 50% NP Gauge boost, rare class bonus against Alter Ego tied to a skill, a small Critical Strength boost, a self ATK boost, and Guts for herself that permanently stays until it is consumed. Event Craft Essences are separated into 3 general status categories: Dispose - CE that possess subpar effects and/or inferior to other event craft essences. It should be noted that her NP deals bonus damage if she still has her growth buffs still active, so it may not necessarily be best choice damage-wise to consume the buffs for NP Gauge, and Masters will have to wield her skills mindfully. Additionally, after their upgrade, Astolfo's NP charge and star generation capabilities further increase. In conclusion, Kid Gil is a good solution for Masters who miss out on powerful AoE Archers like Nobunaga, Atalante or EMIYA, but until he gets more tricks up his sleeve or more damage, he wont be climbing to a higher tier any time soon. All in all, there might be certain team compositions that can make use of Boudicas Defense buff on her Noble Phantasm, namely those pairing her with Servants like Mash or Zhuge Liang. Her Noble Phantasm comes with a very rare Buff Removal effect upon use that is pivotal for many quests that feature bosses who spam a lot of annoying buffs. 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