The United States is the largest services trading country in the world. Countertrade is most attractive to: The inputs the company uses are cheaper. A. kaizen b. multinational c. global A. can be used to advance funds to the exporter by its local bank before or during shipment. Conservation of foreign currency, Changes of commodity prices Advantages of Exporting for Companies Exports can increase sales and profitsif the goods create new markets or expand existing ones, and they may even present an opportunity to capture significant global market share. b. licensing C. It becomes a financial contract between the trusted third party (usually a bank) and the exporter. C. Nonconvertibility is an advantage for exporters. a. international A. bill of exchange b. international b. inpatriate c. Brazil B. e. transnational model, In companies that adopt the ___ model of organizational structure, functioins are centralized where it makes sense to do so, but a great deal of decision making also takes place at the local level. E. It is the most flexible countertrade arrangement. It is the most restrictive countertrade arrangement. D. has fewer export opportunities. E. he or she knows that the importer will default on payment. B. Advantages of exporting Extending to a global scale. C. International Trade Administration Organizations resort to countertrade of goods and services when: C. narrowing distance between the two parties due to technological advances. D. It involves huge cash transactions. B. Factoring b. licensing Hawk Company records prepaid assets and unearned revenues in balance sheet accounts. c. APEC d. delaying the creation of job objectives See full answer below. e. reducing costs, Which of the following entry modes do most manufacturing companies use to begin global expansion? D. It organizes trade events that help potential exporters make foreign contacts. A. C. It oversees volunteers with international trade experience to provide one-on-one counseling to active and new-to-export businesses. What is Dan experiencing? South America D. counter sale A. trade acceptance e. global transnational, Research suggests that regardless of nationality or religion, most people embrace a set of five core values. Countertrade accounts for as much as 1/3 of all world trade e. patenting, An advantage of licensing as a method of entering global competition is that the b. Canada b. Entering several markets simultaneously to hedge risk Family issues are the main reason for expatriates to return home early. Less common today, but still exercised in straightforward, one-shot deals a. international It oversees volunteers with international trade experience and directs them to provide one-on-one counseling to active and new-to-export businesses. A. In the modern era, countertrade arose in the 1960s as a way for _____ to purchase imports. b. licensing D. It provides export specialists who act as the export marketing departments or international departments for their client firms. b. Germany Sight draft c. join venture D. bill of lading. a. companies who use offshoring find that their travel costs decrease Disadvantage 1 of exporting When you buy goods and then sell them for less which is called a deficit. This illustrates the ________ model for global strategy _______ a. d. there is a high amount of political risk d. prefers familiarity A. approaching the World Bank. 73-75 Main Avenue, LLC, agreed to lease a portion of the commercial E. letter of credit. c. GATT agreement e. inpatriates, Which of the following is a reason why some companies prefer to use expatriates at their overseas operations? b. nostalgia Export Legal Assistance Network Using the variable, salary, create a box plot. a. inpatriation B. c. immigrant b. multinational Are there any outliers? d. bureaucracy A. mergers NAFTA had an immediate and negative effect on the US automobile industry. lessor with credit information. A. Which of the following is one of the five core values? A. proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. e. wholly owned subsidiary, When a company sets up its own overseas operations, independent of foreign partners or governments, it has established a(n) e. political demands, Which model should a company adopt when pressures for local responsiveness are high and pressures for global integration are low? A. A lack of trust between two parties engaged in international trade is exacerbated by the: Historically, the United States has made its living as a trading nation. e. the products are standardized, An organizational model that consists of a company's overseas subsidiaries and is characterized decision making and tight control by the parent company over more aspects of worldwide operations is known as the b. outsourcing When serving as collateral, the bill of lading: a. it is consistent with a pure global strategy a. NAFTA A letter of credit reduces an importer's ability to borrow funds for other purposes because: Another advantage of exporting is profitability. The Biden administration on Thursday approved exports of liquefied natural gas from the Alaska liquefied natural gas (LNG) project, a document showed, prompting criticism from environmental groups . a. purely global strategy Exporting is defined as the sale of products and services in foreign countries that are sourced or made in the home country. B. sogo shosha In which of the following types of countertrade arrangement are the two parties engaged? E. franchising. E. Sogo shosha, A range of barterlike agreements by which goods and services are traded for other goods and services when they cannot be traded for money is known as _____. d. The International Monetary Fund b. international International strategy refers to a (n): a. action plan pursued by American companies to b. strategy through which the firm sells products in markets outside the firm's domestic market. e. hypocrisy, The disorientation and stress associated with being in a foreign environment is termed The exporter pays the trusted third party (usually a bank) a fee for the service. C. Securitization a. third-country national . C. title drafts and quantity drafts. e. creating a wholly owned subsidiary, Jamila is a native of the country where Regal Industries is building its new plant. It facilitates an exporter to obtain pre-export financing. e. India, Which of the following is a reason that companies adopt a common global strategy? b. the European Union D. Small Business Administration a. exporting It results in the importer losing control over the process of trading. D. letter of credit One of the consequences of an increasingly integrated global economy is that imports are penetrating deeper into the world's largest economies. It gives the exporter greater flexibility to choose the goods that it wishes to purchase. Identify a drawback of a countertrade agreement. An official of the carrier gives the exporter a bill of lading. D. Firms usually appreciate being paid in the form of goods and services instead of hard currency. e. intranational, Exporting, licensing, franchising, joint ventures, and wholly owned subsidiaries are all methods of b. increase their level of productivity quartiles using formula (4-1 ). It states that the bank will pay a specified sum of money to a beneficiary on presentation of particular, specified documents. a. Sony A. Advantages of exporting You could significantly expand your markets, leaving you less dependent on any single one. A. barter A properly maintained ship can easily last more than 30 years. C. bill of lading A. A. b. multinational E. buyback. E. letter of credit, When a time draft is drawn on and accepted by a business firm, it is known as a(n) _____. a. NAFTA Counterpurchase: back-to-back transaction or offset agreement It provides a potential exporter with a "best prospects" list. B. switch trading A. Barter 2. b. strategy through which the firm sells products in markets outside the firm's domestic market. B. Li claimed that the guaranty for rent was not enforceable Click replace all. This change is an example of c. licensing company has control over quality levels A. switch trading This matters, as the services sector represents 80% of the UK economy. name PP Door on the storefront of the leased location. d. The South Pacific E. Deregulation, The direct exchange of goods and/or services between two parties without a cash transaction is referred to as _____. D. filing a suit against the importer in court. A. competing exporters also require letters of credit. The governments of developing nations sometimes insist on a certain amount of countertrade. What is exporting? b. Inverse. C. Bill of lading Litigation, arbitration, or other legal means, Countertrade: Emerging markets & developing economies, Goods/services are traded for other goods/services when conventional means of payment are difficult, costly, or nonexistent B. single-party drafts and multi-party drafts. the conventional means of international trade are difficult. E. The Bank of New York. D. Ex-Im Bank c. work for fewer hours D. It helps companies increase their unit costs. D. Vietnam, The practice followed bu some companies of moving jobs to another country is called b. operating a transnational business d. Using the variable, wins, draw a dot plot. A. matchmaker program d. optimizing global profit C. receipt c. immigrants b. flexible can be used to advance funds to the exporter by its local bank before or during shipment. D. They are departments in the Small Business Administration. a. exporting Which of the following is an advantage of a letter of credit for an importer? c. multinational model It facilitates an exporter to obtain pre-exporting financing. D. bill of lading d. submission A. d. Nigeria In international commerce, a party initiating a draft is known as the _____. C. The Federal Trade Commission As the parent company, NewGen runs its R&D department from its home country, so that each foreign subsidiary remains dependent on it for new products, processes, and ideas. b. duplication of efforts c. takes on greater development costs e. wholly owned subsidiary, Parent company nationals who are sent to work at a foreign subsidiary are known as a. international the sole owner of PP Door but denied that Zhang was its manager. A. the United States C. It is detrimental to the economy of the importing country. C. strict enforcement of contractual obligations. b. Maastricht Treaty B. exclusively serve the largest and most prestigious companies in Japan. Which of the following is an advantage of export credit insurance? E. It specializes in serving firms in particular industries and in particular areas of the world. B. banker's check c. political demands imposed by host countries E. compensation, _____, a type of countertrade, occurs when a third-party trading house buys the firm's counterpurchase credits and sells them to another firm that can better use them. Firms engaged in international trade deal with people they may have never seen, who live in different countries, who speak different languages, and who abide by different legal systems. B. a lack of trust between the parties. China's coal imports from Australia were 2.73 million tonnes, with 2.13 million assessed as the thermal grade used in power plants, with 417,576 tonnes being coking coal used to make steel. An exporter has to forgo a letter of credit when: E. Compensation, A(n) _____ refers to a buying agreement similar to counterpurchase, but the exporting country can then fulfill the agreement with any firm in the country to which the sale is being made. c. high costs and risk are associated with this type of operations A. arbitrage d. expatriates e. cognitive dissonance, ___ are foreign nationals who are brought in to work at the parent company d. inpatriates a. the existence of widely torn traditional clothing styles D. The United States has not yet evolved an institutional structure for promoting exports similar to that of Germany. B. similar preferences of the parties regarding how a transaction should be configured. b. licensing company has control over its technology e. decentralized, Which of the following is true of the global model? a. global and transnational C. It does not have expert specialists to help neophyte exporter identify opportunities. Risk mitigation. Which of the following is true with respect to the international and domestic practices of settling trade transactions? Your research and development budget could work harder as you can change existing products to suit new markets. Write a brief summary of your analysis. Goodwill: e. Vietnam, Threats to China's economic future include against her. Which of the following is a function of an export management company? that were sent to PP Doors once. C. barter c. global Refer to the Baseball 2016 data that report information on the 30 Major League C. It reduces the importer's ability to borrow funds for other purposes. It helps in easy currency conversion. a. it can cost three to four times as much to use host-country nationals, compared to expatriates A. trade acceptance e. transnational, Which of the following companies is an example of a transnational company? a. individualism Exporting can be profitable for businesses of all sizes. c. inadequate access to health benefits d. the subsidiaries depend completely on the parent company for new products The exporter can insure against this possibility by: a. third-country nationals Receives payment in the form of goods produced by the facility with the new variable, age. E. compensation, A(n) _____ occurs when a firm builds a plant in a country and agrees to take a certain percentage of the plant's output as partial payment for the contract. C. Small Business Administration E. barter. To cater to the growing demand of luxury cars, Terabithia Republic agreed to buy 5,000 cars from MotoSporto Inc. in exchange for 5,000 gallons of oil. Foreign Credit Insurance Association a. vertical axis measures pressures for global integration and the horizontal axis measures pressures for local responsiveness C. switch trading It is a reciprocal buying agreement. a. intranational model d. expatriation b. expatriates often tend to transfer the corporate culture and best practices to other countries a. international If so, which of the stadiums are In a barter system, if goods are exchanged simultaneously, one party ends up financing the other. E. usance draft. c. customer satisfaction go to your study set and click edit. a. the NAFTA trade zone E. export-import program, The _____ is a government organization that helps potential exporters. A. E. consider export only when there is excess production at home. a. international e. intranational, The strategy model that uses subsidiaries in each country and provides each a great deal of discretion to respond to local conditions is the _____ model c. uncertainty avoidance "best prospects" list E. reduces the costs of any subsequent failure. E. barter. d. global E. It allows buyers to obtain possession of merchandise without signing a formal document acknowledging his or her obligation to pay. A. a letter of credit d. franchising C. They are organizations within the U.S. Department of Commerce. B. buying export credit insurance. e. Taiwan, Which of the following existing agreements includes Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and the United States? B. A. e. global, The two strategic models that have relatively high manufacturing costs are c. global D. exporter has easy access to export credit to fund its international trade. In this case, Foam Cutters is following the ______ The lessor A. It specializes in serving firms in particular industries and in particular ares of the world. b. multinational C. insourcing Therefore it produces exactly the same makeup products, using the same color palettes, in several countries with attractive labor rates, and offers them to all of its markets around the world. Prepare any necessary reversing entries for the accounting adjustment provided assuming that Hawk uses reversing entries in its accounting system. C. It coordinates a nationwide group of international trade attorneys who provide free initial consultations to small businesses on export-related matters. B. Indicate if each actual component percentage is acceptable or unacceptable. d. ethnocentrism Arbitrage B. U.S. Commercial Service b. has high manufacturing costs E. Export Credit Insurance Association, The _____ guarantees repayment of medium- and long-term loans U.S. commercial banks make to foreign borrowers for purchasing U.S. exports. Which of the following is true of exporting? Few companies invest more in equipment than Carnival Cruise Lines, the most popular cruise line in the world. Importing is also known as global sourcing. Limited trade volume Each of Carnival's "Fun Ships" is a floating resort that offers a wide variety of restaurants, casinos, lounges, spas, nightclubs, and duty-free shopping. b. launching coordinated global attacks against competitors is easy E. kanban. a. international b. international model b. horizontal axis measures pressures for local interaction and the vertical axis measures pressures for global responsiveness Why do you think Carnival estimates that its ships will be used for only 30 years? Baseball teams for the 2016 season. It reduces the importer's ability to borrow funds for other purposes. Barterthe oldest form direct exchange of goods without any money The lack of a letter of credit exposes the exporter to the risk that the foreign importer will default on payment. a. is less responsive to consumer tastes and demands At up to $500 million per ship, the cost of the cruise ships is one of Carnival's most significant expenses. c. small labor force Here's a list of the TEN important reasons on why you need to start exporting today: Increased Sales. This example fits into which category of pressures for local responsiveness? d. expatriates D. problems of using an underdeveloped international legal system to enforce contractual obligations. c. companies are making foreign direct investments in home companies E. Bank of New York, Which of the following institutions within the U.S. Department of Commerce is dedicated to providing businesses with intelligence and assistance for attacking foreign markets? The most significant disadvantage concerning franchising is brand name recognition. EXPORT TRADE Countries sometimes sell what they produced in surplus to those with deficits in. a. reduce their population density D. It indicates that the carrier has received the merchandise described on the face of the document. b. keeping the assignment structure open A. the importer defaults on payment. c. requires spending more money on product customization "best prospects" list Uncertain value proposition A. export management company It starts exporting operations for a firm with the understanding that the firm will take over operations after they are well established. D. insourcing Avoiding the use of export management companies to contain costs d. transnational D. countertrade D. arbitrage B. D. It requires the importer to repay the loan even before the merchandise is sold. What can you conclude from this plot? C. Overseas Commercial Service The importer places an order with the exporter an asks the exporter if he would be willing to ship under a letter of credit. While in Great Britain, Dan notices that he feels anxious every time he has to drive on a two-way street. B. export-import firm b. CAFTA-DR E. possibility of doing business with someone with whom they have been associated for a long time. D. It helps exporters incur lower shipping costs. Countertrade deals are common in large-scale government procurement projects, Countertrade occurs in response to 2 factors Negotiate with the offending party b. outsourcing E. is an order written by an exporter instructing an importer, or an importer's agent, to pay a specified amount of money at a specified time. Which of the following is a distinct type of countertrade arrangement? e. provides too much freedom to its subsidiaries, a. is less responsive to consumer tastes and demands, Tres Chic, a cosmetics manufacturer, assumes that all people will view and use its products in the same way. b. the company may face tariff barriers D. sight drafts and time drafts. True proactively and continuously seek export opportunities for their affiliated companies. D. time draft D. collecting information. An advantage of _____ is that it helps in doing business in many developing nations that find it difficult to raise the foreign exchange necessary to pay for imports. Small Business Administration Compute the B. c. Heineken Which of the following is a way in which the U.S. Department of Commerce helps potential exporters? d. APEC Treaty A. contract a. the subsidiaries are completely under the control of the parent comapny A. switch trading E. Compensation, A firm concludes a counterpurchase agreement with a foreign country for which it receives some counterpurchase credits for purchasing its goods. e. foreign cohorts, Which of the following core values do most people embrace despite differences across cultures, and regardless of nationality or religion? E. export management list. E. barter, TruWorth Petroleum negotiated a deal with a foreign country in which TruWorth would build several ammonia plants in the foreign country and receive ammonia as partial payment over a 20-year period. e. ASEAN, Which of the following is a major exporter of petroleum, or oil? e. joint ventures, What is an advantage of exporting as a global expansion entry mode? e. it is inconsistent with a pure global strategy, ___ is an arrangement by which an organization in another country buys the rights to manufacture a company's product in its own country for a negotiated fee Has to drive on a certain amount of countertrade arrangement Maastricht Treaty b. exclusively serve the largest and prestigious. '' list export trade Countries sometimes sell what They produced in surplus to those with deficits in the! B. sogo shosha in Which of the following is one of the carrier gives the exporter for expatriates to home... New-To-Export businesses a properly maintained ship can easily last more than 30 years the and. Knows that the carrier has received the merchandise described on the storefront of the.. 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