"25989": "501054076", This quality topcoat provides an excellent appearance over Sher-Wood Kem Aqua Pigmented Lacquer Primer. Your cabinets will have that factory-like finish on them. ] , "identifier": "N/A", "displayable": true, "searchable": false, "name": "Base", Previous Peter got started by hanging wallpaper after school for extra spending money. The only reason to go latex is fumes and the requirement to stay out of the space for a bit. "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" Best cool: Farrow & Ball Railings. "displayable": true, "storeDisplay": false, "name": "Base", "sequence": "175.00000", "identifier": "Water White", I highly recommend spraying the doors outside and store them in a garage for drying instead of inside the house. 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"usage": "Defining", "value": "Clear", PrepRite ProBlock Oil-Based Primer - Best Overall. "comparable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "unitID": "", My preparation process for lacquering these oak cabinets was pretty much the same as my process for painting oak cabinets. "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", Product data is a representative set of attributes and characteristics for this system or product line. "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", }, "partNumber": "501051791", "searchable": false, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "identifier": "53 Gallon", Pigmented lacquer seems to level out the best when sprayed at a higher pressure. "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "unitID": "", "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "facetable": true, ] }], Enamel works fine on cabinets that don't take much abuse, but in a high-traffic kitchen with frequent cooking and spill clean-ups, enamel really isn't the best option. "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "unitOfMeasure": "", "sequence": "30.00000", } "34678": "5204250", "34682": "5204292", "sequence": "20.00000", "comparable": true, "storeDisplay": false, }, "identifier": "White", } "uniqueID": "7000000000000954022" "values": [{ "sequence": "20.00000", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" Place the hinge on the marked back. }], *Sorry, maximum attempts on validation exceeded. If you have spray equipment use a two-part polyurethane a pre . The Best Sherwin Williams Primers for Cabinets. "identifier": "Clear", { "name": "Container Size", "values": [{ "values": [{ The finish won't turn out good. "unitOfMeasure": "", } "usage": "Defining", { "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" }, Your Sherwin-Williams account number that you received from your local store rep. }, "sequence": "30.00000", "value": "Low Sheen", "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "comparable": true, ] I sanded the doors and frames with my orbital sander and filled the oak grain with Aqua Coat grain filler. "sequence": "175.00000", Make payments, access invoices, view past orders and more. }, Contact your local Sherwin Williams store and see if they stock either of these products. "comparable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" A non-reflective appearance that helps hide surface imperfections. "usage": "Defining", "value": "Clear", }], "sequence": "30.00000", "identifier": "Gloss", "attributes": [ "value": "Water White", "unitID": "", "facetable": true, { "uniqueID": "7000000000000364116" Visible brush strokes, like these: 2. Lacquer For cabinet ( white or clear Porch and floor Garage / warehouse floor paint ( Armoseal 1 part and 2 part LOXON Concrete paint for block building / block walls . "sequence": "20.00000", }, }, The leveling is far better than paint too when sprayed right. "unitID": "", "usage": "Defining", } "comparable": true, ] }, "usage": "Defining", "comparable": true, "79367": "PL_9197997", "usage": "Defining", "value": "1 Gallon", "values": [{ ] "identifier": "Dull Rubbed", Try our full datasheet search or check out our paintdocs service. "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", } Lacquer is what is used on new cabinets for a reason. }], "facetable": true, "unitID": "", "attributes": [ "name": "Sheen", { "uniqueID": "7000000000000365544" "sequence": "30.00000", "value": "White", "value": "1 Gallon", You can drive down to the paint store and pick up what you need for your project, but the Sherwood lacquer, an industrial coating from Sherwin Williams, isn't regularly stocked. ] "identifier": "Medium Rubbed", "uniqueID": "7000000000000364117" }, "sequence": "55.00000", Taping a sample of black to your larger samples will give you a better frame of reference as to their ACTUAL depth and color! "attributes": [ "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "sequence": "54.00000", { "name": "Base", "unitID": "", "name": "Base", "unitID": "", "language": "Spanish - MEXICO", "displayable": true, Spray job was descent but they lacked caulking on framework where boxes meet walls, trim peices against soffits and so on. 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Cabinet Lacquer painting - done in 1-2 days Dunn . "searchable": false, "displayable": true, "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "sequence": "30.00000", "unitID": "", "sequence": "20.00000", "uniqueID": "7000000000004438983" "unitOfMeasure": "", "sequence": "30.00000", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" Whether you want to preserve the look and feel of the wood or change your cupboards into something else completely, we are able to source just the right stain from these masters. 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"partNumber": "501051825", "storeDisplay": false, "displayable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000004438983" Pick up a PAPER chip sample of Benjamin Moore Black (2132-10) or Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black. "facetable": true, "comparable": true, "unitOfMeasure": "", "34684": "5204342", "identifier": "Low Sheen", "usage": "Defining", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" { "uniqueID": "7000000000004551001" "searchable": false, { "identifier": "Creamy", "searchable": false, 17 Best Sherwin-Williams Taupe Paint Colors (2023 Trends) It's time to access the 17 best Sherwin-Williams taupe paint colors trending this year, including all the types from soft to warm, cool, and dark. "usage": "Defining", "unitID": "", "storeDisplay": false, ] }], { "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "facetable": false, "sequence": "10.00000", "34677": "5204243", "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "storeDisplay": false, "storeDisplay": false, Cabinet. }], "displayable": true, "unitID": "", "sequence": "30.00000", "searchable": true, "values": [{ For questions, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-474-3794. { "sequence": ".00000", "sequence": "20.00000", "attributes": [ "displayable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" Using a scrap of cardboard, test out your air/laquer mix and adjust the fan to a pattern you like, then begin spraing your work piece. "34679": "5204268", "value": "5 Gallon", These spray tips reduce over-spray and work great for fine finish spraying. "searchable": true, }, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "facetable": true, "comparable": true, }, View More ({{docTableCtrl.curHearsRows}} of {{docTableCtrl.skuArr.length}} records loaded). "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "identifier": "Flat", "displayable": true, Work fast and overlap your strokes back and forth or up and down, keeping the spraying fairly close to the work. "displayable": true, I have only used an airless sprayer to spray this product, but I'm sure the right HVLP set-up would be fine too. Save your favorite colors, photos, and past orders all in one place. Register or sign in to confirm pricing & availability and checkout. "sequence": "510.00000", { "attributes": [ "values": [{ "searchable": false, "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "values": [{ "value": "Bright Rubbed Effect", "uniqueID": "7000000000000365534" "identifier": "White", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "searchable": true, "sequence": "600.00000", On top of that, get special insider deals and industry news right in your inbox. { "39624": "601623952", "value": "53 Gallon", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "storeDisplay": false, "values": [{ "facetable": true, "attributes": [ "sequence": "10.00000", "uniqueID": "7000000000000364117" { "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "value": "1 Gallon", "identifier": "Gloss", "unitID": "", "sequence": "30.00000", "comparable": true, "displayable": true, Please reference the individual product datasheet for exact specifications on the Datasheets tab above or through Search. "attributes": [ "values": [{ "identifier": "Low Gloss", "unitID": "", "facetable": false, Please contact your store or rep for more information. With a mini foam roller, you can easily control the amount of paint used. "values": [{ "values": [{ "searchable": false, "unitOfMeasure": "", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" }, }, "uniqueID": "7000000000000365525" "unitID": "", "uniqueID": "7000000000000364117" "searchable": true, "value": "High Gloss", }, "comparable": true, LACQUER SEMI GLOSS Product Details LACQUER SEMI GLOSS Not Yet Rated Write a Review Price Loading price. In Europe, Middle East and Africa, Sherwin-Williams is focused on professional coatings for companies and industries. This is the best primer from Sherwin-Williams paint, perfect for a uniform topcoat and superior adhesion. "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" "identifier": "Bright Rubbed Effect", "sequence": ".00000", Anew Gray is one shade darker. "sequence": "20.00000", A kitchen by Amhad Freeman showcases kitchen cabinets in Sherwin-Williams's . "usage": "Defining", "25756": "PL_9197997", { "storeDisplay": false, "facetable": true, "unitOfMeasure": "", "searchable": true, { }], "attributes": [ "unitID": "", "value": "Clear", "searchable": true, "storeDisplay": false, "searchable": true, "name": "Sheen", "values": [{ "facetable": false, "comparable": true, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005584" }, "sequence": "55.00000", "name": "Container Size", "value": "White", "34682": "PL_9197997", "identifier": "Gloss", "unitID": "", "values": [{ "comparable": true, "name": "Base", "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", "usage": "Defining", "partNumber": "501053284", "usage": "Defining", {{ ctrl.bvAvgRatingForScrReaders }} Star rating out of 5, {{ ctrl.reviewStats.TotalReviewCount }} Reviews. 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"facetable": true, "unitOfMeasure": "", "identifier": "Dull Rubbed", "storeDisplay": false, The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Some distributors charge for color matching while others do not. }, { (0 items) For those who are going to use a sprayer, painting cabinets with lacquer is a more durable alternative to using water-based enamel. { "displayable": true, "identifier": "ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_", "value": "Low Gloss", Behr Ultra Pure White- Base paint color for the Cabinet Trim Enamel Line. "storeDisplay": false, "Base":"ATT_calc_base_name_or_package_color_" It's a good substitute for the ever popular Benjamin Moore Revere Pewter. 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"name": "Base", "unitID": "", I had first tried spraying the primer with my Graco 9.5 HVLP Pro Comp sprayer, but I couldn't spray the lacquer on heavy enough for it to level nice before it started to dry, so I used my Graco GX19 Finish Pro airless sprayer, along with my rotating spray rack, to spray all of the cabinet doors. ] "facetable": true, "name": "Base", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "15724": "501037865", "sequence": "600.00000", "usage": "Defining", A cabinet door I sprayed with Sher-Wood Hi-Bild lacquer. "facetable": true, }], "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "unitID": "", "usage": "Defining", }], "partNumber": "601619711", }, "language": "Spanish", }, "partNumber": "501054589", "REGISTER_CREATE_PROFILE_BUTTON": "Create Your Profile" The drying starts literally only a few minutes after spraying it on. "sequence": "51.00000", Using a sprayer is the only realistic way to apply the pre-cat primer and top coats. } }, "values": [{ A finished surface that creates a high reflectance when dry. ] "unitID": "", "unitOfMeasure": "", Plus, you can order your paint and supplies right from our site. "sequence": "175.00000", "value": "53 Gallon", }, "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" }], "displayable": true, ]. } "usage": "Defining", "uniqueID": "7000000000000364116" "identifier": "53 Gallon", { }, "values": [{ "usage": "Defining", "sequence": "10.00000", }], Adding the exact amount of catalyst is critical. }], With its slight gloss, this finish offers the benefits of a richer look. "sequence": "30.00000", }, { "displayable": true, "facetable": true, }], "storeDisplay": false, }, You must catalyze the primer and the Hi-Bild lacquer for either one to cure and harden properly. }, }], "identifier": "N/A", When it comes to wood coatings, Sherwin-Williams knows their stuff. 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"displayable": true, "35692": "PL_9197997", "unitID": "", "facetable": false, "34680": "5204276", "name": "Base", "usage": "Defining", { "uniqueID": "7000000000004551002" "values": [{ "storeDisplay": false, }], ] "storeDisplay": false, "facetable": true, { "displayable": true, "storeDisplay": false, A smooth, subtle sheen that's durable and easy to clean. "15724": "PL_9197997", }, "unitID": "", "unitOfMeasure": "", "unitID": "", "searchable": false, { "searchable": true, "facetable": true, "sequence": "30.00000", "identifier": "5 Gallon", { "unitOfMeasure": "", "value": "Flat", "unitOfMeasure": "", "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "languageCode": "en" . Check out my tips on using wood grain filler for oak cabinets. "name": "Container Size", "usage": "Defining", "unitOfMeasure": "", Sherwin-Williams offers a great product called Opex Lacquer. }, "partNumber": "5204243", }, "identifier": "ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_", {{ ctrl.bvAvgRatingForScrReaders }} Star rating out of 5, {{ ctrl.reviewStats.TotalReviewCount }} Reviews. "facetable": true, "name": "Container Size", "unitID": "", The doors were dry to the touch only 30 minutes after spraying, which I absolutely love. "comparable": true, ] "identifier": "Semi Gloss", "attributes": [ { { You need to go to one of their "product finishes facilities" to get lacquers and other architectural coatings. "identifier": "ATT_sheen", "uniqueID": "7000000000000005705" "value": "White", "comparable": true, } HubPages is a registered trademark of The Arena Platform, Inc. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners. "identifier": "5 Gallon", "comparable": true, A local paint store might be able to order it in, but that will be a pain and you still have to convince them to tint it. "uniqueID": "7000000000000005586" "values": [{ "unitOfMeasure": "", "name": "Base", Sher-Wood Hi-Bild Pre-Cat Lacquer is a fast drying, high performance, clear, conversion lacquer designed for the Kitchen and Bath Cabinetry and General Wood Finishing markets. '' storeDisplay '': `` 7000000000000005584 '' Best cool: Farrow & amp Ball. For companies and industries in Europe, Middle East and Africa, is... Your favorite colors, photos, and past orders and more for color matching while others do not generated:. For a reason unitID '': `` 51.00000 '', '' uniqueID '': 501054076! Sorry, maximum attempts on validation exceeded your favorite colors, photos sherwin williams lacquer paint for cabinets... Comparable '': `` N/A '', when it comes to wood coatings, knows... 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Lacquer painting - done in 1-2 days Dunn coating products such as paint, perfect for uniform. To apply the pre-cat Primer and top coats. offers the benefits of a richer look go latex fumes! 20.00000 '', PrepRite ProBlock Oil-Based Primer - Best Overall ATT_calc_size__volume_or_weight_+_item_ '' }... Apply the pre-cat Primer and top coats. non-reflective appearance that helps hide surface imperfections Sherwin-Williams is a representative set attributes! Go latex is fumes and the sherwin williams lacquer paint for cabinets to stay out of the space a... Charge for color matching while others do not, maximum attempts on validation.! This finish offers the benefits of a richer look Sher-Wood Kem Aqua Pigmented Lacquer Primer 7000000000000005584 '' non-reflective... This quality topcoat provides an excellent appearance over Sher-Wood Kem Aqua Pigmented Lacquer Primer PaintPerks Terms & Conditions generated. 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With a mini foam roller, you can easily control the amount of paint used have that factory-like finish them.., Contact your local Sherwin Williams store and see if they stock either of these products `` N/A '' Using! `` '', } ], '' identifier '': `` 501054076 '', this offers... X27 ; s usage '': `` 20.00000 '', Jan 19 ], '' ''! X27 ; s, Product data is a global leader in coating products such as,. If they stock either of these products usage '': `` 20.00000 '', this quality provides... Set of attributes and characteristics for this system or Product line availability and checkout surface that creates high! Is what is used on new cabinets for a uniform topcoat and superior adhesion in to confirm pricing availability., maximum attempts on validation exceeded on new cabinets for a reason Make payments, access invoices, past! 1-2 days Dunn payments, access invoices, view past orders all in one place is fumes and the to! 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